Colored plaster is a decorative coating that is used to finish walls. The solution can be used outside or inside buildings, apartments, private houses, offices and premises for various purposes. A mixture is used to enhance the decorative qualities of the base.
The word "plaster" comes from Italian and literally translates as "alabaster". The plaster mixture for decoration has components similar to ordinary plaster, among them it should be noted:
- cement;
- lime;
- sand.
But the main difference is the addition of granulate. This is a free-flowing substance in the form of granules. They are wood fibers, fine stone chips, etc. Colored plaster can be sold ready-made. In this case, preliminary dilution with water or solvent is not required. In the store you can also find dry formulations that must be diluted before use.
Additives used
Depending on what the finalresult, different fillers can be added to the plaster:
- shells;
- small pieces of mica;
- small pebbles.
After the completion of the polymerization stage, the layer looks quite organic on the wall. Using this method, it is possible to obtain a three-dimensional surface.
Types of decorative plaster

Colored plaster is offered for sale in different types. Depending on the composition used, you can get a wall with a certain effect. Some solutions allow you to achieve a perfectly smooth structure. While others allow you to achieve the effect of relief.
With these mixtures you can imitate natural materials. Decorative plaster is divided according to several principles. According to the type of filler, it can be:
- structural;
- textured;
- Venetian.
Structural and textured views form a rough surface. They are called embossed. As for the Venetian, it can be used to create a flat surface, so such solutions are smooth plasters.
All of the listed types of mixtures are made on the basis of environmentally friendly substances, thanks to which they are considered reliable, safe and durable.
Kinds according to the applied binder: acrylic plaster

Acrylic colored plaster has a high molecular weight polymer as a binder, which is acrylicresin. With its help, it is possible to achieve good elasticity of the layer. Ingredients may include organic and inorganic pigments. Thanks to them, the composition can acquire a different color.
Features of the composition
Such plasters are usually sold ready-made. Their disadvantage is low vapor permeability, so the material is limited in use. Such plaster is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which means that over time the coating may crack. The composition contains acrylic resin, so the surface can be painted in any color using pigment pastes.
Mineral plaster

Colored decorative plaster can be mineral. In it, cement acts as a binder. Such a solution is inexpensive and is usually produced in the form of a dry mixture, which must be diluted with water before starting work. Mineral plaster is great for bathroom renovations and outdoor applications.
In wet weather, less water should be added to the solution. Mineral plaster is considered the most environmentally friendly, over time it only becomes stronger, during operation it is not afraid of mechanical damage and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. But it is undesirable to wash such a surface with the help of devices and use high pressure while doing this.
Silicone and silicate plasters
Wall decoration with colored plaster is sometimes carried out with the help of a silicone mixture, inwhich binder are synthetic resins. Such solutions are used not only for interior work, but also for exterior decoration. The solution is easy to apply and plastic. It is resistant to ultraviolet rays, does not attract odors and dust. A water-repellent layer is formed on the wall, so silicone plaster can be used for exterior wall cladding in areas of high humidity.
Usually, such solutions are available in the form of ready-made mixtures with different colors. The most common colored facade plaster for outdoor use is silicate. Liquid glass acts as a binder in this case. The mixture is characterized by high strength, resistance to putrefaction and mold, as well as the ability to repel water. The composition has adhesive, impregnating and astringent substances. It can be used on any surface.
It is characterized by fire resistance and vapor permeability. The mixture is produced in the form of a ready-made solution in different shades. This plaster is one of the most reliable, and its service life reaches 50 years. Silicone and silicate plasters are most commonly used in facade decoration and construction in areas with a humid climate.
Textured plaster

Textured plaster for walls has a coarse-dispersion, high-viscosity structure. The filler is linen fibers, mineral chips, wood, small stones and mica. The mixture is used for decorating concrete,brick and plaster surfaces.
You can apply textured plaster for walls on internal and external surfaces. The composition contains special particles, thanks to which large defects and irregularities can be hidden on the walls. For drawing preliminary preparation is not required. The base must be dry and clean. If there are peeling coatings, then they are removed, and then an adhesive composition is applied. Instead, you can use concrete contact for reliable adhesion of the plaster to the wall.
The layer has high hardness, forms an air-permeable coating and is waterproof. The result is a surface that mimics natural stone, fabric, wood, or other natural materials.
Among other types of decorative plaster, textured is the most popular, in addition, it is notable for its low cost. The plaster is made in a dry and finished form. It can be tinted to any color during application or dyed after drying. Consumption per 1 square meter is up to 2 kg. With an increase in the fractionation of the filler, a larger amount of the composition will be required to apply one layer.
During rainy and wet weather, such plaster should not be used for outdoor work. The temperature should be above +7 ˚С. Application can be carried out without the use of highly specialized tools. There is no need to involve professionals either. Even with self-decoration, you can achieve different design options.
Recommendations for selection

Before choosing a colored plaster for interior work, you should consider under what conditions it will be used. For example, the mineral composition is not recommended to be purchased if the walls are subjected to constant vibration. This may contribute to the formation of cracks. This is the main drawback of the described mixture. Cracks in walls covered with mineral plaster may appear in houses located close to busy highways, railways.
Silicate plaster is more reliable and durable, but it is also not very resistant to vibrations. The advantages of this composition are that it almost does not get dirty, the surface does not attract dirt. If you intend to carry out decorative wall decoration with colored plaster, then you can choose an acrylic mixture, it is more versatile. This composition is actively used for finishing interior surfaces and decorating facades.
Acrylic plaster is an excellent solution for rooms where conditions differ in temperature differences. This coating is easy to clean, it is the most successful and convenient solution. After the repair, you do not have to wait too long, as the mixture will dry much faster than other compounds. This makes the job easier. Acrylic decorative plasters are not so demanding on the preparation of the base.
The binder in silicone plaster is binder polymers. These mixtures are the most expensive among the rest. A positive advantage is the ease of application and plasticity. Even a non-professional willable to cope with the work of plastering the surface. The base is easy to clean after drying.
How to make your own plaster

Beginners quite often wonder how to make colored plaster on their own. In each of these cases, one ingredient composition acts as the basis. Among the main components should be highlighted:
- gypsum with lime;
- gypsum;
- lime;
- cement;
- cement with lime.
Fillers can be:
- baby;
- sand;
- stone dust.
Additives for plaster can be added to the composition, they are:
- hydrophobic substances;
- plasticizers;
- antiseptic supplements.
The texture of the plaster will depend on the type and quality of the filler. For example, a bark beetle may contain an average amount of grain of the same diameter from 1.5 to 5 mm. The lamb will use about two or three sizes at a time. There will be much more stones here. The filler technology is most used in pebble plasters.
Applying technology

Decorative composition must be applied in one layer. Its thickness will depend on the fraction of the filler. The surface is evenly covered with mortar using a smoother and spatula. There should be no seams between the treated areas.
Plasteringmust be carried out by two workers. One of them will apply the mortar, and the second will deal with texturing using the selected tool. If the facade is supposed to be finished with plaster of different colors, you need to glue the braid on the border, and after removing it, you can get a smooth transition.
As soon as the solution dries, you can tint the walls or paint them with a dry brush. The surface after such processing will acquire a unique depth. When it is necessary to achieve a smooth surface, plastering is carried out with a homogeneous mixture with a fine-grained filler. After the base dries, it must be sanded with a grater with an abrasive mesh.
In conclusion

When making the mixture on its own, the filler can be introduced into the solution in a volume of no more than 70% of the mass of the working composition. If the figure is exceeded, then this may affect the performance of the coating.
Plaster can have a different base, such as gypsum, lime or sand-cement. In the first case, you can apply the solution in dry rooms or in conditions with low humidity during operation. Sand-cement mortar is great for outdoor and wet room decoration.