The tri-pitched roof is a more complex structure than the conventional single-pitched roof. Despite this, some owners of country and private houses prefer it to her. If you take measurements correctly and make a competent selection of materials, then such a roof will become an adornment of a residential building and will protect it for several decades. Such a roof is often built over winter gardens, gazebos and other similar objects to give the building an elegant look.
The device of the gable roof

The three-pitched roof has many differences from the gable roof. They consist in installing two rafters that will form a hip slope. In addition, you will need structures that will support the rafters. The rafters should be longer than the side rafters, so for their manufacture, you should choose a board of a more impressive length and thickness. An alternative solution is to splice existing lumber.
The three-pitched roof will have a frame, which is formed by the following elements:
- Mauerlat;
- lying;
- floor beams;
- racks;
- ridge beam;
- rafters;
- sprengel;
- struts.
As for the Mauerlat, it is a beam located along the perimeter of the outer walls. With its help, it is possible to redistribute the load on the walls. Lying is an intermediate beam, which is located on the internal load-bearing walls. But from the boards that are on the Mauerlat, floor beams are formed. They act as a frame between the attic or attic, as well as the floor. A gable roof should have racks that look like supporting vertically arranged bars. With their help, you can hold the roof frame. Whereas the ridge beam is laid on vertical racks that act as a support for the rafters. The last of these elements are boards that are mounted with a certain step and are located on a ridge beam.
Additional ingredients

At the bottom of the rafters rest on the Mauerlat. They are divided into oblique and lateral. The vertical support is a sprengel, it supports the rafters. Struts are boards that should be at an angle of 45 ° to the horizon. Struts are struts between floor beams or floor beams and rafters. The components should be interconnected with metal corners or overlays, they are fixed with nails, threaded studs with nuts orself-tapping screws.

If you will perform a gable roof of the house, then it will be necessary to carry out calculations. For this, the skate is measured, as well as the length of the walls. In the latter case, it is necessary to measure the perimeter. Then you need to determine the difference between these values. The resulting number should be divided by two. This length must be measured on each side parallel to the ridge. The next step is to check the length of the ridge and the average length of the walls that are parallel to it. The calculation must be repeated for the wall on which the hips will be installed, they are triangular parts of the roof.
Measurements should be started from the center point of the beam section. Then you should measure the parameters of the side wall, dividing the resulting figure by two. This value is measured from the center line of the wall. In order to reduce errors, it is recommended to use a measuring rail. Experts recommend abandoning the tape measure, as there is a possibility of errors during installation work. The rafter system of such a roof is durable, so the installation of a roofing cake is recommended for use in areas that are characterized by strong winds and earthquakes.
Mounting features: material preparation

The three-pitched roof, the photo of which is presented in the article, should be equipped after the preparation of the material. Traditionally, coniferous wood is used for the rafter system and lathing.lumber, which is prepared by drying under a canopy. Its residual moisture should not exceed 20%. When choosing a material, it is necessary to check it for signs of mold and rot, as well as darkening.
Lumber should be coated with an antiseptic, and to improve fire-fighting qualities - with a flame retardant composition. When do-it-yourself gabled roofs are made, the Mauerlat is usually made from a bar with a square section, its side can be 100 or 150 mm. Whereas the rafters and floor beams can be made of 50 mm boards, the width of which is 200 mm or more. In this case, the workpieces should be turned with the narrow side down, this will reduce sagging.
Working on the rafters

The rafters will be heavily loaded and must be made of rectangular timber, the dimensions of which are 100x150 mm. The rafters can be made from two spliced boards, trimmed between them, and then the system is pulled together on a hairpin.
Specialist recommendations

Lathing is an important element of the roofing system, it is made of 20 mm board, which is laid on the rafters with a certain step. These elements should be parallel to the ridge beam. If a soft roof is being arranged, then the lathing should be continuous; plywood must be used for this. To make a roofroofing can be applied, which will play the role of waterproofing. You will need insulation and vapor barrier.
Work technology

If you are thinking about how to make a gable roof, then you first need to lay the Mauerlat. The beam should be placed along the length and docked at the corners. Move the element to the inside. The Mauerlat is fixed to the brick walls with anchors, but it is first necessary to lay the rolled waterproofing material in two layers. The beam is treated with an antiseptic, and beds are laid on the inner walls, a waterproofing coating should be placed between the wood and the wall.
A three-pitched roof for an extension is also suitable. In this case, it is necessary to act according to the described technology. To do this, floor beams should be laid on top of the Mauerlat using boards with dimensions of 50x200 mm. The board should be located at the end, which will increase the rigidity for deflection. The beams are laid in a certain order, first the extreme ones go, then the intermediate ones. The distance between them can be anything, but it should be limited to a range of 50 to 120 cm. If you plan to insulate the ceiling, then you should leave a distance of 60 cm between the beams. And the height of the floor beams should be adjusted with wooden linings.
Work methodology
The three-pitched roof of the extension to the house must have vertical racks. They are laid on floor beams or beds. You can install and secure them with the help of temporary supports andjib. Racks are fixed to the beams with overlays made of wood or metal. The number of racks should be such that the step between them does not exceed two meters. The post should be located at the edge of the roof, which forms a vertical gable. On the rack there is a ridge beam, which is fixed with overlays or corners.
Side rafters are inclined rafters, the upper end of which is fixed on the ridge beam, while the lower end is on the Mauerlat. They must be made according to the template. The required number of rafters is cut along it, which are fixed to the ridge beam and the rafter leg.
The side rafters are reinforced with struts. Their thickness should be equal to the thickness of the beams and rafters. Sloping rafters rest on boards or timber. Fixation is carried out with corners or overlays. After the rafter system is installed, you can get rid of the temporary jibs and perform the crate. Under corrugated board and metal tiles, it should be sparse, while for ondulin it should be solid. This applies to all types of soft roofs.
A three-pitched roof quite often becomes an ornament not only for a residential building, but also for baths, gazebos, as well as buildings for any other purpose. When the hip slope is oriented towards the prevailing wind load, the roof acquires the ability to withstand fairly strong winds, which makes it more durable.