Every summer resident would probably like to grow something unusual on his site. Of course, getting a crop from some exotic southern crop in the conditions of central Russia is quite problematic. However, there are such garden plants, the existence of which is practically unknown to domestic summer residents, which do not require special care and feel good in our cold climate. Silver melon (or Armenian cucumber) is one of them.
Description of fruits
The birthplace of this unusual culture is Central Asia. It is believed that no one specifically took it out. The peasants of Armenia got it through a long selection over the centuries of cultivation. Hence its name.

The main feature of the Armenian cucumber is an unusual smell. The pulp of the cylindrical ribbed fruits of this plant is tender, juicy, sweetish, without any hint of bitterness. At the same time, she smells not of cucumber, but of melon. Fruits can reach very large sizes - up to 50 cm. They have a classic cucumber long shape. But in color they differ from the fruits of ordinary varieties. The skin of Armenian cucumbers is light green, slightly silvery. It has a small thickness. Therefore, it is not necessary to peel the fruits of this cucumber before eating. When overripe, they turn yellow, lose their smell and taste, and therefore they should be collected on time.
The fruits of the Armenian cucumber are stored very well. You can eat them both fresh and s alted or pickled.
Biological features
Armenian cucumber whips grow quite long - up to 3 m. Its leaves are dark green, similar in shape to melon and cucumber at the same time. The flowers of the variety are dioecious. Fruits grow on the main lash and on shoots of the second order. This variety produces crops continuously throughout the warm season.

Caring for the silver melon is easy. The method of its cultivation is practically no different from the technology of cultivation of any other varieties of cucumbers. The only thing, since the Armenian melon-flavored cucumber does not like frost and too low temperatures, is usually grown in greenhouses by seedlings. Although in the southern regions of Russia it is possible to cultivate this crop using the usual technology - in open ground.
During the cultivation of this wonderful crop, several of its hybrids have been bred. The most popular are the Armenian Bogatyr White Cucumber, Silver Melon and Melon Flehu-Ozus. All these varieties produce fruits with excellent taste and are relatively unpretentious.
Howplant seedlings
The soil in pots for this plant should be filled with nutritious and disinfected. Not bad for growing seedlings of Armenian cucumber, for example, soil consisting of the following components:
- garden soil (one bucket);
- humus (3 kg);
- ashes (1 tbsp.);
- superphosphate (1 tbsp./L).

Before planting, Armenian cucumber seeds should be put in water for 20 minutes. In this way, germinating planting material can be selected. Seeds without germs will quickly float to the top, full seeds will remain below.
Planted seedlings of this crop in April-May. 2-3 seeds are placed in one pot. Subsequently, one of the strongest plants is left. Pots should be placed on the windowsill near the glass itself. This will provide better lighting. Armenian cucumbers do not like too much humidity. Therefore, when growing seedlings, no greenhouses are needed. The optimum temperature is 23-25 degrees.
Armenian cucumber: growing in a greenhouse
After 2-3 true leaves appear on the plants, you can transfer them to the greenhouse to the beds. The composition of the soil for adult plants is the same as for seedlings. The soil should be as loose as possible. This species is calm about saline soils - the yield does not decrease.

In the greenhouse, you must first install reliable supports for the lashes. The beds themselves should have a width of 1 m anda minimum height of 25 cm. If desired, Armenian cucumbers can be grown in central Russia and in open ground. In this case, the whips, as a rule, are simply thrown on the ground, as with ordinary cucumbers. But the maximum yield of this "melon" variety can only be obtained when grown in a greenhouse.
When transferring seedlings to a permanent place, you should be as careful as possible. Under no circumstances should the roots of the Armenian cucumber be damaged. Otherwise, the plants will take a long time and poorly take root. Seedlings should be planted together with an earthen clod. To make it easier to pull it out of the cup, the day before the transfer of the plant, it should be thoroughly poured with warm water. Next, the bottom of the pot is simply cut off and a lump is squeezed out. The first few days after transplantation, young cucumbers should be shaded.
How to fertilize
Armenian cucumbers are fed during the season, usually alternating organic and mineral compositions. Fertilizing plants should be mandatory, and especially when grown in a greenhouse. Otherwise, they will significantly reduce the yield. The fruits themselves will grow small, crooked and not too juicy.

The first feeding is usually carried out about two weeks after landing in a permanent place. At the same time, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium s alt are used (10 grams of each fertilizer for 15 plants).
For the second time, Armenian cucumbers are fed in two weeks. In this case, an infusion of mullein is used with a small amount of chicken manure or ash. Water the plants with this compositionyou need to carefully, trying not to get on the leaves and stems.
The following top dressing can be done during flowering plants. This time, a mixture of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate (1 teaspoon each) is dissolved in 10 liters of water. For a square meter of planting, 5 liters of the resulting nutrient mixture should be spent.
During the fruiting period, cucumbers can be fed again with mullein with the addition of ash. Some time after this, it is advisable to spray the plants over the leaves with a solution of urea (1 matchbox per bucket of water).
How to water properly
You need to moisten the soil under the Armenian cucumbers quite often - every day (sometimes every other day). In this case, only warm water can be used. If watering is done cold, the plants will definitely get sick. Before the appearance of the ovary, 4 liters of water should be spent for each square meter of planting. After the plants begin to set fruits, this rate should be doubled. Watering should be done in the morning or evening. The leaves of the Armenian cucumber are very tender. Drops of water on them during the day in hot weather can cause severe burns.

Harvesting Features
Armenian cucumber bears fruit, as already mentioned, throughout the season. It is impossible to allow overripening of its fruits. They are cut off at a length of 20-30 cm. Such greens have simply wonderful taste. This is what the Armenian cucumber deserves very good reviews for. Of course, you can eat the fruits of this culture fresh. Butmany summer residents who have already managed to harvest this interesting plant believe that their taste is especially pronounced when pickling.