Do-it-yourself tile shower cabin: photo and instruction

Do-it-yourself tile shower cabin: photo and instruction
Do-it-yourself tile shower cabin: photo and instruction

Personal hygiene is very important today, because every person understands that when he is clean and tidy, others like him more. Many people like to take a bath and relax in it for a long time after a hard day's work. There are people who prefer to take a shower and in this way get a charge of vivacity and freshness in the morning or evening after an active day. If you prefer the shower, then you will most likely be interested in our article. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to equip your shower in the best possible way. Next, we will talk about how best to make a shower cabin with your own hands from tiles, instructions for work and about the various nuances of this process.

do-it-yourself tile shower
do-it-yourself tile shower

Types and classification of cabins

Shower installations, like other designs, have a certain classification. The main difference between all types is the variety of types of collection of this cabin, as well as the withdrawal of water to other places. To date, mankind has come up with three types of objects that collect water.

Shower with tile drainIt is made of three types of standard type of metal. It is acrylic, steel or cast iron. The height of this type of pallet is no more than 50 centimeters from a particular floor. Pallets include all types of so-called accessories, which ensure that water is drained into its drains and discharged into the sewer through one or another pipe. In this case, a certain tile is used as a cladding material. As for our pallets, they must be installed using special type legs. Further, such legs go through the process of facing due to ceramics, and the whole device looks like a shallow bath.

There are also two types of bottom construction, shallow and flat. In such cases, their distance from the floor is no more than 15 centimeters. This type of mount implies a recess in the floor for a couple of centimeters. This type of pallet is often made out with your own hands, because there is nothing complicated here, you just need to use a brick. Next, we fill the entire structure that we have with concrete, and after that we overlay the entire surface with a certain tile.

do-it-yourself shower cabins from tiles photo
do-it-yourself shower cabins from tiles photo

Shower Styles

A do-it-yourself shower stall made of tiles can also have floors with a certain slope. Very often, professionals in this field advise clients to produce this type of floor, because this will not only help solve the problem of draining water, but also decorate the appearance of the bath. This will help you perfectly and harmoniously connect the walls and floor. The design of a do-it-yourself tile shower cabin can be quite diverse. It is very important not to go deep into the floor in the production of water outlets. As a rule, certain floors have a certain thickness, if you reduce it, you will get a weakening of the coating as a whole, and this can have detrimental consequences. In such situations, you can, for example, flood your neighbors.

shower cubicle tiles
shower cubicle tiles

Today, quite a lot of people install such shower cabins in their homes. Some people complete the purchase of a new cabin and install it in their home, while others want to go through the process of building it themselves. The dimensions of the shower cabin, constructed with your own hands from tiles, are set exclusively by the owner. After all, each house has its own size of rooms. In our article, you can find photos of shower cabins built with your own hands from tiles, and, based on these photos, try to make your own cabin. Next, we will talk in detail about what is needed for a shower installation, if you deal with it and do it exclusively with your own hands.

Features of similar product

As a rule, a do-it-yourself shower cabin made of tiles looks preferable to those people who completely dislike the designs that are in stores. This is an option for those who like to create something original in their bathroom. Photos of shower cabins made from tiles with your own hands will help you decide on the design. And you can build your own unique design. In addition to its appearance, shower tile has a lot of advantages when compared with types of plastic and so on. Totile benefits include:

  • Humidity, which will be constant in the shower, is absolutely not terrible for this or that type of tile.
  • In case of direct and prolonged contact of this material with water, there will be no negative consequences.
  • Tile maintenance is easy.
  • It can have a pattern or a certain color that best suits your bath and you like it.

It is very important to know that drawings of absolutely any complexity can be made on tiles, as well as so-called three-dimensional compositions of one kind or another. There are also companies that produce tiles with a specific pattern that you order, and in this case, your bathroom will be completely transformed.

shower cabins from tiles photo
shower cabins from tiles photo

Material best applied

A shower cabin, built from tiles with your own hands, requires clarification of certain nuances before its production. We have presented them in this article. Further, when you find out what the design of the tile shower cabin will be (the photo will help you decide), you need to find out a number of other equally important details. For example:

  • The location where this device will be located.
  • The shape of the bathing cabin.
  • Height of this cabin.
  • How many tiles will be needed to build.
  • The color of this tile and the entire interior as a whole.

Only after you solve the above questions, you can go toshop and purchase all the building material you need. You also need glue and other fasteners, a hammer, a level, and so on. Quite a lot of tools will be needed, without which it is almost impossible to assemble a shower cabin.

do-it-yourself shower cabin from tiles dimensions
do-it-yourself shower cabin from tiles dimensions

Varieties of shower cabins by the type of their bottom

The difference between these products lies in how the tiles are laid out on such an object. It is also very important to know the principle of collecting water in it. Based on this classification, the so-called shower trays are divided into several types, which we will consider below:

  • The first type is pallets that are up to 45 centimeters high and are made from materials such as acrylic, steel and cast iron. These types of pallets have all the elements that are necessary in order to collect and drain water into specially designated places. The tile in this case plays the role of a facing material. Pallets of the first type are installed on the floor due to the fixing legs. But in the future, after installation, these legs must be lined.
  • The second type includes flat, as well as shallow pallets, the height of which does not exceed 15 centimeters. If in the production of this type you resorted to the use of factory elements, then you need to make a certain recess in your floor. This type of pallet is quite easy to build with your own hands. As a rule, in this case, brick is used as the material. This type of structure must first be coveredconcrete, and then lay the tile that you like best.
  • And the third type is a special floor with a certain type of slope. This type will contribute to the connection of walls and floor with one interesting and attractive interior.

Expert Tips

A shower cabin made of tiles with your own hands implies a lot of nuances in work. And experts advise beginners in this business not to dive into the floor, especially if it is made of concrete. This is justified by the fact that the coating has a certain density, and if this thickness is reduced, then the floor itself will weaken. As already mentioned, this threatens that you can flood the neighbors from below. Therefore, it is worth thinking before constructing this structure.

Implementation of waterproofing at this facility

After you decide all the above nuances, you will need to build the so-called waterproofing. That is, your walls and floor, which surround the shower-type cabin, must be covered with this same waterproofing. And this process looks like this:

  • The old floor needs to be cleaned, or even better, remove the old screed altogether.
  • Using certain mixtures, waterproof your floor. Experts recommend in this case the use of powder. It is diluted with water and applied in a small layer. Ready-made types of waterproofing are also sold, which have a liquid appearance.
  • The place on the floor where the cabin will be installed must be covered with this material using a wide type brush.
  • Samethe method is used when installing the structure on the walls of the bathroom.

Collecting a pallet with your own hands from a material such as brick

In order to build a pallet with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Main material is brick.
  • Cement and sand to be mixed in the future.
  • Waterproofing mix.
  • Grid made of metal.
  • Drill, tape measure and special spatula.
  • Waterproofing paint brush.

Facing work

Tile shower cabins (photo above) after the construction of the pallet must be tiled directly with tiles. There are several ways to lay it today.

In the event that you do not understand this process, then it is better for you to entrust such work to professionals in their field. If you decide to do this step yourself, then be careful and use high-quality mixtures to fix the tiles.

After the surface is lined, it must be cleaned. The cleaning process occurs by washing out this surface.

Recommendations for using the shower cabin

In the early days, this type of shower cabin should not be used, because you need to give time for the complete drying of its surfaces. Also, during direct operation, you must try to adhere to the minimum humidity indicator in the tile shower.

If your bathroom is equipped like thiscalled a radiator for heat, then at the beginning you can put it on a low temperature, and gradually raise it over time. This process will help the cabin dry faster and you can continue building it.

do-it-yourself tile shower design
do-it-yourself tile shower design

Complete assembly of this shower cabin

When the tile shower tray is built and dry, it's time to start the process of assembling the cabin from the elements that we had in advance. As a rule, these are various designs that are made of fiberglass. Also, such materials are often made to order.

The further installation process is as follows:

  • In order to attach the walls of the shower cabin, it is worth using a fixing material called dowels. Attaches to the wall, floor and of course the ceiling.
  • It is very important to install a blank wall, and then start from it further.
  • The same production method applies to the second wall.
  • You will need special casters to help the doors in your unit move apart while saving space in the room.
  • Next, go around the edges of your walls with sealant.

Cabin sanitary fittings

After completion of all processes, all necessary plumbing and interior items should be installed in the bathroom. These items include primarily:

  • Mirror.
  • Various holders eg for soaps and shampoos.

From the entire structurethe most difficult is to make the bottom. After installing it, your process will go much faster.

tile shower design photo
tile shower design photo


A do-it-yourself shower stall made of tiles is a rather difficult product, especially if you have a mega-large project. Based on this, in some cases it is still better to turn to the services of specialists, and they will fulfill any of your dreams. Undoubtedly, in this case, the production of a shower cabin will cost you more than if you built it yourself, but as a result, you will definitely get a product of the highest quality type. Such a cabin will serve you for decades. But if you have clearly decided to make the product exclusively with your own hands, you must take your time in the process of work and follow all the rules and advice of specialists, the main of which are presented in our article. We wish you good luck in achieving this goal.
