Not every suburban area provides an opportunity to connect to a full-fledged centralized water supply. In some cases, this system is equipped, but water is supplied through it once a week. This will not be enough even to water the plants.
To ensure comfortable living in such conditions, you need to build a well. It will become a permanent source of drinking water. How to build a well with your own hands will be discussed in detail later.
Varieties of groundwater
Before starting the construction process, it is necessary to consider in detail the existing methods for carrying out such work. If you wish, you can do everything yourself. So how do you make a well? First of all, it is important to determine for what purposes water is needed on the site. Perhaps it will be used only for watering plants. If people live in a private house for a long time, it will be necessary to ensure the availability of a source of drinking water. To do this, you need to consider the features of creating different wells.

There are three typesgroundwater. The closest layer of their occurrence is called perched. It is located at a depth of no more than 5 m from the surface. This is practically unpurified water that seeps into the ground after rains, watering fields, etc. The device of the well is quite simple. However, it is necessary to create airtight walls so that the top water does not seep through its walls into the mine. It is not under pressure, so there should be no problems with arranging the source.
The second layer is groundwater. It is this underground source that will need to be found when creating a well. This layer of water will be suitable not only for irrigation, but also for drinking. Groundwater is not under pressure. Therefore, their level in the well will remain at the same depth where the layer lies. The depth of this type of well is about 30 m. It will always have cool, clean water.
There is an even deeper underground source. It is called artesian water. This is the purest water. It is rich in various minerals that are beneficial to the human body. An artesian well can be about 200 m deep. You cannot create it yourself on your site. This aquifer is under pressure. If a well reaches it, water can rise to the surface in a fountain.
Choice of location and time for construction
Digging of wells must be carried out in accordance with existing building codes. You need to choose the right time to create your own source. This work should not be carried out in the spring. At this time of the year, the level of occurrence of underground sources will beas big as possible. In summer, such a well can simply dry up. It is best to start construction in the fall or winter. At this time, groundwater lies most deeply from the surface of the earth.

It is also extremely important to choose the right place for drilling a well. It is advisable to first find out at what depth underground sources lie in a given area. You also need to consider a map of the rocks that are here. The aquifer can be separated by different types of soils. The characteristics of the liquid itself depend on this.
It is best to get the necessary information from neighbors who have already created their own well. If there are no wells nearby, it will be necessary to create an exploration well. This will require additional financial resources. However, this stage of work will be indispensable.
An exploratory well will determine at what depth groundwater occurs. However, this is not the only information that this procedure provides. The composition of soils in each locality can vary significantly. It is easiest to dig sandy, loose soils. Clay lends itself to drilling much worse. If there are many large stones in the ground, this may be the reason for not drilling. It may be necessary to look for another place to create a well.
The well needs to be built away from fields, livestock farms. Also, do not create a well near the river bank, on the slope of the ravine. They drain groundwater.
The device of the well can differ significantly independing on the type of construction. So, there are tubular and mine varieties. Each of these types of wells has its advantages and disadvantages. It is important to consider them before starting construction work.

Experts say that it is easier to build a mine-type well on your own. It will be wide and deep. At the same time, it will be possible to dig it out manually without the use of special equipment. Digging the soil with a shovel in this case will be easier. This type of wells looks like such structures are usually imagined. The well in this case is covered with a house for the well.
Tubular well has a slightly different principle. It can be created where an underground source comes close to the surface. This type of construction is smaller in width when compared with a mine well. Water is supplied to the surface using a pump.
You can make a tube well much faster and with less effort. It is worth considering that for drilling such a well, you will need to hire special equipment. This increases the cost of the job. If desired, you can call a team of specialists who will create a similar well and install the necessary equipment in it.
If you want to build a well with your own hands, without using special equipment, it is recommended to choose a shaft-type well.
Since drilling wells requires additional costs and the use of special equipment (which is far from always possible due to insufficient space on the site), many owners of private housesprefer to equip the well on their own. In this case, it is worth giving preference to the shaft type of construction.
Before starting construction, you need to consider the main elements of such a structure. The above-ground part is called the cap. It serves to protect the mine from getting into it various debris, rainwater, etc. Therefore, the head looks like a house for a well. Most often it is built from wood. But you can also use brick, stone or other building materials.

Also, the well has a trunk. This is its underground and longest part of the structure. It is an internal wall that prevents the soil from collapsing into the water layer. Also, the trunk does not allow the top water to get inside the well. The trunk is reinforced with special rings, plates. For these purposes, a special circle of concrete can be created. Also, the walls of the well can be built from logs. Natural stone, brick is also used. Experts recommend using special concrete rings.
The bottom of the well is the water inlet. This structural element is necessary to collect clean water that will be consumed by the owners of the house. After creating a well, it is supplemented with a collar with a chain and a bucket, a lid.
Preparation for the creation of a well
Digging wells requires a fair amount of free time. First you need to create a mine. This work is done by hand, so it requires considerable physical effort. In the process of digging the mine, you will need an assistant. One person will dig a hole, and the second– lift a bucket of earth.

To make the procedure faster and safer, you need to install a tripod with a winch near the future mine. With the help of this equipment, a bucket of soil will be raised to the surface. Also, a winch will be required in the process of setting the rings for the well. If there is no such equipment, you can make a gate with a rope yourself. You just need to make sure that this device is strong enough. It must be firmly fixed near the mine.
Before starting work, it is important to familiarize yourself with the safety requirements. Otherwise, serious injury may result. The person who will dig the well must wear a helmet. Also, before starting work, you need to inspect the rope or chain that will be used to lift the bucket of soil and install concrete rings.
A rope is tied to the bucket. The connection must be very strong. The knot is checked every time before raising the bucket. If the depth of the mine is more than 6 m, 2 ropes must be tied to the bucket. If it breaks and falls on the builder's head, it can lead to the most unfortunate consequences.
Moving deeper into the well, you need to constantly determine the presence of gases in the mine. You need to light a candle. If the flame goes out, there is gas content in the mine. This problem is eliminated by ventilation. It is impossible to be underground at this time. It is necessary to lower a thick blanket into the well and raise it to the surface. The procedure is carried out several times.
Creating a mine
Diameterthe well must match the size of the concrete rings. They should be wide enough so that it is convenient for a person in the mine to work with a shovel. It is better to purchase rings with an inner diameter of 100 cm. At the same time, its walls should be 5 cm thick. Products with a smaller size are not recommended. If you choose rings wider than 110 cm, it will be extremely difficult to install them in the shaft. They differ in significant weight. In some cases, special equipment will be indispensable.

Rings for the well can have different heights. In this case, it is best to choose products with a length of 25 cm. Lifting rings 50 cm high will be quite difficult. If you purchase products with a length of about 100 cm, you will have to resort to the help of special equipment.
When the depth of the shaft reaches 100 cm, you need to install the ring inside. It will settle under its own weight, deepening into the ground. Further, layers of soil continue to be removed from the bottom of the mine. The ring will move smoothly down. This work must be done until the groundwater layer is reached. Gradually, each ring is installed on the previous one. This needs to be done on a whim. Fixation is carried out using metal clips. This prevents the rings from shifting. The walls of the well must be airtight. Otherwise, poor quality water will get inside.
Digging the mine may take several days. This procedure is not rushed. It is necessary to carefully check the fixation of rings, ropes and chains. If you install rings in the well after the entire shaft is created, the soil may collapse.
Creating brick walls
Building a well in the country, you can lay out the walls of brick. Before this, the cement mortar is poured into the formwork to equip the foundation. Such work will require more effort and material costs.
When the mine is completely dug out, water is removed from the bottom. The surface is cleaned and leveled. A layer of cleaned rubble is poured at the bottom. Next, you need to assemble the formwork from the boards. This procedure is carried out on the surface. The bottom is lined with waterproofing. Then the formwork must be compacted in the well shaft.

The cement that is poured inside must contain crushed stone. Sand may not be added. The solution must be prepared so much as to fill the prepared space at a time. You can't take breaks. When the foundation is assembled, bricks are laid on it. It is necessary to use reinforcement in this case. After that, the walls are equipped with rows of bricks.
To create such a well with his own hands, a person without some preparation will not be able to. This is a long-term work that will require large material costs. It is easier to use concrete rings. Even a novice master will cope with this work.
Setting the filter at the bottom
If you need a well for drinking water, you will need to create a special filtration system at the bottom. When water appears in the mine (an underground source is found), it will be cloudy. Only after installing the filter will the liquid become clean and drinkable.
First you need to pump out the water that appeared at the bottom. Next minedeepen another 15 cm. The bottom needs to be leveled and dirt removed. After that, you need to fill the bottom with clean washed sand with a large fraction. For these purposes, only its river varieties are suitable. The sand layer should be about 25 cm.
It needs to be tamped down. Next, a layer of rubble is poured. It is first washed in a bleach solution. Then the material will need to be thoroughly rinsed in water. Only after that, gravel can be poured to the bottom of the well.
If the water level in the well rises rapidly and the bottom is eroded, you will need to install boards on the bottom. Small gaps are made between them. Filter layers are laid out on this floor.
After this work is done, it will be necessary to pump out the water several more times. The first two weeks it can only be used for watering or washing. After 15 days, the water should become clear. In this case, you will need to take its samples and send it to the laboratory. If the analysis shows that the water is drinkable, the well can be fully exploited. Otherwise, you will need to pass the liquid through a special filter.
Clay castle
Considering how to make a well, you need to pay attention to one more stage of construction work. You will need to create a clay castle around the source. He won't let the perched water get inside the well.
After the main construction work is completed, it is necessary to dig in the structure from all sides. The depth should be about a meter. In the resulting space, you need to qualitatively compact the clay. She won't let the drainsget inside the mine.
After the well in the country house is lined with clay, you will need to make a small tubercle from the top of the same material. Water will run down it when it rains. On top, you can also make a concrete coating. This precaution is especially important when creating log wells. When using other materials for arranging the walls, it is also recommended to create a clay castle.
Arrangement of the above-ground part
A do-it-yourself well can be decorated in different ways. This is a creative process. It is necessary to think over a design that will allow you to harmoniously fit the well into the surrounding space. The head should be about 60-80 cm high. It can be made from the same rings. The concrete surface can be overlaid with wood, decorative stone, etc.
The head of a log house looks spectacular. Its design is simple. Even a novice master will cope with this task. You need to install two racks. They are covered with a log or timber. Next, the roof is installed. It should be large enough to cover the well from rain and snow.
The roof can be made from wood, straw, roofing materials. There are no limits for the master's imagination in this matter. You will also need to create a damper that will close the mine. You will also need to make a gate and tie a bucket to it. So it will be possible to collect water for household needs.
When choosing materials, you need to pay attention to their quality and durability. To finish the well, do not use a finish that can release toxic substances. It is also worth givingpreference for materials that are not afraid of the effects of weather conditions. The well will be outside. The durability of the structure depends on the correct choice of materials.
Having considered how to build a well with your own hands, every master can do this work. Such a building will be durable and functional. Its creation will provide a private house with not only technical, but also drinking water.