When making repairs indoors, you always want to ennoble the floor. A wide selection of flooring in the construction markets allows you to choose the perfect option for your taste and budget. Whether to lay a noble parquet, choose a modern laminate, cover it with carpet or choose a comfortable linoleum - the choice is yours.
The advantages of linoleum are the price, a wide choice of colors, ease of use and durability. But the material has its own characteristics.
Linoleum is of different types. After reviewing the brief characteristics, it is not difficult to make a choice. Linoleum happens:
- From natural materials. Such linoleum is made from linseed oil, tree resin and other natural materials. In addition to environmental cleanliness, it does not ignite, does not absorb fat and is resistant to the growth of microorganisms. Those are pretty serious benefits.
- Made of rubber. Relin (aka rubber linoleum) is resistant to moisture and more plastic.
- PVC. The quality and price of such linoleum depends on the substrate and the number of layers. Hewarm, but shrinks a lot and smells specific for a very long time. This is not for everyone.
- Alkyd. This type has good sound and heat insulation, but is more fragile than the rest. It is not suitable for rooms with frequent traffic.
- From nitrocellulose. Such a floor will be very beautiful, with a noble sheen, but due to the lack of a substrate, it is easily flammable.

In order for the coating to serve as long as possible and not cause discomfort, you need to properly lay the linoleum. There are several ways of laying, but there is still one true one. Laying linoleum without fasteners is a fairly common way, but over time, such a floor will bring inconvenience. Hammering linoleum with nails is unaesthetic, inconvenient and at least dangerous. Lay the coating with a special glue for linoleum - mastic. This is the most convenient and durable way.
Types of mastic for linoleum
There are 2 types on sale, which differ in purpose:
- Protective, which is used to restore the coating and protect the floor.
- Adhesive mastic for linoleum. It allows you to firmly lay the floor covering.
Each of the types can be prepared independently, at home or purchased ready-mixed on the market. Professionals prefer to prepare the mastic on their own, since the mixtures must hold the linoleum tightly, and the quality depends on the time of manufacture, storage and packaging conditions. It is quite possible to prepare mastic on your own. But thisimplies the presence of certain skills, knowledge of the composition of the mixture and the type of linoleum. The main thing is to remember that each type of linoleum has its own composition.
Types of finished compositions
Many types of mastics for linoleum sold in stores are universal. Only linoleum without a base requires a special composition. However, before buying, you need to carefully read the composition and recommendations of the manufacturer. These are mainly rubber-based mastics, they are suitable for:
- Relina.
- PVC Linoleum.
- Nitrocellulose linoleum.
- Natural linoleum.

Types of homemade mastic
There are several types:
- Casein emulsion (aka flour). Suitable for rooms where there will not be much moisture on the floor. Linoleum for such mastic can be made of PVC or fabric-based, the floor is made of fiberboard, HDF, etc. Such mastic is suitable for gluing linoleum within 4 hours from the date of manufacture. Consumption - approximately two kilograms of the mixture per square meter of coverage.
- Bitumen-rubber mastic. It is suitable for relin, alkyd linoleum and PVC. Its duration is not limited. It is enough to heat the mixture in a water bath and add gasoline. Approximate consumption - one and a half kilograms per square meter.
- Bitumen-chalk mastic (for all kinds of linoleum). You can use up to several days. Consumption is similar to the previous mixture.
- Bitumen-turpentine mastic for PVC and fabric-based linoleums. When stored insealed container is suitable for several months. It takes about one kilogram per square meter of floor.
- Lacquer-chalky. Good for alkyd linoleum, but on condition that the base of the floor is made of concrete, metal or wood. Retains properties for five hours from the moment of preparation of the mixture.

When making mastic for linoleum on waterproof binders, it is necessary to protect hands and mucous membranes. That is, when starting to manufacture the mixture, it is imperative to wear gloves and goggles, and in some cases a respirator. Be sure to monitor the temperature when working with ready-mix, as some mixes are only valid when heated.
Self styling
If you lay a new coating yourself, you can avoid spending on expensive services of craftsmen, but you need to have the necessary skills and information. Before laying linoleum, be sure to level the floor or properly prepare, sand and degrease the surface. When cutting linoleum, it is important to remember that gaps in the coating are unacceptable. Before laying, you need to let the rolled linoleum rest in a warm room. Then you can start styling. Mastic is an important element not only in strengthening the adhesion of linoleum and floor, but also a protective heat and sound insulating layer. It is also a good protection against excess moisture. Before spreading the mastic, you need to make sure that the base does not require an additional layer of primer, and that the previous layer is dry. Apply composition tothe base is better with a notched trowel, a layer of about five millimeters.

Linoleum is rolled onto the finished layer, the surface of which must be pressed with a roller or mini-skating rink. For better adhesion, it is important not to exert physical impact on the floor during the day, after which it is good to clean the linoleum, apply protective mastic and wait for an hour and a half to dry.
Protective mastic for linoleum has several functions:
- Shine.
- Protection against burnout.
- Anti-static effect.
- Protect against scratches and heavy dirt.
- Protection against slipping on the floor.
Also, this layer increases the durability of linoleum. It retains its original appearance longer.
It is imperative to apply protective mastic on perfectly cleaned and dry linoleum. Rub the mastic for linoleum, to shine the floor with a lint-free cloth and carefully ensure that there is no accumulation of the product and stains. If the solution is applied to a damp surface, the composition may peel off after a certain time.

The ideal mastic for linoleum repair is cold welding. With its help, you can eliminate the shortcomings of the incorrectly laid coating. For example, repair a hole or damage to the outer surface, reinforce joint seams, make a patch, eliminate dents and bulges, etc.
Manufacturers and consumer reviews
One of the most popular mastic manufacturers on the marketis the Swiss company FORBO. According to consumers and craftsmen, their product line is of good quality. Adhesive mastic does not give bubbles, does not leave traces of furniture, roller chairs, firmly holds the coating. Protective mastics strengthen the outer layer. Linoleum retains its shine for a long time and is protected from dirt.

The German company WEBER has proven itself well. She distinguished herself by the good quality of the adhesive mastic. The mastic is easy to use, good to work with and has a decent quality result - the reviews say.

Of the Russian manufacturers, the best reviews were collected by KhimTorgProekt, which manufactures products under the BITUMAST brand. They produce bituminous mastics of cold and hot application. Their product has no pungent odor, dries well and securely fixes linoleum.
So, we have found out the main types of mastics. Regardless of whether you are doing the repair yourself or working with a team of professionals, it is important to know the basic information about the materials used in the repair. Thus, you will be reliably protected from unscrupulous craftsmen and mistakes.