The long-awaited spring will come very soon, and it will be possible to slowly move to the dacha. And to make your favorite corner even more attractive, it's time to take care of decorating it.
Decorations for the garden, however, as well as for the country interior, can be of two types. The easiest way is to buy ready-made products in the store. The purchase will take very little time, but, firstly, you will have to spend money on it. And, secondly, the purchased thing does not have a soul. Decorating the garden plot with hand-made figurines or decorations, decorating the interior with your own hands will give animation to the plot and the house, make it unique.

For this purpose, any unnecessary materials, junk, cutting wires, pipes and other useless things will fit.
Garden decorations can be made from empty plastic or glass bottles. They make magnificent paths, fences,gazebos, lanterns, flower beds. It is worth showing a little imagination, and a giraffe can settle in the garden, whose body will be made of an unnecessary log (or board), and the head - from a five-liter plastic canister. Daisies are obtained from colored half-liter bottles, funny hares, pigs, ducks are obtained from "one and a half" bottles.
Garden decorations can be made from old car tires. By making just a few cuts with a knife and properly rolling the old rubber, you can create a beautiful swan, and by connecting several rays together - a terrible giant or a funny outlandish beast.
Multi-tiered flowerbeds made of cut branches look great. Making these garden decorations is easy. The area allocated for the flower bed is fenced with a fence made of bottles or sawn branches.

In the middle, the ground level rises to the desired height, also fenced off. This can be repeated several times. It is important that each subsequent level be smaller in area than the previous one in order to get a cone standing on the base. Each tier is planted with different plants.
If you don't want to bother with burying branches in the ground, garden decorations can be made from an old bicycle. Lean it against a tree. Install flower boxes on the steering wheel and trunk, hang bags filled with soil on the handles. They are great for ornamental plants. You can plant climbing plants near the wheels, and hoist the gnome all from the same bottles on the seat. The garden decoration is ready.

Decoration of a dacha is always different from the decor of a city apartment. Shelves here can be made from sawn trunks or branches, partitions between rooms can be woven from last year's vines. Empty bottles with tinted sand, stones or beans, dolls made from bubbles, bottles, old clothes will decorate the shelves.

From the same clothes, cut into pieces, you can make a bedspread or create a whole picture.
Wonderful will look lampshade, openwork carved from a plastic bottle, the ceiling of the system of a wicker basket.
There are always a lot of flowers in the country. It is easy to make flowerpots for bouquets. You need to take a thick sawn branch, select wood from it, and then varnish it so that water does not leak.
Decorating a garden and a summer residence is an amazing, creative and enjoyable experience. It helps to show your own individuality, calm down, brings an element of sophistication to the interior or garden plot. Dream up and your garden will turn into a real piece of paradise.