Bania has always occupied a special place in the life of a Russian person. Many people want to build such a building on their own. For them, this article may be useful. At the very beginning of construction, it is necessary to decide how to make a drain in the bath. The best financial and practical solutions will be if the bath is on a hill or adjacent to the house. In the first case, you will save on arranging the outflow of polluted water, and in the second, on lighting and on the supply of sewage and water. This issue must be considered before the installation of the foundation.

The first option is to drain the drain pipe directly into the sewer well, but this is usually possible only in the city. The second is to dig a hole for water drainage right under the foundation, and fix the walls with bricks. Water accumulates, then is removed using cleaning equipment. Such an arrangement of the drain is possible if the room is used by no more than three people. Nowadays, ground filtration has begun to be used, in such cases a sump (distribution well), an autonomous septic tank are neededand laying of drainage pipes throughout the site. The method is convenient for irrigation, but quite expensive and difficult to install, especially if the site is equipped. For those who choose options on how to make a drain in a bath, there is a reliable and long-tested method - a tap into the well behind the foundation.

During the arrangement of the base of the bath, you choose the part of the site that has the greatest slope. Dig a hole at a distance of 3-5 meters from the foundation. It must be at least 1.5 meters deep. Ideally, 50 cm below the freezing point of the soil. This is necessary so that the water does not freeze. Fill the bottom of the well with gravel, crushed stone, expanded clay, creating a drainage system. The edges of the pit must be strengthened from shedding. This can be done using reinforced concrete rings, they also use old tires or concrete with formwork. Soil is poured over the drainage system and compacted. Prior to this, a pipe is laid from the bottom of the base of the building, it provides a drain in the bath. The material can be cast iron, PVC, asbestos, ceramics - any, but not steel, as it can rust. The pipe should not have creases, bends, should be laid with the required slope. The joints are additionally covered with concrete, the pipe is insulated. The diameter must be at least 50mm.

This version of how to make a drain in the bath is suitable for all types of buildings. But it requires periodic cleaning of the well and pipes from contamination. Therefore, we recommend that before choosing a place for a bath, pay attention to nearby ravines ornatural drains, perhaps, in agreement with the relevant services, you will not have to equip the well, clean it. Only the outlet pipe needs to be insulated.
When deciding how to remove water from the building itself, few people think about how to make shelves in the bathhouse so that water does not accumulate on them, and this is an important point that many people forget about. So, to drain water from the shelves, it is necessary to leave a gap between them and the bath wall of at least 1 cm. This will allow water not to stagnate on the surface and at the corners of the junction with the wall, facilitate their processing and maintain performance.
The functional qualities of the building, simplicity, convenience and ease of maintenance of the building depend on the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of the approach to the question of how to make a drain in the bath.