WD-40 - what is it? WD-40 grease: specifications, composition and application

WD-40 - what is it? WD-40 grease: specifications, composition and application
WD-40 - what is it? WD-40 grease: specifications, composition and application

How to quickly get rid of rusty deposits on a metal surface? Along with mechanical processing, there are chemical agents that successfully solve this problem. The most popular of these is WD-40. What is it - the perfect technical aerosol or the result of a competent company to promote the product?

wd 40 what is it
wd 40 what is it

History of Creation

As a result of the search for the optimal composition of technical aerosol with a wide range of applications, the California company Rocket Chemical Company in 1958 introduced such a new product as WD-40 lubricant. The first years of sales were not particularly successful - the market was not yet ready to accept this product. However, after a successful contract with a NASA rocket processing company, the situation has changed radically.

Taking advantage of this, the leadership of the manufacturing company has developed a fundamentally new strategy for conquering the market. It was based on three components that are still in effect.

  1. Secret composition. The complete list of components of WD-40 is still unknown. What it is and what the aerosol consists of, they know only in the manufacturing company.
  2. Versatility. The agent protects the surface from rust, removes corrosion deposits, helps to reduce the coefficient of friction in moving parts of mechanisms.
  3. Safety for human he alth when using.

As a result, the aerosol has been widely used not only in the US, but throughout the world. Today, in the kit of every motorist and home master, you can find a can of WD-40.

Composition: myths and reality

Despite the secrecy of the main ingredients of the aerosol, attempts are still being made to identify all the components. As mentioned above, the exact composition of WD-40 is known only to the manufacturer. However, based on numerous studies, the following components have been identified.

  1. White spirit. As a percentage of the total, it takes up to 50%.
  2. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Necessary for the formation of a dispersed jet during application.
  3. Complex composition of carbohydrates.

The latter are of the greatest interest to researchers, since their composition is still unclear. Almost all of them are of plant origin, and their effect on aerosol properties has not been fully studied. However, for the consumer, these subtleties do not matter. Knowing what WD-40 consists of, what it is, is not a priority. More interesting are its properties. It is they who determine the scope.

grease wd 40
grease wd 40

Aerosol properties

Initially, the sprayer was developed as an effective preparation for removing rust on the surface of the metal. This function is even incorporated in its name - Water Displacement (moisture displacer). As a result of this action, the oxide formation decomposes, and at the same time a thin protective film is obtained.

However, these are not all the properties that WD-40 grease has. Specifications speak of the following aerosol capabilities.

  1. High insight. Due to the presence of "white gasoline" in the composition, the lubricant fills all microcracks and external irregularities, forming a protective layer.
  2. Removing many building and finishing materials from a metal surface.
  3. Helps reduce wear on moving mechanisms with continuous spraying.

However, along with this, the aerosol is extremely flammable. Safety precautions must be followed when spraying and storing.

wd 40 application
wd 40 application


In the early years of its appearance, there was a narrow specialization of WD-40. The use of the aerosol was limited to the application of a protective anti-corrosion layer. However, other, no less useful features of the product were gradually identified. The expansion of the field of application has become a fundamental factor in the rapid popularity of the aerosol.

Currently, the following jobs can be distinguished with which the lubricant successfully copes:

  • surface dehydration;
  • corrosion removal;
  • Formation of protective film.

Each of them needs to be considered in more detail, with examples of practical application. For those first timeencountered WD-40, this information will be useful.

wd 40 what is it
wd 40 what is it

Rust removal

The process of formation of an oxide layer on the surface of metals is inevitable. Oxidation occurs as a result of exposure to oxygen, which can lead to irreparable damage to the surface of the part or mechanism.

Most often, motorists face this problem - periodic wetting of the steel elements of the car, even with a protective layer, leads to a slight rust. If you do not take measures to eliminate it, then over time the problem will only increase. When sprayed with an aerosol, the corrosion layer softens. After that, it is enough to remove the remaining rust with a rag and apply another protective layer of WD-40.

The advantages of the application are in a special nozzle. A thin plastic tube makes it possible to process hard-to-reach parts and car elements. This technology can be applied to any metal parts - door hinges, locks, etc.

composition wd 40
composition wd 40

Corrosion protection

No less effective is WD-40 for surface protection. Due to its high permeability, the composition easily fills even small metal defects - microcracks and irregularities. This forms a reliable protective layer that prevents oxygen exposure.

However, over time, it quickly disappears. Therefore, parts must be periodically reworked. Regularity is determined by operationalsurface properties, exposure to moisture, mechanical wear and the presence of other protective coatings. Some sources talk about attempts to replace the galvanic treatment of metal with an aerosol layer. Despite the fact that the protective properties of the first were high, the need for constant renewal became financially unprofitable.

grease wd 40 specifications
grease wd 40 specifications

Removing sticking mechanisms

With prolonged stagnation of any device with moving parts in contact, their molecular bonding inevitably occurs. In everyday life, this can be observed on the example of ordinary door hinges. If they have not been used for a long time, then a characteristic creak is formed during their movement. To eliminate it, WD-40 is used. What it is, furniture repair masters know firsthand. The aerosol is part of their must-have toolkit.

When the lubricant is applied to the parts, moisture is removed, as a result of which the molecular bonds that have arisen are destroyed. At the same time, the corrosion layer is removed. In addition to the above examples, effective stick removal with an aerosol will be productive in the cases described below.

  1. Domestic applications - machining of moving faucet mechanisms, hinges and locks.
  2. Industrial machines and units. When reactivating equipment after a long period of inactivity.
  3. Car maintenance. This is the widest range of applications, from running gear lubrication to forming a protective layer on the engine cover.

Howeveralong with this, there are non-standard situations that have been identified experimentally by consumers.

product wd 40
product wd 40

Unusual uses

Fantasy and natural ingenuity became the basis for the emergence of very unusual applications for WD-40. Some of them were identified as a result of the analysis of the properties of the lubricant. Others became a frank discovery - accidental spraying led to a completely unexpected result.

  1. Stuck ring. Everyone is familiar with the situation when, as a result of long wearing, this integral part of the jewelry categorically does not want to be removed. A small jet of aerosol is enough, and the ring leaves the finger without any problems.
  2. Grinding the flooring. Scuff marks and stains on parquet or tile can be effectively removed with WD-40.
  3. Surface finishing of shoes. In rainy weather, apply a little lubricant to the surface of the shoe - this will form an effective water-repellent film.
  4. Windows freezing. Spraying a small layer of aerosol on the glasses will prevent them from getting dirty. In addition, freezing is almost completely eliminated.

These are just a few of the practical applications of WD-40. What is it - really a universal means or state of wishful thinking? We can only say one thing - all the above examples are effective and tested in practice.

Restrictions on application

Despite the seeming versatility, there are strict rules for using the product. Do not spray aerosol intoeyes or mucous membranes. In addition, there are a number of materials that are destroyed by lubrication: polycarbonate, pure polystyrene.

As a result of even a short exposure to aerosol, irreversible destructive processes occur.
