Magnificent and graceful, the beautiful rose is rightfully considered the queen of flowers. There are many varieties, types and forms of this decorative flower. A place of honor in the species classification is occupied by a luxurious peony rose, bred not so long ago. It will be discussed in this article.
Description and characteristics
Peony roses are a hybrid of an elegant rose and a lush peony, the result of the efforts of the English breeder D. Austin. They are also called English Austin roses or Austins.
Different in a wide color palette of inflorescences, saturated with a pleasant aroma, a long flowering period and the ability to grow rapidly, forming a shrub. They can reach up to two meters in height. Climbing subspecies have also been bred. Lush inflorescences with terry centers come in different shapes: rosette, pomposity and cup-like. Buds with a diameter of 5-12 cm are collected in brushes of 3-7 pieces.

Currently, varieties of peony roses are becoming more and more popular. Their value lies in unpretentiousness and resistance to various diseases. Thanks to these qualities, roses are widely used in garden interiors, they decoratehalls for celebrations, create flower arrangements and bouquets. Tall varieties are suitable for creating hedges. A peony shrub rose combined with field and ornamental crops is a real decoration of the landscape.
Most popular varieties
To date, about 200 varieties of peony roses have been registered, divided into groups according to the color of the buds. There are pink, yellow, orange, red, burgundy, purple and powder shades. Pink varieties include

- "constance spray" - the first peony variety from the collection of David Austin;
- "Gertrude Jekyll";
- Williams Maurice;
- "Miranda";
- "pink o'hara";
- "August Louise";
- "mariatheresia";
- "rosalind";
- "pink piano".
White peony roses are the smallest group of varieties. But they are not popular with florists and flower growers. They are not only a decoration of gardens, but often lead a solo part in wedding bouquets.

- "Tranquility" - a variety of 2012, characterized by snow-white color of opened buds and apple aroma;
- "Clair Astin" - white buds with a slight creamy tint;
- "alabaster";
- "vitalitis";
- Gleys Castle.
There are varieties and a yellow palette of shades:
- "Graham Thomas";
- golden celebrity;
- "toulouse latrec";
- Charlotte;
- "sunset bolivar".

Red roses are considered a symbol of love. Shades range from bright scarlet to rich burgundy, giving severity and some excitement. Such peony roses are widely used in cutting for bouquets. The photo below is a prime example of this.
- Shakespeare;
- "Benjamin Briten";
- "munstead wood";
- "otello";
- "dark lady";
- darcy.
"Memi blue" is considered the most outlandish variety of this species due to the unusual fawn-lilac hue of the buds.
It is always difficult to make a choice, because the flowers of peony roses are very attractive and each variety seduces in its own way.
Features of cultivation
The peony rose does not have a capricious character, you just need to know some of the nuances of growing so that it pleases others with a luxurious picturesque view for as long as possible.

- Plant only in pre-fertilized nutrient soil.
- Wash directly under the root as the soil dries.
- Regularly hill seedlings, trying not to injure the root system.
- Removing weeds reduces the chance of developing diseases.
- You need to feed the rose with fertilizers that correspond to the stages of flower development.
- Perform sanitary and shaping pruning.
- During heavy rains, it is recommended to cover the shrubs with a film or a temporary canopy to avoid the development of fungal diseases, since the peony rose is too sensitive to waterlogging.
- Afterrainfall rose branches are gently shaken to get rid of excess moisture, which can damage the buds.
- Tall varieties need support, as the severity of the opened inflorescences bends the branches to the ground, which does not have the best effect on the attractiveness of the flower.
- The stems of weaving species must be tied up, forming a sprawling crown.
- In winter, bushes need shelter.
Caring for roses
English roses, despite such an exquisite name, are not at all demanding in care, which includes not so much: watering, nutritious top dressing and sanitary pruning.
For active flowering, ostins must be fed with special preparations for roses for various purposes. The first top dressing is carried out in early spring, when the buds are laid. In June, it is the turn of nitrogen fertilizers; at the stage of bud formation, phosphorus and calcium are added to top dressing. At the end of summer, top dressing is stopped so that the plant stops actively growing shoots and prepares for winter.
Watering is carried out in the evening to keep moisture in the soil longer. The frequency depends on weather conditions and the degree of drying of the soil. The amount of water used for irrigation also depends on the size of the bush. Water consumption averages 5 - 10 liters.
Fit features
Plant peony roses in spring, when the threat of frost has passed, or in autumn. Soil temperature should not be below 9 - 10 degrees. The site selected for planting is preliminarily dug up, a hole is prepared with dimensions up to 50 cm deep and a diameter of 1 meter. This is necessary for the free branching of the roots. To accelerate the growth, the roots are treated with a growth stimulator. Before planting, the soil is fertilized using humus or horse manure, which warms the soil well.

The plant will grow well both in a lighted area and in slightly shaded places. But for active flowering, the sun should illuminate peony roses for at least 3 to 4 hours a day. Austinki are suitable for both single landings and group landings. Basically, it is recommended to land in a triangular pattern, at a distance of 50 cm from each other. For a picturesque landscape, one variety of peony roses is selected, the seedlings of which should be the same in height. Over time, small cuttings turn into beautifully flowering domed bushes.
Methods of reproduction
There are several options for breeding a luxurious flower, but grafting is considered the most effective. As a rootstock, the grafted plant uses the Rosa Iaxa variety, since these roses practically do not produce wild shoots. When planting in the ground, the grafting site is always left a few centimeters above the soil surface.
The cutting method is also used, but in this case there is a possibility of losing the decorative features of the parent sample. Reproduction can be carried out independently or purchased seedlings in special nurseries. When buying, you should always carefully inspect the plant for damage and disease: the roots should be elastic and the trunk should be green.
Preventive pruning
Twice a year, the peony spray rose needs sanitary pruning. In the spring, before bud break, all diseased, broken and dried shoots are removed, as well as "wild" ones that appeared below the graft bud. The remaining he althy shoots are shortened by one third. Climbing species are not cut so carefully, removing only weak or frostbitten tips. Throughout the summer, unblown and faded buds should be removed to successfully form new ones.
Autumn pruning is carried out after the end of the flowering period. The resulting cuttings can be stored until spring and used for subsequent rooting. The pruning procedure is carried out using a garden pruner with thin sharp blades, carefully disinfecting the tool after each bush to avoid disease. Pruning can also form any desired shape of a shrub, most often they choose a spherical crown for a peony rose (the photo is later in the article as a good example of a spectacular transformation).
Diseases and pests
English Austin roses are very resistant to various diseases, but can still be affected by root rot, powdery mildew and black spot. For treatment and prevention, spraying with special means is carried out. Use solutions of whey, wood ash and copper sulfate. For faster and more effective help, targeted chemicals are used. If the plant does not respond to treatment, it is better to remove it so as not to infect neighboring specimens.
Pests,who choose rose bushes for their settlements: aphids, Maybug, snails and spider mites. Get rid of them with solutions of soda, manganese, soap or special preparations from the store.
Preparing for winter
In October-November, all mature shoots and leaves are removed from the bushes. Scourges of curly species are removed from supports and bent to the ground. So that roses do not suffer in winter, especially young seedlings, their stems are sprinkled with sawdust, and various covering structures are made from natural materials on top. Do not use only the film, because the bushes must "breathe".

Artificial roses as an element of decor
There are hardly any people who do not like fresh flowers. But no matter how charming they are, they are destined to fade over time. The same cannot be said about artificial flowers, which gradually replace natural plants in the decor and become a wonderful interior decoration.
Which only materials are not used to make artificial flowers: fabric and paper, plastic and polymer clay, twine and lace, newspapers and fallen autumn leaves. And yet, from foamiran, a peony rose is obtained especially natural. Flower bouquets made of such material are often mistaken for compositions of "natural" flowers. With their help, they create a bright festive decor for various festive events. They are also used as accessories for the chosen outfit, fixed in hair, clothes, handbags.