Williams variety. A pear that has become a favorite of many

Williams variety. A pear that has become a favorite of many
Williams variety. A pear that has become a favorite of many

In almost all garden plots, except for the usual apple trees, currants and raspberries, pears are also planted in a large variety. The fruits of this tree are loved by everyone for their pleasant taste characteristics, juicy pulp and good qualities during storage and processing. All varieties of this plant are divided according to the ripening time, and depending on this, and according to the quality characteristics, into 3 groups: summer, autumn and winter. Each of them has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of summer pears

The earliest pears - the summer ripening period - are very popular with gardeners. Fruit ripening on trees occurs at a fairly early date, from late July to early September. And although ripe pears are not subject to long-term storage (its period should be no more than 2 weeks), they are very well suited for processing and drying. From the summer fruits of this plant, excellent jams, jams and marmalades are obtained. The Williams pear stands out in particular.

Williams pear variety
Williams pear variety

Characteristic variety

Williams is a favorite among summer fruits. This pear rightfully deserved the title of a classic variety of world significance. seedling of this plantwas found quite by accident in Western Europe at the end of the 16th century by R. Williams, who spread the pear, giving it his own name.

Williams pear
Williams pear

The Williams pear variety (otherwise it is called summer duchesse) has the following characteristics, which have long received both recognition and excellent reviews from many amateur gardeners:

  • a vigorous tree with a broad pyramidal crown shape;
  • Pear is quite winter-hardy, although flower buds are sensitive to very low temperatures;
  • fruiting begins in the 6th year of plant growth;
  • Williams pear is a self-fertile variety, therefore, in order to have a good harvest, trees of such varieties as Clapp's favorite or forest beauty should be planted nearby;
  • fruits are of medium size and juicy flesh with excellent spicy, slightly nutmeg taste.

Williams pear fruits are valued for

Williams pear description and characteristics of the fruit has the following:

  • When ripe, they are quite large, pear-shaped with a slightly bumpy surface. The skin is very thin, bright yellow, covered with small gray dots.
  • The ripened fruit emits a pleasant nutmeg aroma.
  • The flesh is slightly yellowish or white and very juicy with a wonderful dessert taste.
pear Williams
pear Williams

Thanks to these characteristics of the Williams pear variety, this pear has become a real favorite among the late summer varieties of this plant. They allow a wide use of fruitsfor consumption not only fresh, but also for the preparation of excellent tasting preservation.

Removable maturity of Duchesse summer

Ripening for picking in the fruits of this variety occurs from the second decade of August. You can determine it by the appearance of the fruit:

  • they reach a mass of 170–180 g;
  • the skin becomes soft green.
pear Williams description
pear Williams description

Fruits removed at this time are well transported and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 45 days. After full ripening, the shelf life is reduced to one week.

Useful properties of pears of this variety

Williams pear has many useful properties, thanks to which it has gained a lot of fans:

  • Eating these fruits not only improves immunity, but can also improve mood in depression. This is facilitated by the presence of essential oils in them.
  • Thanks to the organic acids contained in the fruits of the Williams variety, the pear of which is eaten, there is a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and metabolism. It is very beneficial for both the stomach and the kidneys and even the liver.
  • Williams pear is a natural source of vitamin C. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and tidies up blood vessels, making them stronger and more elastic.

Traditional medicine

This variety, like Williams, pear is widely used in traditional medicine recipes. It is recommended to use it for such diseases:

  • Lung diseases, bronchitis, tuberculosis. With thembaked fruits are used, which have antitussive properties, and also help with fever.
  • Decoction of dried fruits of this variety has good diuretic properties, therefore it is very effective for all inflammatory processes occurring in the urinary tract, as well as for urolithiasis.
  • Both decoctions and freshly squeezed juice of this pear have an excellent antibacterial effect and help to clarify urine that has undergone infection, therefore, in the Williams variety, the fruits are used to remove toxins from the body.
  • In the event that a person has diseases of the circulatory system, the juice from the fruits of this variety is used as a remedy that strengthens the blood capillaries.
  • Williams pears contain tannins, which have a wonderful effect on stool disorders (diarrhea).
  • These fruits are antidepressants and help with tachycardia resulting from excitement.
Williams pear photo
Williams pear photo

Here is just an incomplete list of the medicinal properties of this fruit, which is used in traditional medicine. It helps to avoid the use of conventional medications, which, along with the benefits to one organ, can cause irreparable harm to another.

For those gardeners who do not yet grow this magnificent fruit on their plots, there is a great opportunity to plant a tree such as the Williams pear, the photo and description of which can be found both in the gardener's reference books and in this article.
