Many of us are familiar with ammonia from a medical point of view. But not everyone realizes that this drug can also be used in the garden. Recently, such an application has become very popular, since its effectiveness is confirmed in practice. Many summer residents are beginning to wonder how to use this drug correctly so as not to harm the plants, but, on the contrary, to have a beneficial effect on them.
Benefits of using
Ammonia, which has been proven effective in the garden, is useful mainly due to the content of nitrogen compounds. It is this element that plants need so much. Properly prepared top dressing on its basis can bring cultures back to life, help get rid of the pale color of the leaves.

Some will argue that there is a lot of nitrogenfree in the air. However, plants are only able to absorb its chemical compounds from the soil. In addition, ammonia has a pungent odor that can repel some pests.
How to use
Ammonia, which has many uses in the garden, is best used as a solution. To do this, dissolve no more than three tablespoons of the drug in a bucket of water. It is recommended to water the plants with this remedy with the utmost care, at the very root. In no case should it be allowed to fall on the ground part of the plant. This blend is simply superbly digestible.
Pest control
The main pest they try to deal with with ammonia is the carrot fly. It can cause significant harm to the plant, and it is not so easy to overcome the insect. However, there is a very effective and proven way. Five milliliters of the substance are dissolved in ten liters of water and the beds are treated with the resulting mixture. The carrot fly cannot stand this exposure and leaves the site.

Effective ammonia and in the fight against other pests. For example, to overcome a bear, they take ten milliliters of ammonia and ten liters of water. The resulting solution, when planting, water the plants under the very root. Until the end of the season, the bear will not touch your site.
Processing plants from pests with ammonia is the most effective and inexpensive tool that does not require special material investments and vast experience forpreparations.
Fighting ants
Ammonia from ants has proven itself not only in the garden, but also at home. If you are annoyed by these small pests, then simply pour the solution of the drug into a spray bottle and spray the places where the ants accumulate. In the house, it is enough to wash the floors with a solution of ammonia. At the same time, the smell will soon disappear and will not cause you any particular inconvenience, but the insects will leave the room.
Fight against aphids
Ammonia from aphids is an affordable and effective remedy. In order to defeat the pest, you will need to dissolve fifty milliliters of ammonia in ten liters of water. Add grated laundry soap to this solution and treat the plants with the resulting solution. The effect is simply amazing, the aphids leave your garden instantly.
Feeding cucumbers
Ammonia, whose use in the garden is known not only for pest control, can serve as an excellent top dressing for cucumbers. It is this plant that needs a lot of nitrogen. To do this, three tablespoons of ammonia are taken per ten liters of water. Cucumbers are poured with the resulting solution immediately after the start of shoot growth.

The frequency of such top dressing is approximately once every seven days. After the fruits begin to form, top dressing can be carried out more often, for example, once every four days.
Cabbage Processing
The beneficial effects of ammonia on many plants are known. So, ammonia, use inthe garden of which no longer causes any controversy among summer residents, it also turns out to be useful for cabbage. It not only saturates it with essential trace elements, but also effectively fights pests. For example, this drug is a malicious enemy of slugs, snails, fleas, caterpillars and the well-known cabbage fly.

In order to process cabbage, you need to take ten liters of water and 80-100 milliliters of ammonia. The resulting solution should be sprayed with plants every few days. But if the slugs are already wound up, then the solution can be poured directly from the watering can onto the head of cabbage. The pests should leave your garden soon.
Advantages and disadvantages of using ammonia
Ammonia has become a truly universal garden fertilizer, and the benefits of its use are beyond doubt. Unlike other nitrogen-containing fertilizers, it is completely harmless to both humans and pets. At the same time, ammonia is both a fertilizer and a means of pest control overnight.

However, this drug also has negative sides. For example, when oversaturated with it, problems with plant growth may arise. In this regard, it is not recommended to feed more than once a week. If ammonia is used for treatment, then solutions of low concentration should be prepared, and gradually increase it over time. Otherwise, instead of the expected miracle, you can get the opposite effect, and your garden cropwill not bring you the joy that you so expected from her.