Mounting rack ceilings with your own hands is not difficult. First you need to pick up all the necessary tools and materials. So, you need a metal profile from which the frame will be built for attaching the finishing material. Naturally, it is necessary to purchase the rails themselves. They are usually made from aluminium. From the tools you should stock up on a hammer, a puncher, a screwdriver, pliers and scissors for metal (the profile will have to be cut).

It is very profitable to design rack ceilings with your own hands. First of all, this can be done without the involvement of specialists, which will significantly reduce the cost of construction. And the rails are light weight. The presented material can also have a different color, so it can be used to decorate any room. The only drawback may be that the construction of such a design is best done in rooms with high ceilings.
Do-it-yourself rack ceilings are built in the following sequence: marking the base surface, installing a metal frame, screwing the planks. So, first you need to calculate the amount of material needed. Depending on the manufacturers, rails andtraverses can have different lengths. In any case, you need to buy a little more material than you need. This will allow you to easily repair the ceiling in case of breakage.

Now you need to mark the main surface. This is done with a simple pencil and a level. In this case, the following dimensions should be taken into account: the distance between the traverses should be a maximum of 1.2 m, the indentation from the wall along the perimeter should be about 30 cm. Further, it is not difficult to build rack ceilings with your own hands. During marking, it is necessary to provide for the location and number of spotlights. Now we proceed to the installation of a metal structure along the drawn lines. At the same time, please note that the distance from the main surface to the finishing material should be 1 cm larger than the size of the fixtures.
Do-it-yourself installation of a slatted ceiling should begin with fixing the main and guide profiles. For this you need to use dowels. Now you can fix the guide elements. The last step in the installation of the frame is the attachment of traverses and hangers. Without them, you will not be able to attach the slats. After the metal structure is ready, you can start installing the planks.

Do-it-yourself suspended rack ceilings need to be done carefully and exactly according to the scheme. The strips are attached to the guides, while they do not need to be screwed, since there are special latches on the main elements. Some slats will need a littleundercut. Before installation, the protective layer should be removed from the material. It is desirable to fasten the first elements along the edges, after which the level of suspensions is adjusted. It should be noted that the rails can be attached close to each other, or you can use special inserts between them. It already depends on your taste and the chosen manufacturer. Good luck!