Creative people should use skills and impulses of imagination in all spheres of life. The interior of the apartment is no exception. A hand-assembled chandelier is an opportunity not only to show your talents, but also to significantly save the budget by doing interior design.
What can a chandelier be made of?
In general, you can create a lampshade for a lighting fixture from a wide variety of materials, even those that seem unsuitable. A hand-assembled chandelier (photos of interesting options are presented in the article) is most often created from the following materials:
- Plastic. At the same time, even plastic bottles and dishes can become the main raw material for creating an unusual lampshade.
- Wood. If a person plans to make a DIY chandelier out of wood, they may need professional tools as well as some woodworking skills.
- Threads. There are a lot of ready-made ideas, following which you can make a chandelier with your own hands at home from ordinary threads or yarn.
- Cardboard is also a popular lampshade material forlighting device. The main thing is that the sheets are strong and the cutting device is sharp.

- Old musical instruments. This option will especially appeal to those people who cannot imagine their life without music. If an old drum or saxophone is found in the pantry or garage, then they may well be put to use. This look of the lighting fixture will create a themed and unusual atmosphere throughout the room.
- Kitchen utensils left in the drawer will also help create a DIY chandelier that will delight residents and surprise guests.
Therefore, the material can be anything. The main thing is to create this piece of furniture with soul.
Plastic bottle chandelier
It may surprise some, but even from such recycled materials as plastic bottles, you can create an incredible lampshade for any room, house or apartment. Before you make a chandelier with your own hands from this material, you should prepare the following parts and tools:
- Plastic bottles in the correct size and quantity, depending on the product design chosen.
- Cutting device. It can be a clerical knife or sharp scissors that can cut plastic.
- Stencils that can be used to cut out the desired shape or a ruler that measures the desired diameter and height of product parts.
- Marker for marking cut points.
- Decor elements (if any are planned).
Freeingspace for work and having prepared all the materials and tools, you can start creating an unusual lampshade. To facilitate the work, you can prepare a photo that will be used as a template. The sequence of work is as follows:
- First you need to cut out the necessary parts from plastic bottles. There are several options. You can cut off the bottom of the plastic product, it looks like a flower, or make the main part of the neck with a hill to create the illusion of a candlestick.
- Then, on the pre-prepared form of the lamp itself, use hot glue to fix the form on the ceiling or attach it to strings (if the main part is the bottom of a plastic bottle). When creating complex plastic compositions, you need to carefully glue all the elements that form the desired shape.
- After the main work, it remains only to fix the chandelier on the ceiling and screw in the light bulbs.

Wooden chandelier
If you have skills in working with wood, then a design made of this material, presented in the form of a lighting fixture, could be a great idea. For work you will need:
- Directly the material itself from which the lamp will be created.
- Fasteners. They may vary depending on the product design option.
- A device for processing wood (if the raw material is not prepared for use).
- Materials for coating the surface of the finished product. It can be paint if you plan to modifynatural wood look or surface varnish.
Having prepared all these materials and tools, you can get to work. The sequence of creating a chandelier with your own hands from wood is as follows:
- First, you need to think in detail about the appearance of the future lighting device. You can print a photo of a suitable option from the Internet or create a template yourself in a special program.
- Then you can start creating the elements needed for assembly. To do this, you need to measure the details of the desired width and length, cut them out using a special tool for wood.
- After that, you need to process and trim each element.
- The next step is to assemble the shape of the lampshade for the chandelier with your own hands. It is important to carefully fix every detail, because wood is a rather heavy material and can be dangerous if assembled incorrectly.
- The final step in creating such a lampshade is finishing. You can paint the surface, open it with varnish. And you can leave everything in its original form, bringing a piece of nature into the interior.

This chandelier looks spectacular and will help equip an environmentally friendly space.
DIY thread chandelier
It is very easy to make a lampshade from this material. It is enough just to have a little perseverance and desire to create a masterpiece from the most ordinary threads. The sequence of work is as follows:
- It is necessary to prepare a form according to which the lampshade will be created. Namely, a balloon, a box orany other base on which the threads will be wound.
- Choose the threads of the desired thickness and in the required quantity, based on the planned size of the lampshade. These threads, in a chaotic manner or in a certain geometry, are wound around the base.
- Each new turn should be carefully smeared with glue.
- When the whole mold is prepared, leave it for a while until the glue is completely dry.
- Then, carefully cut the inside (balloon or box) so as not to damage the threads, and remove the base from the structure.
- The final step is painting the product in the desired color.

This lampshade brings comfort and warmth to the space.
Chandelier from old musical instruments
If an old drum or pipe is found in a closet, pantry or garage, then they can be used to create an interesting piece of furniture. There will be no difficulties in the process of assembling such a lighting fixture.

It's enough just to purchase reliable fasteners and install the ceiling in the inside of an unusable musical instrument. Such a chandelier lampshade will delight everyone who will be honored to see it.
DIY kitchen appliances lampshade
Probably in every apartment and house there are kitchen appliances that are stored for special occasions or just lie idle. But from them you can create the most unusual and creative lighting fixtures. Depending on theinvented design, the following materials and tools can be useful here:
- The kitchen appliances themselves, from which the lampshade will be created.
- Fasteners or strong adhesive solution.
- Tools for screwing individual elements of the product.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- First, you need to attach forks, spoons, cups or other devices used to create a lampshade with your own hands to the base separately.
- Then you can paint the finished structure in the desired color and open it with varnish. If desired, the devices can retain their original appearance.
- After complete drying, the structure can be fixed on the ceiling.

Such an item will bring a spark to the interior of the room and delight the owners with its originality.
Cardboard chandelier for room
Before you make a chandelier with your own hands out of cardboard, you need to carefully consider the design of the product that you want to get at the end. For this you will need:
- Strong and thick cardboard.
- Scissors or utility knife.
- Glue or thin screws with screws.
- Paint.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- First you need to draw stencils, which will be used to cut out the form.
- Then, based on these stencils, a drawing is applied to the cardboard and the required shape is cut out.
- Parts of the future lampshade are combined with each other according to a pre-designed scheme.
- The last step is to paint the surface in the desired color.

The lampshade will turn out original and unusual even despite the simplicity of the material.
What to consider when creating a chandelier from improvised materials
When a person creates a lighting device for his own apartment or house with his own hands, he must take into account the following facts:
- The color scheme of the product. It should fit into the overall picture of the interior.
- The style of the lampshade should also fit into the space and look harmonious against the background of other objects.
- It is also important to act smoothly and slowly. This will create a high-quality and beautiful lighting device that will not differ in any way from those presented in stores.
In any case, a piece of furniture created by yourself will allow you to show your imagination, add a piece of your soul to the space of an apartment or room.