Primula obkonika: description, growing from seeds at home

Primula obkonika: description, growing from seeds at home
Primula obkonika: description, growing from seeds at home

Primrose obconica is a perennial houseplant that blooms almost all year round. Large fleecy leaves of this flower are collected in a lush rosette, on the top of which are umbrellas of inflorescences of pale pink, white, lilac. Primula has a rather capricious character, but despite this, it is very popular in indoor gardening. Today, there are both traditional primrose varieties and new Dutch large-flowered hybrids.

primrose obconica
primrose obconica

This article will tell you in detail what a primrose is. Growing from seeds at home and proper care of the plant will also be our focus.

Variety description

The habit, duration of flowering and certain nuances of the agricultural technology of obconica primrose put it on a par with pelargoniums and saintpaulias.

Herselfobkonika is a small potted plant about 30 cm high. In fact, it is considered a perennial, but it shows the most abundant flowering in the first year, so in practice it is grown as an annual or biennial crop. This herbaceous plant has a fairly lush rosette with large velvety leaves. The shape of the leaves is rounded, the edge is wavy. Leaves are located on long pubescent petioles. Flowering begins approximately 5 months after sowing seeds. At this time, a rosette with 8-10 leaves appears near the flower.

Primula obkonika is a large-flowered representative of the family (flower diameter 6-8 cm). The flowers are collected in multi-colored umbrellas with long stems and rise above dark green leaves. At the same time, up to 10 peduncles appear in one plant. If the seeds were sown in the summer, then the obkonika will bloom continuously from February to May, after which there will be a summer break, and the flowers will reappear in the fall and last until December.

primrose growing from seeds at home
primrose growing from seeds at home

Biological features of the variety

Successful cultivation of this indoor beauty will largely depend on the knowledge of some biological features of the species:

  • In nature, this herbaceous plant prefers the lower tier of subtropical flora, hillsides, shores of water bodies, therefore it responds well to bright but diffused sunlight, moist soil and good aeration of the root system.
  • Obkonika (domestic primrose) grows well in loose nutrient soil with a slightly acidic reaction. The substrate for obkonika is prepared from high-moor peat and leafy soil - these components regulate acidity.
  • Despite the fact that the plant belongs to the subtropical flora, it grows well in moderate heat and even cool (15-17 degrees). Primrose needs this temperature to adapt to the light regime of our strip.
  • Obconica primrose differs from other primroses in that it does not need cold temperatures and rest to form buds. If you provide her with appropriate care, then she can bloom all year round - in winter and autumn on the windowsill, in summer and spring - in a flower bed or on a balcony.

It is important to remember that obkonika can cause an allergic reaction. However, it is not considered poisonous. When breeding it, it is not recommended to put the flower in the bedroom or children's room.

Primula: growing from seeds at home

Grow primrose obconica from seeds. Approximately six months pass from the moment of sowing to the beginning of flowering. Germinate seeds in a special soil from a mixture of turf and sand. Sow seeds directly on the surface of the soil, without sprinkling anything on top. After that, the container must be covered with glass and the soil should be sprayed regularly. If you maintain the optimal temperature regime (20-22 degrees), then shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. After that, they need to be put in a bright place, and the temperature should be slightly lowered.

primrose obkonika reproduction
primrose obkonika reproduction

When the first true leaves appear, the seedlings can dive. The distance between them should be 3-4 cm. Thus, they will grow until theyit will get tight. Then the second pick is carried out, while the seedlings of the primrose obkonika are seated already after 8 cm. When, after the second pick, the plants become crowded again (the leaves of neighboring plants will close), they can be transplanted into a pot. Now you can start feeding the flower. To do this, use a solution of bird droppings, mineral fertilizers or a solution of mullein.

This is how primrose obconica is grown. Reproduction of an already adult plant can occur in two ways: by cuttings or by dividing the flower. It is produced between obconica blooms.

New varieties

To date, the most common obkonika, bred by Dutch breeders. But old allergenic varieties are being replaced by new improved varieties and hybrids.

primrose seedlings
primrose seedlings

1. Variety Touch me ("touch me"). The flowers of this variety of primrose are large in size and a variety of colors. But its most important difference is that this primrose is safe for he alth, it does not cause allergies. Flowering peaks in spring and autumn.

2. Libre F1 - this variety of primrose also does not cause allergies, as it does not emit primine. There are 9 different shades of flowers in this group, orange and two-tone flowers stand out in particular from the total mass.

3. Grace is a large-flowered compact plant with various bright shades: white, blue, pink, red, purple.


Primula is considered a very capricious houseplant, but if you know what obconica primrose loves, how to care for a flowerright, then it can even be called unpretentious.

For planting obkoniki, a light loose mixture is prepared, which includes various soil components: acid peat, soddy and leafy soil, coarse sand. You can buy ready-made soil mix.

The location of the flower also matters. Given that the primrose obkonika prefers to grow in diffused light, it must be removed from direct sunlight. For example, it can be placed on a table next to a window or on a balcony where larger plants shade it.

obkonika primrose home
obkonika primrose home

In winter, the primrose is placed on the windowsill of the south or east window. There she has enough light and the temperature is slightly below room temperature. The ideal temperature for primrose obkoniki is 16-18 degrees. If the room is warmer, then intensive leaf growth will begin and buds will not form.

It is very important to monitor the watering of the obkoniki, especially during flowering and budding. Watering should be moderate, while water should not fall on the leaves.

This beautifully flowering plant loves top dressing. You need to feed about 1 time in 2 weeks. At the awakening stage, when the green mass is growing, fertilizers should contain more nitrogen. When the first flower buds appear, the fertilizer should contain more potassium for bud formation and abundant flowering.

Features of care during and after flowering

During the flowering of primrose, wilted peduncles and leaves should be removed in time. Thus, food is consumed sparingly, and thereforethe process takes a long time.

When flowering ends, the flower must be removed in the shade - so it will quickly restore its shape and bloom again.

primrose obconica how to care
primrose obconica how to care

After 1-2 years, the primrose needs to be rejuvenated and transplanted.

When the autumn-winter flowering ends, the old leaves need to be cut off and put the pot in a cool place. After that, the plant will grow young leaves, and then the bushes can be divided and transplanted into fresh soil.

Possible diseases

Primrose obkonika often suffers from fungal diseases - in this case, the leaves and roots of the plant rot. Also, the flower can die from viral diseases.

Of the pests, the more dangerous are: spider mites, whiteflies and thrips. Insecticides will help to cope with them.
