Potato variety "Uladar". Characteristics

Potato variety "Uladar". Characteristics
Potato variety "Uladar". Characteristics

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Potato variety "Uladar" is a relatively new early table variety with excellent taste and poor digestibility. This variety is famous for its high yield and unpretentiousness. Can grow on any type of soil. The Uladar variety was bred by Belarusian agronomists, and at the same time it has become popular among Russian consumers and producers. In 2008, potatoes were included in the state register for the Central Region of the Russian Federation, they were awarded the 7th tasting rating.

Growed in Ukraine, Belarus, and directly in Russia.


potatoes uladar variety description
potatoes uladar variety description

The plant itself has a semi-erect trunk with thin stems and medium-sized leaves. The edge of the "uladar" potato leaf is even, not wavy. Plant height is medium.

Uladar potato tubers are quite large, smooth oval elongated shape with small eyes and yellow skin, under which light yellow flesh is hidden.

The number of tubers usually varies between 8 and 12 pcs. The weight of each is about 90-150 grams.

Varietypotato "uladar" has a high yield, which, with proper care, averages 130-350 centners per hectare of sown area.

Potato flowers of this variety have a red-violet hue.

Uladar potato tubers are germinated in a warm, bright room, the recommended temperature is 13-15 degrees.

When the root system appears, and also when the plant has already thrown out the first leaves, it can be planted in previously prepared moist soil. It is necessary to plant seedlings of potatoes together with a clod of earth in which it was germinated.

Uladar potatoes, whose variety description is not much different from other market leaders, have a germination period to technical maturity of 70-75 days.


uladar potato variety
uladar potato variety

Uladar potato variety contains from 11.5 to 17.5% starch.

Crop accumulation occurs in the first half of the growing season. Tuberization is early. Keeping quality reaches 95%, which is considered a very good indicator. Rest period - medium.

This potato variety is slightly susceptible to various diseases, such as:

  • golden cyst nematode;
  • cancer;
  • various viral diseases;
  • common scab;
  • fusarium dry rot;
  • late blight of tubers.

At the same time, the potato variety "Uladar" is resistant to rhizoctoniosis.

This variety can bear fruit up to twice a year.


potatoes uladar variety description reviews
potatoes uladar variety description reviews

Due to the fact that "uladar" is an early ripe potato, it is quite in demand among buyers. This variety is good both for frying and for stewing, baking and various kinds of salads, in which it is customary to use unboiled vegetables with a dense structure. At the same time, for mashed potatoes, potato pancakes and other dishes, it is better to opt for other varieties. It's all about poor digestibility.

When mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil and the background is moderately increased, both the total number of tubers and the share of the marketable fraction itself increase.

From all of the above, we can conclude how profitable it is to plant "uladar" potatoes. Description of the variety, reviews - another confirmation of this. It stands in line with other market leaders, and therefore its popularity among consumers is growing.
