Can anyone say they don't like strawberries? Probably not, because it is a very juicy, sweet fruit with a pleasant aftertaste. However, not only these qualities of the berry deserve attention, but also their benefits. After all, strawberries contain many vitamins and substances useful for the human body. This is what caused the increased attention to strawberries on the part of gardeners who, by growing it, develop new interesting varieties.

But, unfortunately, many very good berry varieties have been forgotten. Only not because they began to bear fruit worse or lost their taste qualities, something new, more interesting, simply appeared. These varieties include "festival" strawberries. About ten years ago it was very popular and was considered a classic. The peculiarities of the variety include the shape of the berries: conical and slightly rounded, very large in size and scarlet in color. And the bushes are dense and, what is very important, with a great ability to form whiskers.
"Festival" strawberry is considered a Russian variety, so it is resistant to disease and drought. Every gardener expects a bountiful harvest, but noteveryone knows the features of growing this variety. To do this, you need to choose seedlings, having previously sorted them and improved them. It is also necessary to take into account the diameter of the root neck (so that it is not less than six millimeters) and the presence of a fibrous root system (7 to nine centimeters in size).
It is best to dig up seedlings for planting a new crop in late autumn, in winter they need to be stored in a cool room. And it should be planted in early spring or early autumn. The most important thing here is not to waste time, but to do everything on time. In autumn, seedlings are planted from August 10 to September 25, preferably after a good rain. Because wet soil is the most suitable for garden strawberries. But, again, you need to monitor the degree of humidity: it should be within the normal range.

During planting, the root system is level with the ground, and the roots are vertical. Immediately after watering, a crust may form, but to prevent this from happening, sprinkle moist soil with dry soil or humus. "Festival" strawberries do not tolerate weeds, so you need to regularly clean the aisles from them.
When growing this variety, it is very important to take into account the fact that the best quality whiskers grow on young plants that are planted in the first year. It is necessary to clearly identify the fruit-bearing bushes, and then cut off all the whiskers from them, since during the growth period they consume a lot of elements from the root system itself, as a resultresulting in lower quality fruits. This process is done in early summer when the "festival" strawberries begin to bloom. It is important to consider that the mustache from a young root system is the strongest and most fertile. They appear from May to June. During the summer, rosettes have time to fully open up, and also form the best flower stalks, from which they get a high yield next year.
Strawberry seedlings are planted in the most lit and fertile soil. But strawberries "festival" can be planted in partial shade, under the trees. This makes it possible to significantly save space.

Having planted seedlings in the ground, in the spring it is necessary to cut off all the flowers, leaving only the whiskers. It is these plants that will continue to be fertile. This variety of garden strawberries can produce many years in a row on a regular plot. And in order not to make a mistake with the choice of a high-quality outlet, you need to consider that it must have well-developed leaves and (which is necessary) strong rudiments of roots. They are usually found closest to the bush.
If we take into account all the recommendations of professional gardeners, then the "festival" strawberry will delight every gardener with its delicious harvest.