A document fixing the amount of costs for a construction project is called an estimate. It indicates the wages of workers, as well as various deductions from it, the cost of purchasing materials and components, and much more. Estimated calculations reflect the interests of both the customer and the contractor. The economic interests of the payer are aimed at reducing the final cost, but the contractor, on the contrary, is interested in increasing the bill.

Ways to compromise
There are various ways in which performers and customers come to a consensus. One of the main ones is the discussion of the budget by articles. It takes into account all sorts of arguments from different parties. The document is open and agreed with each of the interested parties, but the final decision is made by the customer. Another way involves the closeness of the estimate. It is intended to indicate the positions of each of the bidders. The choice takes place on a competitive basis, according to the results of which the customer accepts the most advantageous offer for him. The cost of work and the reputation of the contractor are taken into account. The decision can be made at the political level. In this case, the taskthe estimated calculation lies in the formal justification. The final result is adjusted to a given cost by a specialist.

Who pays?
Estimate is carried out by specialists-estimators. They must have a high level of knowledge in this matter, as well as be aware of the technology of the work being carried out. Professional training includes several stages. First of all, there is an acquaintance with the process and its tasks. Then the acquired knowledge is transferred to practice already in the construction itself. And in the end, future specialists study the pricing procedure. The first stage focuses on the practical side. The main methods and types of installation, construction and repair work are considered. But the second one is theoretical.
Vocational training
Estimated work in construction is studied at specialized courses. Teachers focus on theory, and therefore on the second point. Applicants learn to understand the mechanism of budgeting, gain knowledge about the coefficients. Over time, the student will begin to understand what numbers are taken from what data, as well as what corrections and indices are needed for a particular case, and what should be the final result. The training also includes an introduction to the price formation process in construction. The study of features, principles and key points takes place taking into account all kinds of regulatory frameworks. Great demand for specialists contributes to the popularization of training courses.

Construction is developing quite actively, and there will always be a job for those who have completed this kind of training. It is very important to select qualified teaching staff who not only have a theoretical basis, but also have practical experience. After all, it is very difficult to talk about what you have never encountered. Some points in the theory are not implied, and the practitioner can give additional advice, clarify the subtleties that the estimate has. At the end of the training, a state-recognised certificate is issued.
The profession of an estimate engineer requires a responsible attitude. What are the responsibilities of a specialist? The main task is to determine the entire cost of construction. Knowledge of settlement rationing, pricing process is required. The ability to organize all kinds of competitions and auctions is also important. In the Charter of the All-Russian Trade Union of Estimators, an estimate engineer is defined as "a specialist in determining all types of construction work." That is, in addition to basic skills, awareness in accounting is required. Medium professional institutions have not yet developed training programs for future professionals. However, higher technical educational institutions offer to take courses "Estimate business". Upon completion, their listeners will receive a state-recognised certificate. Most of the audience is made up of engineering and technical workers and economists of construction companies. This is due to the requirement of experience in this field.

But any discipline, including accounting in construction, implies additional education. The acquired knowledge will not be enough to fully master the profession. To do this, you can use all sorts of tutorials.
Get more knowledge
Working with the calculation, you must be able to evaluate the cost of labor. This is the basis for the initial stages of all types of construction and installation work. The main component is the settlement part. It contains complete information about the cost of construction. This includes the initial price of building materials, their transportation, storage, etc.
Help with calculation
Studying the design and estimate business, a student may encounter a number of difficulties due to insufficient information. Most often, the description of equipment, drawings and the main components of the structure are used in the work. The source of additional information can be computer programs developed for this, as well as estimated regulatory reference books, which contain information about prices and norms.

Periodization of learning
The most affordable way to learn accounting is additional education. Most often, the program of teaching aids is divided into three stages. These include:
- Fundamentals of budgeting. General introduction to tasks and responsibilities.
- Studying the rules and features in the estimate calculation.
- Estimates and pricing inRussian Federation.
The entire course is presented in an easy-to-understand manner. After completing the self-study, the basics of the profession of an estimate engineer will be obtained. Thus, a novice specialist will be able to learn all the subtleties of the discipline.
Courses are far from the only opportunity to study accounting. Self-instruction manual on discipline will also help to master the profession. Below is a list of the most frequently used Russian editions. The study of this material will help the beginner answer many questions of interest to him, will provide an opportunity to master the basis.

- "Self-tuition book on budgeting in construction" (author - V. D. Ardzinov). This manual can be recommended not only to beginners. The book will come to the aid of students of construction faculties and courses. It is compiled in accordance with modern qualification requirements. The manual contains quite extensive material describing the cost estimate in construction. The tutorial will introduce the discipline, starting from the basics and ending with automated calculation. The theory of value formation and its features are mentioned. Attached normative and methodological base. with its help, the cost of construction products is determined. When studying the material, special attention is paid to a detailed consideration of the components of the calculations. Installation and construction work, rules for calculating and calculating the volume of operations performed are also being studied. In addition, there are examples of howindependent budgeting, and with the use of special programs. Each chapter ends with practical tasks and test questions for self-examination. The author of the publication - V. D. Ardzinov - has been teaching accounting in construction for quite a long time. The self-instruction manual compiled by him is based on lecture material. In addition, the practical experience of training cost estimate engineers in the framework of higher professional education was also used. This manual is considered one of the most popular.
- "Fundamentals of budgeting" - written under the guidance of N. I. Baranovsky. The textbook meets all modern requirements for the speci alty, has a good basis for self-study.
- "Reference book of budgeting" (author - A. N. Roy) is written in the style of "question-answer". All theoretical points that may be incomprehensible to beginners are considered with practical examples.
- "Compilation of all types of estimates and pricing" (author - V. D. Ardzinov). This manual is designed for those who already have basic knowledge of this profession. Overview of case studies according to different types of work.
- "Self-tutorial on budgeting in construction" was written under the guidance of A. Shlyachkov. Suitable for those who are just starting to get acquainted with the discipline. The content of the textbook includes theoretical points that make up the estimate, their practical solutions, as well as various applications.