Armed glass - what is it for? What are its advantages if the production of this rather expensive type of glass is in demand and is gaining momentum every day? Let's start with the manufacturing method.

Armed glass is produced in the following way: during the manufacturing process, a grid with square or hexagonal cells is placed on a sheet of glass. Reinforced glass can be both transparent and colored. In the latter case, oxides of certain metals are added to the glass melt to impart color. It can be polished or have a textured pattern that matches the reinforcing element located inside the glass.
The installation of glass of this type is justified in two cases: when it is used in rooms where there is a high probability of injury when using ordinary glass, and the second case is when reinforced glass is an element of the decor of the room.
Many people remember that back in the seventies and eighties, reinforced glass was widely used in various institutions: in kindergartens (so as not to injure children if the glass breaks, schools, in buildings where there is a largethe number of people in some production premises.

The wire used to reinforce glass is different: both ordinary steel and stainless steel. There is also a wire with an aluminum coating. Reinforced glass is not stronger than regular glass. Rather, on the contrary. Under mechanical action, it is twice as fragile as usual. But the wire prevents the fragments of glass from scattering if a stone or some other object gets into it. The reinforcing mesh is located over the entire surface of the glass, and the distance to the surface must be at least one and a half millimeters. In connection with this circumstance, reinforced glass has a thickness of at least five millimeters, and in practice often more than that.
Reinforcing wire gives glass the ability to evenly distribute temperature over the entire surface, so fire escapes are often equipped with such glass.
It happens that due to the scale used in the reinforcement of the wire, bubbles and shells form in the glass.

In these cases, it will be too fragile, so it must be discarded. Insufficient immersion of the reinforcing wire into the glass (less than one and a half millimeters) also belongs to marriage.
Fixed glass, both domestic and imported, enters the Russian market. Russian factories located in the Vladimir (Gus-Khrustalny) and Tver regions supply high quality products. Of foreign products, it is worth noting the products of Belarusian andPolish production. Armored glass is also used for the manufacture of sealed double-glazed windows used in plastic windows. True, such double-glazed windows are much heavier and more expensive than usual ones.
According to Soviet standards, according to which Russian and Belarusian manufacturers work, reinforced glass can be of the following sizes: in length - from eighty to two hundred centimeters, in width - from forty to one hundred and sixty.