Log bath is a traditional building for our country. Wood has a lot of undeniable advantages over any other materials. Firstly, it perfectly retains heat, which is very important for a bath. Secondly, it breathes. And this is the best way to create a good microclimate. And thirdly, it is absolutely eco-friendly and smells good.

A log bath is built using certain technologies. The first thing to do is to choose quality material. The most expensive option is a building made of cedar or larch. The cheapest is from pine or spruce. Logs are selected as even as possible. Their diameter should be about 18-22 cm. For lining the steam room, it will be necessary to prepare aspen or linden edged boards or lining. The fact is that coniferous wood can release resinous substances at high temperatures.
Projects of log baths can be very different. However, the most common option is a 36 or 46 building. Most often, the interior is divided into two or three parts. Without fail, there is a dressing room and, in fact, a steam room. Sometimes the washing is separated from the latter. Partitions in this case can be log orcobbled. The dressing room is allowed to separate the frame.

The log house is not previously made on the foundation, but next to it. After assembly, it will dry out and shrink for about a year and a half. Further, it is disassembled and assembled already at a permanent place. A log bath thus turns out to be reliable and warm. The corners can be connected "in a paw", "in a bowl" or "in an end tongue". All of these methods have both their advantages and disadvantages. The first method allows you to build a bath with warm corners and stronger. However, this takes a little more material. With the “into the bowl” method, you can save on wood.
A log bath folded “into an end tongue” is also very durable. This is a very economical method, and therefore it is considered the highest priority and has recently been used most often in the construction of log structures. Its essence is quite simple. A spike is made at the end of one log, a groove is made at the end of the second. After the log house is ready, the walls will be caulked without fail.

Modern technologies are used today even in such a traditional area as felling buildings. For example, the project of a rounded log bath today can attract any owner of a suburban area. It is now customary to build these structures in this way. It turns out a rounded log after careful processing of the usual one. It looks much smoother and neater. Baths are built from it using the technologies described above. After the construction of the buildingof this material practically does not require external finishing. The logs are simply covered with a special composition that prevents the walls from darkening. The natural pattern of the tree remains fully visible.
To build a chopped bath at their summer cottage means to make your life much more comfortable. This traditional Russian building has been used for centuries for relaxation, for washing and for healing.