If you often have to cut logs, old trees or harvest firewood for the winter, then you probably have a good tool in your arsenal. But some owners of country and private houses are only thinking about purchasing equipment that can solve the above problems. Having visited the store, you will understand that the range of such units is quite large, which is why you may have some difficulties with the choice. And in order to decide which model to purchase, you need to familiarize yourself with the general principles of choice. After all, this is what will eliminate the likelihood of overpaying or purchasing a model that will not cope with the tasks assigned to it, which happens quite often. In either case, you will throw money away, as the equipment will be unclaimed.
What to look for when buying a chainsaw

RatingThe chainsaw presented in this article will allow you to understand which tools are the most reliable and which one is best to give preference to. Quite often, consumers, having visited the store, leave with nothing, as they cannot make the right choice.
First of all, it is worth noting that products have a certain resource of work. For example, in the case of chainsaws, it is calculated in the so-called engine hours. If you have the simplest tool in front of you, then this indicator can be equal to 500 hours. In the case of farm models, this figure is doubled, which is a very impressive characteristic. A higher grade indicates an increase in power, which can be equal to one horsepower. While the maximum figure is 8.7 horsepower. Considering the rating of chainsaws in terms of quality, you will understand that this tool can provide different durations of continuous operation. This figure varies from 6 to 8 hours. To solve summer problems, it is best not to purchase a model that is expensive. Since this purchase will be unprofitable.
Rating of instruments by intended purpose

Before you make a purchase, you must figure out which classification this or that model belongs to. Chainsaws can be professional, farm or household. The last option is designed for domestic use. Such units allow you to harvest small volumes of firewood, carry out construction work and cut down trees on the site. household modelshe will perfectly cope with the tasks that a resident of a country house will set for her.
Considering the best chainsaws, the rating of which is presented in the article, you will pay attention to farm options that provide for the possibility of more complex work. With this unit, you can carry out work for a longer time, it is suitable even for daily use. But if you are facing tasks related to logging, then it is best to pay attention to professional chainsaws.
Rating by manufacturer

After reviewing the corresponding product on the Russian market, you will notice that most of the tools are European brands. They are considered the best in their field, products are recognized all over the world and are characterized by high quality. However, the price is above average. However, we should not forget that there are manufacturers that offer budget models for sale. Their products are sometimes less reliable, but find their customers due to their low cost.
Rating chainsaws can not do without the products of Stihl. This plant is located in Germany and has a century-long history. If you decide to choose this brand, you can find chainsaws of different classes in its assortment: farm, professional and household. If you are interested in the best chainsaws, the rating is recommended to consider. Thus, consumers quite often choose this particular product, as it has a highquality and reliability. The price range is very wide. You can buy a chainsaw from 17,000 rubles, while it will be able to solve the problems of a household plan. If we are talking about a semi-professional model, then it can cost about 35,000 rubles. Semi-professional models will cost you about 50,000 rubles.
Stihl MS 170 chainsaw review

Rating of chainsaws is hard to imagine without this model, which has a capacity of 1.7 horsepower. Its weight is only 3.9 kilograms, the chain pitch is 3/8 inch. The engine capacity is 30.1 cubic centimeters, and the fuel tank capacity is 0.25 liters. Among the positive features, reviews highlight anti-vibration protection, as well as a chain brake. You can expect easy starting, ergonomics, and ease of use, but there are some downsides to consider, such as the need to clean the area under the lid, and the need to eliminate oil after a lot of sawing.
Husqvarna chainsaws

This Swedish company has been making tools for 3 hundred years and is considered the largest manufacturer of saws in the world. In the assortment you can find garden tools and a variety of equipment. By visiting the store, you can pick up a Husqvarna chainsaw, which belongs to one of three classes. A nice bonus for summer residents is that the manufacturer offers the most budget options for sale, which differ in many positive features. If, considering the rating of chainsaws, you have chosen one of the Husqvarna models, then during operation you should be prepared for the fact that the cost of replacement parts is quite high. The cheapest Husqvarna models cost about 14,000 rubles, while for 24,000 rubles. you can buy a universal model, but professional equipment will cost you a more impressive amount - about 30,000 rubles.
Husqvarna 240 chainsaw specifications

The reliability rating of chainsaws certainly includes Husqvarna brand products. One of the models - Husqvarna 240 - has a power of 1500 watts, and its weight is 4.7 kilograms. The engine displacement is equivalent to 38.2 cubic centimeters, and the fuel tank capacity is 0.3 liters. Among the additional functions and features, it is worth highlighting the chain brake and anti-vibration protection. This equipment is characterized by high performance, and is characterized by convenience in operation. During storage, you can note that the unit does not take up much space, and even the person who does not have enough experience can change the chain. According to reviews, the air filter performs well during operation, as it does not clog for a long time. If you often have to work in the cold, then you can not be afraid that the tool will not start in extreme conditions.
Chainsaws manufacturer Emak

If you need a chainsaw for a summer residence, the rating of this equipmentrecommended to consider. You can buy a similar tool if you pay attention to Emak. Do not assume that the products of this brand are not so common in the domestic market. Despite the fact that it is not known to every consumer, these chainsaws are among the ten most reliable. In the assortment you can find many budget models, the cost of which starts from 14,000 rubles. The most expensive household option will cost 20,000 rubles. But middle-class chainsaws can cost about 40,000 rubles. The company produces products under the Oleo-Mac brand.
Oleo-Mac 937-16 chainsaw reviews
The power of this equipment is 1600 watts and the bus length is 41 centimeters. The weight of the tool is 4.1 kilograms, which greatly simplifies the work. Customers love that this hand tool has a 35.2cc engine. According to users, the equipment is easy to start, has impressive power and relatively low cost. But you should also take into account the presence of some shortcomings, among them reviews note an uncomfortable chain tension screw.
Household chainsaws Kioritz Corporation
Household chainsaws, the rating of which is presented in the article, are most often in demand among summer residents and owners of private houses. Such a product is produced by Kioritz Corporation, its models have a cost of 11,000 rubles. However, representatives of the farmer class can also be found on sale, their price reaches 70,000 rubles. According to users, this product is inferiormodels of the above leaders, but has already managed to find its regular fans. The reason for this is a huge range of compact and lightweight saws with good build quality.
Professional and semi-professional Dolmar chainsaws
Semi-professional chainsaws, the rating of which you should consider before purchasing a certain model, are also represented on the Russian market by Dolmar. The cost of semi-professional class tools starts from 25,000 rubles. Whereas if you need a household chainsaw, then you can purchase it for 10,000 rubles. The goods are made in China, but this does not affect the quality of the products too much. Among the distinguishing features, one should highlight the low cost compared to competitors.
Chain rating
Chain saw chain rating is as important as any other specification. The ability to handle heavy work and cutting speed is affected by chain pitch. In order to make the right choice, you must be aware that there are three chain steps: 0.325; 3/8 and 0.404 inches. Chains in 0.325 increments are used on tools that are designed for short cuts. Such a chain will not withstand a strong load. But on more powerful models, chains with a pitch of 3/8 or 0.404 are installed. According to reviews, they are able to cut thick trees and work for a long time.