Didactic speech therapy games are designed for children aged three to seven years. They should help kids to correctly form the structure of a word, be able to distinguish sounds by ear and divide words into syllables. Speech therapy classes with a child should be conducted by a qualified worker, and a didactic game will help to consolidate knowledge at home. You can make it with your own hands without much effort.
Why do we need didactic games
Some kids find it difficult to focus on the material that the teacher is talking about. Therefore, so that the child can perceive the information and understand everything without being distracted or tired, teachers use didactic games for children as working material.

Speech therapy games contribute to the elimination of problems in the development of speech, the correct formation of sounds and how well the child will be able to distinguish sounds pronounced by ear. Such games can be used both in kindergarten by a speech therapist or educator, and by parents at home to consolidate the material, especially sincedo-it-yourself speech therapy didactic games is quite simple. You can come up with your own scenario, which will be based on the individual characteristics and preferences of your baby.
All speech therapy games can be divided into several groups depending on the direction in which you need to deal with children. Here are the most basic ones:
- formation of phonemic hearing in children through games;
- developing exercises that correct the pronunciation of sounds;
- games that contribute to the formation of coherent speech;
- actions that develop fine motor skills;
- correction of stuttering through simple games;
- shaping a sense of rhythm in children;
- formation of speech in babies 3-4 years old;
- formation of speech in children aged 5-7;
- games for the development of mentally retarded children;
- classes needed to improve spatial orientation and determine the shape of objects.
For classes with a child, a certain group of games is selected, the most relevant in a particular situation. For each group, parents can make a didactic game with their own hands, based on the developmental characteristics of the baby.

Musical and didactic games
There is a huge selection of musical and didactic games for children of different ages, which, depending on the direction, will help kids develop hearing, rhythm and speech. All classes are held in the form of games using anya musical instrument at home or in a group in a kindergarten, as well as with a simple toy that the child really likes. Do-it-yourself musical and didactic games will be aimed at eliminating the speech problems of your baby.

The simplest example: children are offered 5-7 objects that make sounds of different tonalities. The child is given to listen to how each object sounds, then he must turn away, and the adult, having chosen one of the elements, knocks on it. The child should be able to tell by ear which item was chosen.
How educational speech therapy games are created
A DIY didactic game can be made from scrap materials available in almost every home with children.
First of all, it is colored paper, white and colored thick cardboard, scissors, felt-tip pens and pencils, PVA glue, you can also use fabric, buttons, rustling paper or candy wrappers, laces, Velcro and much more.
Game "Colors and sizes". Circles of different diameters are cut out of colored paper. For the manufacture of didactic material, no more than 6 primary colors are selected. The cut out circles are mixed, and the child is invited to separate them by color and size.
The game "Find a Pair" develops attention and helps in the study of colors. Any figures are drawn on thick cardboard, for example, cars of different sizes, and then they are painted in different colors so that each vehicle has exactly the same size and color.the same pair.

Domino game. You can take plain paper, which is then glued to cardboard. A sheet of paper is drawn into small rectangles, divided in the middle by a line into 2 equal parts. For this game, you will need 4-8 different drawings with the images your child likes the most. It can be fruits, vegetables, animals, cartoon characters, etc. You can create pictures yourself, or you can find them on the Internet and print them out. One of the images is glued to each half of the rectangle so that there are two of them on the figure. The task of the kid is to make a chain of dominoes, putting the edges with the same patterns to each other.
The game "Lacing". On thick cardboard, you can print or draw a boot by making small holes where you need to thread a lace to “lace up” the boot. For this game, you can use a thick thread with a hard tip or a regular lace. The main thing is that it is easy for the child to thread it through the holes.
Didactic game, created by yourself, will cost you much less. In addition, when connecting fantasy, you can make such material that you cannot buy in any store.