Even the most attentive and responsible housewives in the kitchen have unpleasant situations: food burns in a saucepan or a towel lights up. Sometimes more serious problems arise. For example, an electrical wiring burns or a fire starts. After that, a persistent and heavy “aroma” appears for the body, which is not so easy to get rid of. How to weather the smell of burning from the apartment? Consider further in our article.

First steps
To figure out how to weather the smell of burning from an apartment in 5 minutes, you must first establish the cause of its appearance. Most often, the following tips help with small problems:
- Open the windows and ventilate the room. If the weather outside allows you to leave the windows open as long as possible, then take this chance. It is the fresh air in the bigquantity will help to quickly get rid of the unpleasant odor. Create a draft or turn on a fan. This will increase the air flow and help drive out the burn.
- If there is air conditioning in the apartment, the windows can not be opened. Use the air purification function and leave it running for a few hours until the smell stops bothering you.
- As soon as you feel some freshness in the apartment, you can start wet cleaning. Be sure to vacuum carpets, furniture, and if possible clean the ceiling and walls. Wipe the furniture with a damp cloth, do not forget to wash the floors and windows. Curtains will have to be washed, as they absorb the smell of burning, especially if the trouble happened in the kitchen.
- If the source of the unpleasant odor is eliminated, all the above methods are used, but the unpleasant sensations remain, try using citrus peels. Peel an orange or lemon and spread the zest all over the apartment (you can put it on a saucer). If there are no lemons or oranges in the apartment, sprigs of coniferous trees and wood ash will help you. Baking soda or starch is also good at absorbing odors.

Folk remedies against odor
Sometimes even the strongest draft is not able to completely weather the fumes. In this case, effective folk remedies will come to the rescue. To make a decision on how to weather the smell of burning from the apartment, check your supplies. You probably have a whole arsenal to deal with such problems:
- Natural coffee. Everyone knows,that coffee not only has a pleasant and strong aroma, but is also able to interrupt and absorb foreign odors. First, cover the windows and prepare a small frying pan. A tablespoon of coffee beans should be roasted over low heat. Put them in a ceramic cup or plate and leave them where the concentration of the smell is highest. After a few hours, open the window and let in some fresh air.
- Lemon. Squeeze the juice from the citrus and mix with two liters of water. Treat surfaces with lemon water. Spread citrus peel around the room.
- Activated carbon. Grind a pack of tablets and put the black powder on several saucers. Spread them around the apartment. Charcoal is known for its absorbent properties, so it is also very effective in fighting odors.
- Medicinal herbs. Lavender, mint, thyme or sage can be bought at a pharmacy, but even better if they are prepared by hand. By analogy with the previous means, lay them out on plates or newspapers and leave for several hours. Herbs will not only absorb bad smells, but also fill the air with aroma.

Purchased air purifiers
The main condition for using any purchased product is the mandatory ventilation of the room before using it. Before printing and spraying it, make sure that you thoroughly ventilate the apartment. It is also desirable to do wet cleaning. If you apply an aerosol immediately after the odor develops, its components will mix with the burn and intensify it.
In stores you can find an effective spray against burning called "Odorgon". Before spraying the product, do not forget to do a wet cleaning. Treat walls, furniture and kitchen surfaces with it. After a day, ventilate the apartment. If there is no desired effect, repeat the procedure again.
Anti-tobacco spray eliminates the burnt smell well. You can also light a scented candle or use an essential oil: boil water in a small saucepan, add a little fragrant volatile substance and leave it on low heat for half an hour.
If you burned a pot or pan
Everyone who has ever forgotten a pot on the stove knows that the smell of burnt dishes can be unbearable. Food particles stick to the surface. Most often, it is impossible to wipe the dishes.
If the hostess burned the pan, how to weather the smell of burning from the apartment? First, you need to fill the container with water and assess the damage. In most cases, the dishes are easier to throw away than to wash, as the persistent smell of burning will spoil the aroma and taste of the dish being prepared. To get rid of the smell, ventilate the room and treat the surfaces in any of the ways described above. You can use lemon water or vinegar, wash the floor with water with the addition of essential oil. Bedspreads, curtains, curtains need to be washed and rinsed thoroughly in water with a drop of vinegar. Type clean water into a spray bottle and spray it around the apartment from time to time.
What to do if food is burned?
If you have a burning smell in your apartment due to burnt food, first of all you need to get rid of itleftovers. Throw everything in the bucket and dispose of the contents in the trash as soon as possible. Ventilate the room, wash all surfaces using lemon water or a vinegar solution. Remember to clean the oven thoroughly (if the food burned there). Wash the tulle and curtains, wash the windows. If the smell of burning is too persistent, use essential oil or prepare a decoction of citrus. Cut a medium lemon into slices and boil it in a pot of water. Such a brew will fill the kitchen with a pleasant aroma, and the cooled broth can be sprayed with a spray bottle.

To remove the smell of burning in the apartment after the burning of food, there is another interesting way - this is an imitation of the aroma of home baking. To do this, take a baking sheet and cover it with food foil. Grease the foil with oil, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Preheat the oven to 90 degrees, put a baking sheet there and turn it off after 5 minutes. Leave the tray inside for a few hours. Pretty soon the kitchen will be filled with the wonderful smell of freshly baked cinnamon, and the fumes will be gone.
Smell after electrical appliances caught fire
The smell of burnt wiring or household appliances is especially caustic and unpleasant. The cinder from plastic is absorbed into furniture, walls, upholstery. Even if the fire did not happen at your place, but at your neighbors, it is difficult to remove such a persistent and heavy “aroma” for the body, but it is possible.
First of all, make sure that the source of the unpleasant smell is disconnected from the voltage. In no case should you pour water on household appliances. openwindows and arrange a draft, the wind flow can be increased by a fan. If possible, remove the device from the apartment and try to arrange a general cleaning as soon as possible. If there is soot or soot on the furniture, use a special tool. Use all of the above methods to purify the air.

How to weather the smell of burning from the apartment? Another good way is air ozonation. There are small appliances on the market that emit ozone particles, known for their cleansing effect. The device will help you quickly and efficiently get rid of an unpleasant smell, disinfect the room, fill the air with tangible freshness.
How to get the burning smell out of an apartment after a small fire?
If the appliance is misused or a wiring problem causes a short circuit, a fire may occur. Even if the fire is extinguished in time, the persistent and heavy smell for the body will still remain for a long time, as it is emitted by burnt appliances.
Open all windows and let the apartment air out. At this time, carefully inspect the things that have been damaged by the fire. Choose the ones to throw away. Throw them in the trash as soon as possible. Items that have suffered less damage should be carefully washed of soot and taken out to fresh air.

To remove the smell of burning, you need to prepare a special tool. Take a teaspoon of ammonia, a tablespoon of 9% vinegar and 5 liters of water. With the resulting mixture, treat all surfaces in the apartment. You can also use an old sheet soaked in water and vinegar: wet it, wring it out and hang it up. Water will help get rid of the soot, and vinegar will quickly absorb the smell.
If the fire was strong
In the event of a major fire, you need to come to terms with the idea that the smell of burning has settled in your apartment for a long time. Of course, this is not a reason to stop trying to get rid of it. How to get the smell of burning out of an apartment after a fire?

One of the most effective ways is a major overhaul. If there is a strong fire in the apartment, you can’t do without it in any case. Affected items should be dry-cleaned, and those that are burned too badly should be thrown away. Be patient and do your best. After some time, no unpleasant odors will remain in a renovated, clean apartment.