Such an innovation as warm glasses appeared on the domestic market quite recently, but has already won the sympathy of many consumers. Nevertheless, an impressive number of our citizens have not even heard of such a heating system. So what are heated double-glazed windows, what distinguishes them from ordinary windows, what are their advantages and do they have disadvantages? We will consider all these questions in this article.
What are heated double-glazed windows and how do they work
The principle of operation of such glasses is based on the combination of two main tasks: to provide a room with a lot of sunlight and heat it.
Many will think that warm glass is the same car glass, inside which you can see a metal mesh, but this is far from the case. Externally, double-glazed windows with heating are no different from ordinary plastic windows. For the firstIt’s hard to guess that inside the profile there is wiring, and absolutely transparent glasses (of standard thickness) are coated with an even and very thin layer of metals that plays the role of a heater.

The structure of the heating element includes a protective and insulating layer, due to which the heat radiation is directed only to one side of the window. Therefore, you should not worry at all that a significant part of the heat will go outside.
This system heats the glass very quickly to the desired temperature and keeps it for a long time.
Electric glass production technology
The production process for electrically heated insulating glass units is practically the same as for conventional window units, which is as follows:
1. On cutting tables, using a diamond glass cutter, glass is cut to the desired size.
2. The cut sheets are driven through a special machine, which rounds off all the sharp edges of the product. This procedure makes the glass stronger and prevents it from breaking.
3. Prepared products are sent to the oven.
4. Tempered glass goes through a cleaning and washing process.
5. A special desiccant is poured into the cavity of the distance frame, which is laid between the glasses.
6. A contour is glued to the finished glass, and a second glass is laid on top. The resulting product is sealed and pressure tested.
7. After crimping, a second layer of sealant is applied.
The difference in the production of ordinary and warm glass is only in the installation of electrical conductors, a protective film and a sensor that controls the temperature to which heated double-glazed windows are heated.

The production of these products is based on the use of tempered and safety glass, the strength of which is much higher compared to conventional counterparts.
What are the features of warm glasses
Heated double-glazed windows (the technology of which is based on connection to electricity) are absolutely safe, since the contact busbars that conduct current are located inside the system, and access to them is possible only in case of destruction of the product. Also, we all know that glass is an excellent insulator, so getting an electric shock is simply impossible.

The presence of a protective film prevents the formation of a large number of fragments (in case of glass damage). A failed window element can be safely removed and replaced.
These systems can be installed in absolutely any window structures, whether plastic, aluminum or wooden profile.
Models with warm glasses can be in the form of a rectangle, triangle, circle, trapezoid and other non-standard shapes. They can be installed in both blind and open structures.
Main Specifications
Heated double glazing units have the following characteristics:
•the maximum size of a window with warm glass is 2400 x 4800 mm;
• The minimum size packages are 300 x 400mm;
• single chamber bag thickness is 17mm;
• double glazing thickness reaches 30mm;
• maximum system heating temperature +55 degrees;
• soundproofing ability of the window is at the level of 31 dB;
• power consumption (depending on the size of the window and the set heating temperature) varies from 50 to 800 W m²;
Let's look at the benefits of heated double-glazed windows. Customer reviews speak of the following positive qualities of this system:
1. They do not require expensive maintenance.
2. Condensation never forms on warm glasses.
3. Helps reduce dust levels in the room.
4. Does not take up extra space (unlike radiators and space heaters).
5. Due to the presence of protective layers, the glasses have a very high strength, therefore they are quite resistant to mechanical damage.
6. Consumes little electricity. With slight frosts on the street, they can act as the main heating.
7. They act as excellent thermal insulators. In cold weather, the cold does not penetrate the house, and in summer the room is kept cool.
8. Warm windows can be connected to the smart home control system and alarm system. In the latter version, heated double-glazed windows will serve asadditional security sensor.
9. The heating of the glass occurs evenly over its entire area. This property eliminates the possibility of thermal patterns.

Scope of application of warm glasses
To date, heated double-glazed windows have gained particular popularity in roof glazing. This is due to the fact that their high temperature does not allow a large amount of snow to accumulate on the roof.

Also with the help of warm glasses can be equipped with:
• winter gardens;
• balconies and loggias;
• facades of apartment buildings;
• swimming pools;
• gyms;
• greenhouses;
• large windows;
• room dividers;
• stained glass;
• Anti-aircraft flashlights, etc.
What is the cost of electric windows
Turning to the price issue, it should be noted that heated window panes are far from cheap, and this is perhaps their only drawback.
Thus, tempered glass with a thickness of only 4 mm will cost the consumer from 8,400 rubles per square meter (provided that an aluminum profile is used).
Glass, the thickness of which is 6 mm, will cost about 9800 rubles for the same size.

A single-chamber double-glazed window with a total thickness of 24 mm will already cost from 11 thousand, while as a material used forproduction of a profile, plastic or wood will act.
The price tag for two-chamber warm double-glazed windows (whose thickness is 32 mm) starts from 12 thousand per square meter. Natural wood or PVC can also be used here.
Please note that the final cost may vary depending on the reliability of the manufacturer and the quality of the components used (such as the sensor and thermostat).
When choosing this product, you should not give preference to unfamiliar and cheap companies that have manufactured heated double-glazed windows. Manufacturers who are confident in the quality of their products give at least two years of warranty and more than 10 years of free service. In other cases, there is a high risk that the glass heating will quickly fail.
Summing up, I would like to note that electric double-glazed windows have a lot of positive aspects. Put together, they allow you to build entire rooms from this material, which are distinguished by airiness and visual infinity.

Warm glass has greatly expanded the capabilities of architects and designers, because it can be used to bring even the most daring ideas to life. Projects with large windows and transparent roofs that could not previously be implemented (given the harsh Russian climate) are now available to everyone.
We hope that the information provided in our article has answered all your questions related towarm double-glazed windows.