Brick chimneys are gradually being replaced by new designs. In their manufacture, new building materials are used. Such chimneys are called sandwich chimneys. They have a lot of advantages. However, the high cost does not allow everyone to purchase the presented design.
With a strong desire to assemble a sandwich pipe with your own hands, it will not be difficult. Detailed instructions will help the home master perform all the steps correctly. At the same time, he will be able not only to assemble the pipe, but also mount it on his own on the roof.
General characteristics
A structure like a sandwich pipe has appeared on the building materials market relatively recently. Production technologies are constantly being improved. New types of materials are being produced that allow you to mount any system, give it the necessary qualities.

Installing a sandwich pipe with your own hands will save the family budget. The production of such chimneys is not very difficult. The presented structures can be made from materials thatpresented in construction stores.
Sandwich pipe is a structure made of metal and insulation. As the latter, non-combustible materials are used, for example, bas alt wool. Also in the structure there are two pipes of different diameters. A heater is installed in the cavity formed between them. It is thanks to the simplicity of such a pipe that you can assemble it yourself.
Making a sandwich pipe with your own hands is justified for many reasons. The presented design has many advantages. First of all, it is necessary to note the versatility of the sandwich pipe. It is compatible with almost all chimney materials.

This is a compact and lightweight product. It is easy to mount it yourself. Moreover, the work will be completed in just one day. It looks aesthetically pleasing, able to complement the overall appearance of a roof made of different materials.
One of the main advantages of the presented chimneys is its incombustibility. Bas alt wool, which is used as a heater, does not burn or smolder at high temperatures. She'll just turn to stone.
The truss system does not interfere with the installation of a sandwich pipe. Soot will not settle on the walls of the chimney, condensation will not appear. Therefore, the system does not need to be cleaned frequently. The materials from which the pipe is made are not affected by aggressive media, chemicals, temperature changes.
The list of disadvantages of sandwich pipes is quite modest. The designs presented for sale are relatively expensive. This disadvantage does not matter for those owners who want to make a similar chimney with their own hands.
It should also be noted that sandwich structures have not been in operation for more than 15 years. This is also a dubious shortcoming. The building materials market is constantly improving. If new, high-quality materials are used in the manufacture of pipes, they can last longer.

According to professional builders, the presented systems have a lot of advantages that overshadow the disadvantages. It is for this reason that many owners create sandwich pipes with their own hands. For a bath of wooden construction, the presented option is considered the best. It is also suitable for other kinds of materials.
Do-it-yourself installation of a sandwich pipe is carried out according to a certain technology. It includes several stages. First you need to make a drawing. To do this, carry out appropriate measurements, think over the necessary details.
After creating a plan, you can purchase the required amount of materials. You should also prepare all the necessary tools for the job. Next, the structure is assembled and installed on the roof.

For the manufacture of such a system, you will need to purchase a sheet for the inside of the stainless steel pipe, thermal insulation and an outer sheet for the pipe, which can be made of galvanized steel, brassor copper. The choice of materials must be given special attention. The functionality and durability of the chimney will depend on this.
Selection of materials
When studying the question of how to make a sandwich pipe with your own hands, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of materials. The inner section of the pipe must be made of stainless steel sheet. This material, when heated, minimally changes its dimensions, does not deform. Galvanized steel is best used only for the outer part of the pipe. Brass or copper may also work for this.
The insulation between the two metal parts of the chimney can be made of mineral wool. This is a bas alt fiber, which is characterized by minimal thermal conductivity. Its thickness can be from 25 to 60 mm. This material is environmentally friendly, does not ignite. This is a great option for creating a chimney.

Also, expanded clay or polyurethane can be used as a heater. Do not use flammable materials for fasteners, insulation and other elements of the system. An ordinary factory boiler can heat the system up to 120ºС. But here's a home-made stove for a bath, for example, gives a temperature of up to 800ºС in the chimney. Therefore, materials must be chosen very carefully.
Do-it-yourself installation of a chimney from sandwich pipes should begin with calculations. In accordance with the plan of the house, you can find out the distance of the chimney to the roof surface. However, it is important to correctly calculate the parameters of the site that will rise above the surface.roofs.
If the roof has a flat surface or a minimal slope, the chimney should rise above it to a height of 50 cm. If the slopes are covered with flammable material, this figure is increased by 2 times. The pipe must be in this case at least 1 m.

If the chimney is located at a distance of 3 m or more from the roof ridge, you need to correctly determine the line of its installation. It runs at an angle of 10º from the center of the roof.
You should also pay attention to the cross section of the pipe. For a boiler with a power of 3.5 kW, a chimney with a section of 14x14 cm is suitable. If this figure reaches 5 kW, the dimensions should be 14x20 cm. If the boiler has a rated power of up to 7 kW, a section of 14x27 cm should be made.
Pipe assembly
Making a sandwich pipe for a chimney with your own hands is quite simple. Having prepared all the necessary elements, having carried out the calculations, you can get to work. First, the film must be removed from all materials. If a factory-made boiler is installed, ordinary glass wool can be used. But for homemade stoves, it is extremely important to use bas alt fiber. After unpacking, leave it for 5 minutes. This will allow the fibers to expand.
A steel pipe (most often solid) will need to be wrapped with a layer of insulation. The outer part of the chimney can be assembled from several fragments. Galvanized steel is assembled using small self-tapping screws. Mounting with their help will require both fragments and the surface of the sheet.
In some cases steelsheets are joined by welding. It is important to ensure high tightness of the system. In this case, it will be effective and safe. In the place where the pipe will pass through the roof, it is necessary to equip a special box. It is filled with expanded clay or other non-combustible material.
Chimney connection
Knowing how to make a sandwich pipe with your own hands is not enough. It is important to properly install the presented structure on the roof. To do this, you will need to purchase special adapters. A pipe with a smaller diameter is inserted into the extension of the previous section of the chimney. This connection method avoids the appearance of soot inside the system.

If the chimney will pass through the wall, you need to disassemble the place for this process. This area will need to be strengthened. Next up is the outer bracket. Special structural elements are attached to it, which will make it easy to move the tee in the process of fixing the chimney pipe.
The wall through which the installation will be carried out can be covered with a sheet of plywood 10 mm thick. A sheet of asbestos is installed along its perimeter. On this layer, you will also need to mount a galvanized steel plate. All layers are reinforced with screws in the place where the pipe will pass. Bracket needs to be painted. Next, the pipe is threaded into the prepared hole.
Installation through the roof
You can bring a sandwich pipe for a chimney with your own hands through the roof. From the inside, a sheet should be attached to the created holegalvanized steel. It is fixed only after the pipe is brought to the roof. If necessary, it can be brought under the edge of the roofing material.
If the pipe is high (more than 1 m), you need to consider a system of spacers. Otherwise, such a system will be unreliable. Clamps are also used. This will avoid tilting the pipe from the wind. When installing spacers, take into account the wind rose in the area.
If the roof is made of bitumen or roofing material, the material is additionally protected from fire. To do this, install a deflector over the coating. It has an absorber mesh in its design.
Pipe joints must not run through the ceiling or roof material. These are the most flammable places in the chimney. The home owner should be able to control the joints.
Do-it-yourself sandwich pipe must be properly fixed. All elbows, tees and joints must be tightened with clamps. It is especially important to consider the height of the chimney. Such structures must be properly fixed and strengthened.
Clamps are tightened at the joints of the sandwich pipes. If there are tees or adapters, you will need to use two mounting elements.
Supports can be created from 50, 30 mm corners. It is also important to use a heat-resistant sealant. This substance prevents air from entering the pipe. If you do not ensure the tightness of the system, the thrust in it will be insufficient. Carbon monoxide may enter the room.
Final stage
DIY sandwich pipe must be properly mounted. It should be taken into account thatthe distance of the entire chimney should be a total of 5-6 m. The distance is measured from the head to the grate. Sealant will need to process all joints. Also, the space between the two pipes from above must be treated with the presented tool. The padded circumference must not be left open.
Pipes are processed both indoors and outdoors. The joints on the outside of the chimney should also be sealed. Moreover, after starting the system, all connections must be carefully checked. In the presence of leaks, the joints are once again treated with a sealant that can withstand heating temperatures up to 1000 ºС.
Having learned how to assemble a sandwich pipe with your own hands, you can create a chimney yourself in accordance with building codes. At the same time, it will be possible to save money on the family budget, to mount a strong, durable system that will not need to be restored for many more years.