How to get rid of two tails in the house and apartment. Practical Tips

How to get rid of two tails in the house and apartment. Practical Tips
How to get rid of two tails in the house and apartment. Practical Tips

Two-tails as a zoological species is an oblong insect consisting of solid segments of black-brown color and belonging to the order of cryptomaxillary six-legged. The name "two-tailed" this insect received for paired outgrowths at the end of its body - cerci. They form something like two tails. In general, a two-tail is a colloquial name for earwigs. Another name for them is forktails.

how to get rid of double tail
how to get rid of double tail

Why does she need a double tail

Firstly, cerci play the role of antennae in the life of an insect. The fact is that during the pursuit of its prey, it is groping for its further path in the cracks of the soil precisely by them. Secondly, it is a means of helping them retreat in case of danger. How it happens: if a two-tail stumbles upon an obstacle or, God forbid, an enemy, then it immediately goes into all serious trouble backwards, groping its way with its antennae, since there is no time to turn around.

Predatory two-tails

Surprisingly, among

twinkle in the house
twinkle in the house

these small creatures are quite large predators. Fromthey are distinguished by rather hard claw-shaped cerci, which serve as a means of hunting soil mites and springtails. When the insect catches up with its prey, it raises the posterior end of its abdomen over its head, becoming like scorpions, and grabs its prey like pincers. In this position, they eat their prey.

Two tails in the house

Two tails in the apartment - this is perhaps even more unpleasant than cockroaches. These parasites cause irreparable damage: with a huge appetite, they devour houseplants, vegetables and bread crumbs. It is important to know that two-tails, like cockroaches, love dampness.

double tail is dangerous
double tail is dangerous

They settle mainly in the basements of houses and garden plots. Everything would be fine, they live - and let them live for themselves, but often they move from the basements to an apartment with a person and begin to harm him in the most brazen way. Not only do these creatures come out of their secluded crevices only at night, they also have the audacity to crawl wherever they please: on a bed, on clothes, on a sleeping person. Moreover, if he suddenly interferes with them, they can pinch them very painfully! Naturally, a person immediately has a question: "How to get rid of a two-tail?" It becomes especially relevant if people firsthand are faced with a situation where a two-tailed larvae lays its larvae in the ear of a sleeping person, crawling there at night, while we do not feel anything. These parasites also multiply quickly.

Pay attention! If you think that this insect is harmless, andgetting rid of it is easier than ever by eliminating the source of dampness, then you are deeply mistaken! Filling cracks and holes in the floor alone is not enough. Dvukhvostok must either be poisoned or completely driven out of the house. How to get rid of a two-tail in an apartment? Let's give some practical advice. So, we output a two-tail.

How to get rid of two tails in the house. Practical Tips

Firstly, put your apartment in perfect order: do a wet cleaning, wipe the dust, and so on. Second, calculate the breeding sites for these insects. Thirdly, scatter in them a wonderful tool for persecuting two-easters - Phenaksin. This is the main way to kill these parasites.

If you are wondering how to get rid of two tails by other methods, then here is another way. Immediately, we note that this option is not persecution, but a simple disposal of parasites. After proper cleaning of the apartment, place damp rags in all places, thus creating a humid environment. Be sure that pests will definitely come running to moisture and dampness. When enough of them have accumulated, quickly roll up a rag and throw them out of the apartment.

fight against dvuhvostok in the house
fight against dvuhvostok in the house

Some people who know firsthand what a two-tail is, how dangerous it is and where it hides and breeds, have adapted as a poison to use special tablets against flies that are inserted into the most ordinary fumigator. If you believe them, then the result will not be long in coming - the two-way will be removed as if by hand. Alternatively, thiuram powder can be used against these insects. It should be poured along the baseboards of the house or apartment.

If folk methods of dealing with two-tails do not help, then the apartment or house needs repairs with mandatory disinfection. In any case, good luck to you!
