Among the many types of finishes, painting the ceiling is considered one of the most economical and easy to perform options. Today in the building materials market you can find an abundance of paints from different manufacturers. It is not so easy to choose the best option among them.

To decide what a good ceiling paint is, you need to consider all the existing options and their composition. The result of staining and the durability of the resulting layer will depend on it.
Before you figure out what a good paint for the ceiling, you need to decide how it should look.

To get a good result, you also need to consider the surface of the ceiling. Paint effect can be divided into two classes:
- matte;
- glossy.
These classes, in turn, are subdivided according to characteristics and composition into the following types of paints used for the ceiling area:
- water-based;
- water dispersion;
- acrylic;
- silicate;
- latex;
- silicone.
Matte Ceiling Paint
After painting with this look, the ceiling will have absolutely no shine. Matte ceiling paint is able to hide minor defects and minor surface flaws, so if the ceiling has flaws, then it is better to stop choosing this option.

It is the one most often recommended by experts. But compared to the glossy type, there are also disadvantages. The matte surface collects more dust, and dirt is more difficult to wash off from it. The positive aspects include the following factors:
- ceiling surface has no glare;
- problem areas are not visually visible: irregularities, roughness and other flaws;
- easy to get any shades;
- ceiling dries quickly enough;
- virtually no odors when dyeing.
Glossy ceiling
Glitter surface can be an interesting design decision. Glossy ceiling paint gives a beautiful sheen, but is only suitable for perfectly flat areas.

If there are even minor flaws in putty work, then from afar they will be perfectly visible. This option is only suitable for painting a flat ceiling surface without flaws. The ceiling painted with glossy paint has an undeniable advantage - it is resistant to washing and abrasion,therefore, repeated wet cleaning is allowed. Due to this, the surface has a longer service life.
What can not be dyed?
Anyone who chooses what a good ceiling paint is, and has no experience in this, should know that an option that is categorically not suitable for painting ceiling surfaces is oil paint. After the final drying, it becomes like a continuous dense film that does not allow liquid vapor and air to pass through. Over time, this will lead to destruction in the floor structure, so this view is not even worth considering.
Water-based paint
Quite often it is with its help that ceiling surfaces are painted. As a rule, water-based paint is only white. The desired shade is formed using toner. This paint has a lot of advantages:
- non-toxic and eco-friendly;
- Easy to apply without having a strong odor;
- suitable for all surfaces except previously painted with glossy paint products;
- allows you to change to any color;
- washes well with soapy water if needed.
Water dispersion paint
This type is divided into two main types: acrylic with latex and latex, which has an acrylate base. All of these types can be found on the building products market. They are represented by both more expensive Dulux, Sherwin Williams, Tikkurila paint products, as well as budget options (Tex paint, Marshal).
Acrylic lookpaint and varnish products incorporates not only water and chalk, but also an acrylic polymer. The coating is of sufficient quality, but if necessary, it is washed off like whitewash.
Due to the addition of latex (a natural material), acrylic-latex paint becomes viscous in consistency and resistant to abrasion. It is suitable for a ceiling surface with microcracks or subject to shrinkage, for example, in a new apartment.
Acrylate paint is considered by experts to be one of the best options due to its good performance properties. Due to the combination of acrylic and latex, it is both durable and stretchy.
Paint and varnish products "Teks"
Today, one of the topics discussed by those who are planning or have just made repairs is Tex paint. Due to its relatively budgetary cost, it attracts the attention of the consumer.

A bucket of paint weighing 14 kg of the "Universal" series will cost between 400-450 rubles, and a container with the same weight of the "Pro" class can be purchased for 650-700 rubles.
Specialists who use it to paint ceiling areas noted the following positive points:
- has environmentally friendly properties and is safe for others;
- when thickened, it is perfectly diluted with water, with which tools are also easily cleaned;
- due to the thick consistency does not drip when applied;
- dry completely in about 6-8 hours.
But opinions about negative qualities differ significantly. One part of the professionalsclaims that this is a good option in terms of cost / quality ratio, and they are quite satisfied with the result of staining. Other experts note a lot of minuses:
- professionalism required for application;
- requires mandatory pre-priming;
- doesn't hide defects well;
- painting requires at least 3-4 coats;
- not washable.
Tikkurila Paint
Finnish brand Tikkurila is one of the most widespread on the Russian market. Paint "Tikkurila" for the ceiling, according to experts, has all the necessary protective characteristics, is relatively durable and quite convenient to use. The area covered by it meets all the requirements for painting ceiling surfaces. Tikkurila paint and varnish products have not only a rich selection of types, volumes and bases, but also a wide palette of shades that allows you to embody the ideas of any design. However, recently some customers refuse to use it, as over the past two years it has risen in price by almost 50%. The relatively high cost inclines consumers to choose more affordable domestic counterparts.

For example, acrylic paint of the SIRO Himmea series (matte) with a volume of 9 liters will cost 4300-4500 rubles, and the elite class HARMONY (matte with velvet effect) of the same weight will cost about 6000 rubles.
What is the best paint?
No specialist will point to a specific speciespaint and varnish products, saying that this is a good paint for the ceiling. Reviews of professionals on the choice of brands are different. Each type has both positive aspects in use and disadvantages. Experts say that good paints must meet the following criteria:
- good moisture resistance;
- high level of abrasion resistance;
- rate of consumption per square meter;
- the ability to pass moisture vapor and air.
Many experts believe that water-based and water-dispersion types of paints are a reasonable and optimal option for the ceiling area. In this case, the purpose of the room is of great importance. For example, for bedrooms and children's rooms, many experts recommend latex-based acrylic paint, but for rooms with dampness (baths, kitchens), it is not very suitable.
Kitchen ceiling
The kitchen is a high humidity area in the house. For her, many options for paint and varnish products are not suitable. A good kitchen ceiling paint should meet the following requirements: easy to clean when necessary, not fade, be resistant to abrasion, be environmentally friendly and have a composition that prevents the formation of microorganisms.

Silicone paints are considered ideal options for a ceiling kitchen surface. They meet all the listed requirements, but have a relatively high cost, so they will not fit into every budget for repairs. Acrylic, latex and silicatepaints are also great for the kitchen ceiling.
After considering the properties of all types of paint and varnish products, it is easy to decide what a good ceiling paint is. But in each individual case, the choice will be different. It will depend on the tastes of the owner of the room, the type of the room itself, the budget planned for renovation and the requirements for the owner to the ceiling surface.