Hydraulic lift for a boat motor: description and characteristics

Hydraulic lift for a boat motor: description and characteristics
Hydraulic lift for a boat motor: description and characteristics

Universal hydraulic lift for outboard motor is a high-quality structural unit that can be found on almost every boat equipped with a powerful power device. If such a device is not included in the basic package, then it must be independently purchased and installed immediately after the purchase of a swimming facility. Modern hydraulic lift contributes to more economical fuel consumption, increases top speed, improves handling, and also reduces acceleration time.

Boat with hydraulic lift
Boat with hydraulic lift


Classic hydraulic lift for outboard motor is designed for smooth operation of the engine, which has a power of 50 l / s. But on sale you can also find units for weaker models. The weight of the finished product varies from 10 to 20 kilograms. To control the lift, a small panel with two buttons is used, which the master can permanently install next to the critical devices. You can also use mobileversion by placing the equipment in any convenient place on the ship.

Manufacturers are engaged in the serial production of hydraulic lifts for the outboard motor, which favorably differ in the following characteristics:

  • The entire system is housed in a heavy-duty case, so there are no external hoses or pumps to fail prematurely.
  • Standard load capacity is 3.5 tons.
  • The hoists are installed on the transom of the boat with ordinary bolts, after which the engine itself is hung. Power is supplied from the on-board network (12 Volts).
Hydraulic lift for a boat
Hydraulic lift for a boat


Hydrolift for outboard motor is most common among hunters and fishermen. Such popularity is explained quite simply: these are universal mechanized devices that allow you to make changes in adjusting the position of the power unit. The unit is strictly forbidden to be installed on sports courts. Installation of a classic hydraulic lift is carried out using conventional bolts. Due to this, he remains motionless even in the most extreme situations.

Boats that are overweight or underpowered require strong traction to get on plan in time. Universal electro-hydraulic lifters can significantly reduce ventilation and propeller slippage by smoothly lowering the motor to a greater depth. Only when the required speed has been reached can the engine be raised to improve the degreecontrollability, and minimize the effect of friction.

Professional Model

SIA-PRO products are perfect for engines up to 50 hp. with. The hydraulic lift is useful for those who are tired of running to the stern many times a day and independently lifting a heavy motor out of the water when they need to moor to the shore. The owner of the unit will only need to make a good installation between the boat transom and the outboard. These manipulations will take only a few hours of free time. This series hydraulic lifter has the following advantages:

  1. Improves boat safety, dynamics and handling as you can control trim levels on the go.
  2. No need to spend a lot of money, as the product is distinguished by its availability.
  3. You can lift the motor out of the water without getting up from the driver's seat.

The unit is produced by the well-known company "SIA-PRO", which has been working on the domestic market for several years and has been able to recommend itself well.

Hydraulic lift Sea-Pro
Hydraulic lift Sea-Pro

Trim control

Over the past few years, hydraulic lift for the Yamaha outboard motor has been very popular, which compares favorably with all analogues in its quality and durability. But the finished product is expensive, which is why it is better to assemble the unit at home. In addition to the classic control of the depth of immersion of a bulky engine, a do-it-yourself hydraulic lift for a boat motor will allow you to smoothly change the angle of inclinationactive mechanism. In the process of designing all the necessary parameters, you need to rely on a certain indicator of speed and load.

One of the most important functions in the daily use of the outboard motor is the trim system. Its main task is to more actively manage the running trim. A man can continuously control the position of the engine without even turning around. Due to this, the final fuel consumption is significantly reduced, the engine resource is increased, and the performance indicator is also increased.

Boat equipped with hydraulic lift
Boat equipped with hydraulic lift

Powerful equipment for powerboats

The Power-Lift device is designed for professional control of the position of outboard motors, due to which you can adjust the depth of the propeller and, depending on the required speed, coordination conditions on the water and the load of the boat, choose the most suitable operating parameters. Since products in this category are quite expensive, many craftsmen prefer to use a reliable home-made hydraulic lift for an outboard motor. But if the performer does not have the necessary skills, then it is better to refuse such an undertaking. Only a professional device can guarantee a significant increase in boat speed (more than 14%) and a reduction in hull vibration.
