White quinoa, or otherwise quinoa, is a plant that has an ambiguous reputation. On the one hand, it is a weed that is characterized by incredible vitality and rapid spread. On the other hand, it is a useful herb that has been used for food since ancient times. And now it is used to make delicious salads, and is also used as a remedy for colds.
White gauze: plant description
Probably, there is no such person in the middle and southern strip of Russia, who has never seen this plant near the house or in the garden. The grass has many varieties and can be bushy or single-stemmed with leaves.
Leaves, as a rule, have a diamond shape, and on the edges they are decorated with mild teeth. The name white gauze was given to the plant because of the peculiar white bloom on the leaves on both sides. The quinoa blooms from late July to September. Its inflorescences are paniculate, their length can be from 10 to 45 cm. One plant can produce about 100 thousand extremely tenacious seeds per season. They retain their germination capacity after passing through the esophagus of animals and birds. Don't loseits properties and after a long stay in the soil in anticipation of better conditions for growth.

Weed damage
White marsh is a weed that requires constant destruction in vegetable gardens and agricultural fields. After all, the reproduction rate of the quinoa is very high. With untimely measures taken, cultural crops die. The plant can reach a height of about a meter, which creates shading in garden plots.
Fight the invasion of this weed on the fields with the help of herbicides and loosening the soil. In garden plots, you can cover the gauze with a black film so that it burns out. Lawns littered with quinoa should be mowed regularly so that the seeds do not have time to ripen.

Use in cooking
People of the older generation remember how in the famine years of the war the white gauze saved people from starvation. The leaves were dried and baked from them pancakes. Most often, seeds were used, from which porridge was cooked. Abuse of quinoa dishes can lead to a loss of nitrogen-containing substances in the body. As a result, muscular dystrophy and metabolic disorders occur. A person becomes depressed and immunodeficient appears.
In Romania, white gauze is used as a seasoning for pickling zucchini, tomatoes and lettuce peppers. In winter, they fall to meat dishes and hominy.
To prepare a vitamin salad, you will need a bunch of quinoa grass, carrots (it can be boiled), sour cream, a teaspoon of vinegar and a pinch of s alt. Everything is crushed in any way and refueledsour cream and vinegar.
There is another recipe. You need to take sorrel (60 grams), quinoa (160 grams), boiled potatoes (4-5 medium tubers), boiled egg. All ingredients are crushed and mixed. The dish is dressed with grated horseradish and vegetable oil.

Squinoa and oatmeal fritters
This dish was prepared by our ancestors in Russian ovens. In the 21st century, the preparation of fritters has undergone some changes. The modern recipe includes the following herbs and foods:
- quinoa;
- nettle;
- green onion;
- oatmeal or flour;
- 1 egg;
- s alt and spices.
In the blender bowl you need to grind all the greens. Oatmeal is poured with boiling water and infused for 10-15 minutes until swelling. Two masses are combined, 1 egg and spices are added. Future pancakes are laid out on a hot frying pan with butter with a spoon and fried on both sides. The dish can be served with sour cream or milk.
Use in traditional medicine
White gauze is not used in official medicine and pharmaceuticals. But there are many folk recipes using this weed. Which is not surprising, because white marya contains carotene, saponin, vitamin C, organic acids.

Crushed quinoa grass is used to pull out splinters and heal wounds. The same remedy effectively treats a decaying nail bed. To prepare the medicine, freshly picked grass is kneaded in a mortar.
Infusion from the plantprepared as follows. Take 4 tablespoons of fresh quinoa grass, pour a glass of water and boil for 15-20 minutes. The cooled composition treats skin itching, wounds, rinses the mouth with gingivitis and throat diseases. Taken internally for diarrhea, headaches and hysterical states.
Hippocrates in his teachings mentioned quinoa infusion as a cure for coughs and hoarseness.
Fresh steamed grass helps with sciatica. To do this, the plant must be rubbed and applied as a compress to the sore spot and left for a couple of hours to act.
Quinoa juice cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and removes toxic substances from the body. For its preparation, the raw materials are passed through a meat grinder, the resulting mixture is squeezed out. Juice is taken orally at 70 grams with one tablespoon of honey half an hour before meals. Externally, calluses on the legs are treated with juice.
You need to collect quinoa in the spring before it blooms. You can not use grass growing near roads. It is best to find white gauze at their summer cottage or in the village.
Queen consumed in large quantities can worsen the condition of chronic diseases of the digestive system. Do not use marijuana for diseases of the urinary system, gallbladder, kidney stones.
The shelf life of dried raw quinoa is 1 year. After this period, the use of marya will harm the body.