Flowerbed near the house: do-it-yourself decoration

Flowerbed near the house: do-it-yourself decoration
Flowerbed near the house: do-it-yourself decoration

Almost every avid summer resident dreams of getting an original and beautifully designed flower bed in his favorite area. Everyone strives to make it unique, not like the others, it is unusual to arrange a flower garden. In order for all the most daring ideas and fantasies of the owner to come true, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on the services of a gardener or landscape designer, it is quite possible to create a beautiful design of a flower bed near the house on your own.

flowerbed near the house decoration
flowerbed near the house decoration

Types of flowerbeds

At its core, any flower bed is a small piece of land that is used for decorative purposes. A place for planting plants can be easily found in almost any area. It can be either a very small piece of land or a whole landscape. There are many different types of flower beds.

Regular flower bed

A distinctive feature of this species is that all plants bloom at the same time. It is quite rare to find such a flower bed near the house. The design of city parks is another matter, here such flower beds are often used.

Irregular flower bed

Perennial plants with different flowering periods predominate. Such a flower bed, unlike the previous one, is unpretentious in care.

Natural flower bed

The most natural of all garden plantings. Usually such a flower bed has several levels, due to which it looks interesting and attractive. Creating natural flower beds near the house with your own hands is not too difficult. For example, you can use several rubber tires by planting them with plants. You will get a wonderful decorative element for your site.

Carpet bed

Such a flower bed is extremely rare in summer cottages, because its creation requires not only a lot of free space, but also a professional approach. But you can admire them in city parks. In the design of the flower garden, dwarf plant species are used, which, when planted in a special way, form a dense flower carpet.

beautiful flower beds near the house
beautiful flower beds near the house

Parts of a flower bed

For the so-called passive part of the flower bed, it is best to use cold shades, so your flower bed near the house will change before your eyes. The design of the passive part in strict colors will create a background on the basis of which bright plants will look advantageous and contrast. The active part of the flower bed, in fact, is where warm colors are located. It is recommended to plant plants of contrasting shades. Orange is traditionally considered the brightest in the flower garden; it looks great next to cold blue flowers. Make sure that the plants do not overlap each other, otherwise the flower garden will not lookharmonious, but on the contrary, sloppy and unkempt. How to arrange a flower bed near the house? This question is asked by many outdoor enthusiasts. There is no single answer to it, because everyone chooses what he likes, there is no single solution that would suit each site and owner, unfortunately or fortunately.

how to arrange a flower bed near the house
how to arrange a flower bed near the house

Color palette

In matters of designing flower beds, the color palette plays almost a decisive role. Of course, each gardener independently selects shades, decides how his flower bed near the house will look like. The design of the flower garden, plant species, shape and size - all this is very individual. The color palette of annual plants has a great variety, this must be taken into account when forming a flower bed. It is best to use contrasting colors, not shades of the same color, because they will simply blend into each other and the flower garden will look boring. It is also important to correctly arrange the flowers in height. Beautiful flower beds near the house, planted in a hillock, always look more interesting than ordinary ones. Higher flowers are planted in the center, and the edges are planted lower. Thus, the plants not only do not overlap, but together create a harmonious color palette. In general, everything here depends on the owner's imagination, sometimes you can find really original color schemes.

flowerbed decoration near the house photo
flowerbed decoration near the house photo

How to arrange a flower bed near the house?

If you drive this sentence into any search enginesystem on the Internet, you will receive a lot of information on this topic. This suggests that more and more people are interested in landscaping their plots. Despite the large number of articles on this topic, there are very few specific tips on creating and designing flower beds. This is most likely due to the fact that this is a purely individual matter. However, we will share a few general recommendations:

  1. Think about color combinations in advance.
  2. Consider the flowering time of each plant you plant.
  3. Determine the size and type of flower garden in advance.
  4. Do not choose plants that require constant care if you rarely visit the country.
  5. Locate the flower garden on the site so that later there are no problems with watering.
  6. Show your imagination, create a unique decor.

Making a round flower bed

Recently, it is the round flower bed near the house that has been especially popular. Making such a flower garden on your own is a very real task. If you decide to decorate your site with such a flower bed, remember that round shapes look best in the center, and not in the corner of the site. Immediately decide on the size of the future planting. On a large lawn, a small flower bed will not look appropriate, just like a huge one on a meager piece of land. Everything should be proportional. Experts have deduced such a simple formula: the size of the flower bed should not be less than two heights of the longest plant on it. In order not to make a mistake when placing a flower garden, it is best to firstdraw a diagram on a piece of paper, sketch a flower bed and try different ways to decorate it. Only after the result on paper completely suits you, you can proceed to the direct creation of a decorative flower bed.

In order for the flowers to take root, you need a mound of fertile soil about half a meter thick. Before planting flowers, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the ground from weeds, stones and other debris. Next, the soil needs to be dug up, and then carefully leveled with a rake. In order for the flower garden to have a finished look, you can decorate its borders with stones, bricks or tires. There are many ways. A round flower bed framed by a low fence made of painted bricks looks especially beautiful. Of course, it is important to take the process seriously and lay the bricks correctly.

beautiful design of flower beds near the house
beautiful design of flower beds near the house

Additional decorations

Very often flower beds are decorated with additional elements. It can be small fountains or figurines. Sometimes you can find a whole fairy-tale world cleverly arranged in one small flowerbed.

flowerbeds near the house with their own hands
flowerbeds near the house with their own hands

The most popular are figurines of different animals, insects or gnomes. In some places you can see Thumbelina hiding under a leaf of a large flower, or a rabbit from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland", which looks out from a hole leading to a fairy-tale world. You can also use old unnecessary pieces of furniture to decorate flower beds. Undoubtedly always happyeye original design flower beds near the house. The photos presented in the article are a clear confirmation of this.
