To make your stay in a private house comfortable, it is necessary to create a proper sewage system here. This system can be assembled by hand. You need to know the rules and regulations of the construction of this facility. Features of the sewerage device should be considered in detail before starting work. This will be discussed in the article.
General characteristics
The price of a sewerage device in a private house, which is required by specialized companies, is quite high. It depends on the type of work, the chosen material and other factors. The average cost of installing pipes in the presence of a centralized wastewater disposal system is from 650 rubles / m. However, much more often it is necessary to equip an autonomous sewer.

Installation of a septic tank can cost in different ways. This work depends on the needs of the owners of the house, the number of people who live here. With self-arrangement of sewage, you can save the family budget several times over. Therefore, many private property ownersdecide to carry out such work on their own.
Earlier, a cesspool was built in private houses. Today, this method is practically not used. It does not meet modern sanitary requirements. In place of such autonomous sewage systems came septic tanks, treatment stations. They allow you to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the area. The stay of the hosts and their guests in a country house becomes comfortable.
There are two types of sewerage in a private house. These are household and storm systems. The first of them is designed to collect drains from a bath, toilet, kitchen sink, etc. A storm sewer device is necessary to prevent flooding of cellars, destruction of the foundation, and stagnation of moisture in the soil. With the help of this system, melt and storm water is collected. This is especially important in areas with high rainfall. Today, these two systems are combined into one. Private home storm drains do not contain oil or petroleum based products.
When connecting both systems, a larger volume of the septic tank will be required. This will require large investments. The owner of the site decides on the advisability of such a combination of systems independently.
Design and types of systems
Do-it-yourself sewer installation in a private house requires taking into account a number of rules and requirements of building and sanitary standards. It is necessary to consider in detail the device and types of such systems. Any type of sewage is divided into three main parts. It consists of an internal (located in the house), an external (passes outside the house) part of the pipelines, andalso the receiving device. The full functioning of the entire system depends on the correct choice of the type of septic tank. This issue needs special attention.

The receiving device can be accumulative or cleaning. In the first case, drains are periodically removed from the septic tank. To do this, you need to contact specialized companies. Cleaning systems are a more complex device. The choice depends on the characteristics of the operation of the sewer system, the type of soil, the area on which the house is built.
The simplest receiving object is a cesspool. This option is suitable for a small cottage, where the owners are quite rare. The daily amount of drains should not exceed 1 m³ in this case. Otherwise, the bacteria that are in the soil will not have time to process the inclusions.
Some owners of private houses build a cesspool with a closed bottom on their plot. In this case, the waste accumulates inside the structure, requiring periodic pumping. Moreover, such a procedure will be required quite often. This entails additional costs. This type of receiver is suitable for a small cottage.
It is better to buy a plastic closed septic tank. From it, effluents do not enter the soil. They accumulate, requiring periodic pumping of the contents. This work is performed by the sewer machine. A closed septic tank is suitable for a summer house or a private house in which a small number of people live. Due to the special design of the container, pump outwaste from such a receiver will be needed much less frequently.
The sewage system in the house may require the installation of a cleaning station. This is a special system that can process up to 98% of sewage impurities. The result is industrial water suitable for water irrigation. Silt accumulates inside the tank. It can be applied as fertilizer.
Choosing a location on the site
The water supply and sewage system must be carried out in accordance with existing norms and rules. The safety and comfort of people living in the house depends on this. When creating a sewer system, it is very important to choose the right place on the site for the location of the receiving device.
The drive or processing device must be chosen correctly. The volume and type of processing is chosen based on the daily amount of wastewater. In this case, you need to take into account how many people permanently or periodically live in the house. To calculate the required volume, it is necessary to determine the maximum daily amount of effluents. The result is multiplied by 3. The resulting value corresponds to the volume of the septic tank.

On average, the amount of drains is 200 liters if one person lives in the house. It will require a 600 liter septic tank. If a family of 3 people permanently lives in the house, you need a drive with a capacity of 1800 liters. On sale are storage and treatment facilities with one or more chambers. If there are 2 or 3 compartments, their volume is summed up when choosing.
When the dimensions of the receiver are known,you need to find the right place for him on the site. Relief is assessed. If it is complex, the septic tank will need to be installed at the lowest point of the site. At the same time, there must be a certain distance from it to the nearest objects.
The installation of water supply, sewerage is a responsible event. The septic tank should not be closer than 50 m from a source of drinking water. There must be a distance of at least 5 m from the road and a residential building. If there is a reservoir nearby, an open reservoir, the septic tank should be removed from it by at least 30 m.
Sewerage scheme
The sewerage device in a private house requires a diagram. This is best done at the planning stage of building a house. So communications, other objects of the system will be located rationally. The premises in which the drainage of water will be organized should be located in one sector of the house. This will save on the purchase of pipes, fittings. The short length of the pipes reduces the likelihood of breakdowns and errors during installation.

First, you need to create a house plan. It must be drawn on graph paper, indicating the exact dimensions. Further on the diagram indicates the location of the main riser. Its diameter is 110 mm (as well as the outlet of the toilet bowl). Therefore, the main riser is most often equipped in the toilet. This is also necessary due to the fact that the distance from the collector to the toilet should not be more than 1 m.
The main riser is applied to the plan to the point where the pipe leaves the building. She is infoundation. The exit point of the sewer pipes is equipped with a special protective sleeve. Next, you need to apply all the drain points. From them you need to draw pipe lines to the main collector. Nearby communications can be connected. For example, from the sink and bathtub, the drain can be made from one pipe. The outlet from the toilet cannot be combined with other lines.
Sewer pipes must be sloped. It is 3% for communications with a diameter of 50 mm and 2% for a diameter of 110 mm.
After designing the internal sewage system, you need to create a scheme for external communications. In this case, you will need a site plan with trees, buildings, etc. applied to it. Pipes should pass at a distance of 3 m from all objects.
Mounting materials
For the installation of sewerage networks, you will need to purchase the required amount of materials. They must comply with building and sanitary requirements. Previously, cast-iron pipes were used to equip sewers in a private house. Today, this option is almost never used. Cast iron communications are heavy. There are difficulties with their transportation and installation.
Sewer pipes are made of polymeric materials. You should choose communications of a suitable diameter. For the main riser and toilet drain, pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are needed, and for a bath, sink, sink - 50 mm.

Polypropylene pipes are suitable for internal networks. They areflexible, able to withstand loads, temperature changes. These communications are colored grey. Hot water from the bathroom, kitchen can flow through such channels. It gradually cools down. At the exit from the house, the temperature of the liquid decreases. Therefore, the installation of sewer pipes from the outside is carried out using other types of materials.
PVC products are suitable for installing communications outside the house. These pipes are orange in color. This is necessary so that the pipes can be seen in the ground. PVC is not intended for transporting hot drains. However, it is ideal for external networks. Such pipes are highly durable.
Pipes outside the house require additional insulation. This is especially important for regions in which the depth of soil freezing is significant. Otherwise, it will be necessary to deepen the networks greatly.
Polyurethane foam is suitable as a heater. Its layer is from 3 cm. With this thermal insulation, communications can be protected. You will also need to purchase plastic wrap. It wraps polyurethane foam on top. When choosing a heater, you need to give preference to rolled materials, which on the one hand have a foil coating.
Features of creating internal networks
The sewerage rules in your own home suggest installing networks starting from home. In this case, it is necessary to determine whether communications will be hidden or open. The first option is more difficult. However, all pipes will be hidden from view in the thickness of the wall. This greatly improves the interior.
For hidden systemcommunications are laid in the walls of special channels. It can be niches or special boxes. For a hidden method of laying pipes, inspection windows must be provided. They are created at the installation sites of shutoff valves, at pipe bends. This will allow, if necessary, to assess the condition of the networks, to carry out repairs.

Open installation method involves running pipes directly on the wall surface. Fasteners are carried out using clamps, hangers and other similar devices. The correct slope angle is maintained. Connections are made using appropriate adapters.
The device of the sewerage system inside the house involves the installation of special water seals. They prevent the entry of unpleasant odors into the premises. Such devices must be installed for each drain point. In places where pipes turn, tees must be installed for revision. This will make system maintenance quick and easy.
Please note that 90º angles should not be used for turns. It is better to purchase two 45º fittings. Otherwise, deposits will accumulate at the turning point. This will result in the need to clean the system frequently.
Ventilation for the internal sewer network
Do-it-yourself sewerage device involves the arrangement of ventilation. It performs 2 functions. Ventilation removes gases that form in the system, and also provides air flow. Oxygen fills the rarefaction zones that may appear during intensive dischargesewage or when supplying water under pressure. A similar situation occurs when the toilet is flushed or while the washing machine is running.
Sufficient amount of air in the system avoids the capture of water from water seals. Otherwise, it will be accompanied by loud, unpleasant sounds.
To create ventilation, a fan pipe is being equipped. It is a continuation of the main vertical riser. This line goes to the roof. If this network is done incorrectly, unpleasant odors will enter the house. The fan pipe should not be covered with ice during the cold season. Therefore, for ventilation, products with a diameter of 110 mm are purchased.
The vent pipe must be higher than other objects on the roof. It should be at least 4 m away from windows, balconies. This pipe must not be led to the attic or to a common ventilation duct.
Do-it-yourself sewer installation in a house requires strict compliance with all the requirements of the standards. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the system. Noises and unpleasant odors will appear in the house. The people who live here will be extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, the creation of ventilation and internal sewerage networks must be carefully considered.
Outdoor sewerage
Works on the sewerage device after the internal arrangement of networks are transferred to the street. You need to create a straight line from the house to the sink. However, when arranging the system on a site where there are already buildings and trees, it will be necessary to think over a system of turns and branches.

When creating communications outside the building, you will also need to maintain the correct angle of inclination. It should be about 3 cm per 1 m of pipe. If the angle of inclination is less, a blockage will form, since the water will not be able to carry large suspensions. If the pipe is tilted more, heavy particles will accumulate on the walls. The water will run down too fast.
In accordance with the previously developed plan, marking is carried out on the site. Next, you need to dig a pit for a septic tank. After that, you can create trenches for pipes. The depth of the pit for a well or a finished septic tank must correspond to the required angle of inclination of communications.
The sewerage device in a country house or in a private house involves pipes at a certain depth. The top point of the networks should be at a distance of 70-80 cm underground. Its lower edge, which is brought to the septic tank, will be located at a depth of 140 cm if the length of the message is 20 m. In some cases, the lower end of the pipe is deepened to 2 m. It depends on the length of the communications.
Such requirements for deepening are explained by the peculiarities of soil freezing. The net should be 15 cm lower than this boundary. If the ground freezes even deeper, thermal insulation is indispensable. It is recommended to create it in any case. This will become insurance in case of a long and severe frost.
Receiver device
The sewage bin can be with or without a bottom. Ready-made septic tanks are on sale, which are simply installed in a prepared pit. HoweverQuite often, owners of suburban or private real estate prefer to install sewerage wells. This installation option is more difficult.
To create a well, you will need to purchase reinforced concrete or plastic rings. They are installed on top of each other. By deepening the well, you can get the required displacement of the septic tank. The bottom of the well must be sealed. According to sanitary standards, water should not seep from such a structure into the ground.
The well can also be crafted with bricks. After the mortar has dried, the masonry will need to be plastered with a special mortar. This is a long, laborious and costly process. Therefore, concrete rings are used much more often.
The sewerage device may involve a septic tank device. It usually consists of 2 sections. They are interconnected. The first container is a chamber with a sealed bottom. Effluent enters here, separating over time into solid waste (settles down) and water (rises up).
The second well does not have a sealed bottom. It gets settled water from the first tank. The second well has a flooring of crushed stone and sand at the bottom. Water seeps into the ground, after being cleaned.
Expert Tips
The sewerage device requires deep knowledge from the master. It is necessary to correctly create a diagram of internal and external networks. The choice of materials depends on many factors. Experts say that if a large number of people permanently live in a private house, it is better to install a ready-made septic tank or a treatment plant. If environmental conditions allowcarry out soil post-treatment, a system with a filtration well should be installed.
To create external networks with branches, it will be necessary to provide for the presence of manholes on the site. This is necessary if, for example, a separate branch from the bath building is supplied to the system. The creation of manholes on the site will allow you to inspect the system, revise it, clean it and, if necessary, repair it.
Today, a large number of ready-made septic tanks and treatment facilities are on sale. Their use will reduce the cost of pumping accumulated waste. If necessary, you can purchase a special pump. With it, you can independently remove waste from the septic tank. You will need to call a sewer truck much less often.
Having considered the features of a sewerage device in a country house or in a private house, you can create a system yourself. Only if all construction and sanitary requirements are met, it is possible to create a reliable, functional sewage disposal network. With proper planning, you can reduce the cost of maintaining a septic tank.