FBS block is an indispensable building material

FBS block is an indispensable building material
FBS block is an indispensable building material

The use of FBS blocks has long been widespread in our country in the construction of capital buildings and

fbs block
fbs block

structures. They have received such widespread use due to the strength of their design, simple and inexpensive laying compared to strip foundations.

Benefits of FBS blocks

The FBS block has frost resistance and durability, is able to withstand the great pressure of overlying structures, so it is used for the construction of basement walls and the foundation of houses. These characteristics are inherent only to materials produced in the factory, since blocks made in handicraft workshops do not correspond to the declared parameters.

Foundation blocks have a monolithic structure made of M-100 grade concrete and

foundation blocks 6 6 6 fbs
foundation blocks 6 6 6 fbs

M-200 in the form of a parallelepiped with reinforcement inside. On the sides, the FBS block has special grooves that are filled with mortar during installation, which ensures increased structural strength as a whole.

Types of blocks

FBS-blocks are of several types depending on the size and purpose and, accordingly, differ in price. The following types of blocks are produced: 78 cm long, 118 cm and 238 cm long, 30, 40, 50 and 60 widecm. The height is the same for everyone - 58 cm.

All of the above characteristics are indicated in the name of the blocks. So, for example, the FBS 3 block is a block whose length is 300 mm. They most often lay out the walls of basements in private construction. The second number indicates the width of the product, the third indicates the height. For example, foundation blocks 6-6-6 FBS are 60 cm wide, 60 cm high and 60 cm long, respectively.

All concrete products are manufactured in accordance with GOST 1978. Recently, some manufacturers, trying to improve and speed up the process of making blocks, instead of using natural drying, use steaming. This practically does not affect the quality of products, but it has a positive effect on the turnover. After all, if the FBS block is subjected to natural drying, it can be used no earlier than in 3–4 weeks, and after steaming, this reinforced concrete product can be laid on the 2nd–3rd day.

Laying FBS blocks

Laying blocks begins with the preparation of the ground on which they will be placed.

block fbs 3
block fbs 3

It is necessary to make a sand cushion at least 15 cm thick. In general, the depth of laying blocks depends on the type of soil. So, for example, in sandy soil, the FBS block must be laid to a depth of 40–70 cm, and in a base with a high content of crushed stone - more than 50 cm. Special attention should be paid to clay and loamy soils, since clay tends to swell when freezing.

Laying should start with corner blocks. It is worth noting that when using FBS 24the cost of building a foundation is reduced. Significantly reduces the cost of the crane, because the number of stacked blocks is reduced. The amount of mortar consumed for sealing vertical joints is minimized due to the fact that their number is reduced.

In practice, it is clear that over time, the use of foundation building blocks does not lose its popularity.
