Each stage of repair work is approached painstakingly and with all responsibility, because repair is a serious process. The design of the ceiling is not the last thing in carrying out surface finishing. Recently, surface decoration with wallpaper for the ceiling has become popular, and for good reason.
Why the buyer prefers ceiling wallpaper
The modern building materials market is full of all kinds of coating options for any surface. Therefore, finishing the surface today is not a problem, the main thing is to choose a tool that is suitable for the budget and performance characteristics for the type of your room.
What are the benefits of ceiling wallpaper
A number of advantages inherent in ceiling wallpaper include:
- low cost, thanks to which it is possible to significantly save the repair budget;
- work does not require purely professional knowledge or the proper organization of the process of pasting the ceiling with wallpaper, and pasting, as a rule, takes a little time;
- perfectly accentuate the interior design, entering into a single ensemble with wall covering;
- for wallpapering surfaces for highceilings do not have to involve workers - this occupation can be handled by one person;
- after pasting, there is not much debris and dust left, compared with other alternative methods of finishing the ceiling surface;
- long service life - 5 to 15 years, depending on the choice of raw material;
- variety of colors, textures, structures that are easy to pick up and adapt to the style of the interior;
- possibility to paint the wallpaper for the ceiling and change the shade depending on the need;
- ceiling decoration does not affect the height of the room in any way.
What to consider before wallpapering
Which of the finishes you choose, get ready for possible difficulties. Although this particular activity does not require professional skills, wallpapering the ceiling is a difficult and not very convenient task. With poor-quality work, ugly seams can form at the junction of the canvases. To avoid this problem, follow these simple guidelines.
Remember that thin paper wallpapers are glued with an overlap from a light source, for example, from a window. Thick (vinyl or non-woven) wallpaper - butt-to-butt with maximum joint and edge alignment.
Sometimes the disappointment comes with the sunset, when all the errors that you did not notice in the process of work are clearly visible, for example, unpainted areas.
Before you finally decide on the choice of finish for the ceiling, weigh the pros and cons, choose which type of wallpaper to apply to the surface. And thembelieve me, not a little.
When choosing a cover, try not to get lost in the variety of material. Familiarize yourself with the main and most popular types of wallpaper and determine for yourself which wallpaper to choose for the ceiling.
Paper based
The most common, because it is a budget, but at the same time short-lived option. If you are not a fan of repair "for centuries", then a paper version is also suitable as a temporary finish. Such wallpapers can last up to 5 years, while the ceiling will look fresh and aesthetically pleasing. Products from a domestic manufacturer are widely distributed in the market. Mostly, these are white paper wallpapers with a smooth surface or embossed texture. There are also glossy ceiling wallpapers with a more pronounced decorative effect on the market.

Highlight some of the disadvantages of such coverage:
- the need to spread glue on the canvases delays the process;
- narrow range of use: living room, children's room, hallway, bedroom due to high moisture absorption and negative impact on other external influencing factors;
- dry surface cleaning only;
- high absorbency of dust and other contaminants.
But along with the disadvantages, a number of advantages of this type of material emerge:
- low price;
- environmentally friendly composition;
- no harmful impurities;
- hypoallergenic.
Textile wallpaper
Using this type of ceiling covering is a great solution. Textile wallpapers have a much larger number of positive differences compared to paper canvases. Joints between sheets are less noticeable due to the special texture of the coating. The heat and sound insulation properties of textile wallpapers are higher, since the material is denser. With these advantages, the disadvantages are completely absent, and this is another factor that makes this wallpaper for the ceiling preferable to others.

A rough surface is a plus in one case, but a disadvantage comes out of it related to the care of the ceiling. Wallpapers of this kind tend to accumulate dust, odors and easily absorb dirt.
Liquid wallpaper
It is required to finish a hard-to-reach surface with noticeable irregularities, then liquid wallpaper will suit you. This material fills the entire surface, hiding all possible imperfections.
Consists of a mixture of environmentally friendly ingredients, including silk and gold fibers to give a special structure and adhesive plaster. The material isolates noise well and helps to keep the heat in the room.

Due to the peculiarities of applying glue when working with such material, sometimes difficulties arise when finishing the ceiling. For many, the use of a special method of finishing the ceiling becomes a problem, it requires some effort and the use of special equipment. How to glue liquid wallpaper on the ceiling? Just like ordinary wall trellises, using the same technology.
Liquid wallpaper is extremely sensitive to moisture, therefore not suitable for everyonetypes of premises. Also, in the care of the coating, you will have to abandon wet cleaning of the surface.
Glass wallpaper
This coating option is used, assuming further painting of the surface with a roller. Glass fiber is characterized by such exceptional qualities:
- natural ingredients;
- excellent resistance to a variety of negative environmental phenomena;
- high strength;
- variety of patterns, which helps to hide any ceiling defects.
One of the disadvantages of the material is the price, but even this, given the long service life, does not seem to be a problem.

Vinyl wallpaper
Vinyl wallpapers are non-woven or paper based. The only difference is in the top foam layer of PVC. Thanks to this material, it is possible to introduce novelty into the interior with the help of a variety of embossings and patterns. Special attention is paid to photo wallpaper for the ceiling.

Vinyl wallpaper is resistant to external damage, characterized by increased strength and is ideal for leveling the surface.
Any product is suitable for cleaning the coating, even liquid. The color of the ceiling wallpaper is easy to change by simply repainting them. To do this, you will need water-based paint and a roller with a long handle. This allows you not to paste with every change in the interior, but just repaint the wallpaper in a different color.

Non-woven wallpaper
This is the most popular wallpaper ceiling design material. When working with interlining, forget about the difficulties with gluing that arise in a number of other cases. In order for the coating to adhere well to the ceiling surface, the glue is applied only to the area to be glued. There is no need to apply the composition to the canvas, the material already provides a one hundred percent reliable connection. This will allow you to move the roll to the desired location without any problems.
Any of the imperfections of the surface becomes invisible after gluing wallpaper for the ceiling on non-woven fabric. This does not require much preparation. If you have already done home renovations, then you know how to glue wallpaper. Tapestries are glued to the ceiling in a similar way. And you will need special glue, a roller and a spatula for this.

This type of wallpaper lasts a long time and does not fade during operation, it is excellent for painting and retains its freshness up to 10 years.
What to consider when pasting wallpaper
Remember that paintable wallpaper has a number of advantages compared to other types of coatings, and when working with such a finishing material, it is worth considering some factors:
- paint only emphasizes the imperfections of the ceiling, because pasting the ceiling with wallpaper and further toning is a popular option for finishing the ceiling surface;
- using ceiling trellises creates the illusion of multiple levels;
- this coating can withstand up to 10 repaints;
- after sealing inknatural color is applied with a special coating that allows the ceiling to maintain a fresh look for many years.
A few words in conclusion
Any kind of wallpaper for the ceiling is a great option. Finishing with such a coating does not require special skills, specific training or a special set of tools. For pasting, you will need a canvas, a spatula and glue, and for painting - a water-based emulsion and a roller. Everything is simple with this, because even a beginner in this business can handle the ceiling decoration.
Now you know how to wallpaper your ceiling and how to choose the perfect finish for your ceiling. The design of this surface is given special attention, since it is he who sets the general style of the interior in the room, gives it originality and comfort.