Resistive cable opens up space for the implementation of bold architectural and design solutions. The main advantage of the material is its extreme flexibility, which facilitates installation on almost any surface.
What is a resistive cable?

In fact, this heating element acts as an electrical conductor of constant resistance. When voltage is applied, the cable heats up evenly along its entire length, reaching safe temperatures.
The core of the material is presented in the form of several steel strands, covered with a reliable insulating layer. A metal braid is applied over the base, which simultaneously plays the role of a heat-reflecting screen, a protective sheath against mechanical damage and a grounding element. The outer layer is made from a variety of materials traditional for the manufacture of conventional cable.
Operation principle
Resistive cable is able to change the level of current conduction under the influence of ambient temperature. When the last specifiedthe index increases, which leads to an increase in heat transfer. The maintenance of various heating modes is facilitated by a gradual change in the temperature of the cable in certain sections.
The most important technological advantage of this principle of operation is the absence of the need for expensive automation.
Application areas

At present, the resistive cable is successfully used for heating: housing, production areas, warehouses and terminals, garages, hangars, educational and administrative institutions.
The presence of reliable protection in the form of a special metal shell facilitates the installation of the system on wooden surfaces and other materials that are at high risk of fire. If it is not possible to organize reliable grounding, a resistive cable with an additional copper braid is used.
Plumbing cable

The heating system can cover pipes from the outside or protect them from freezing from the inside. For pipeline elements of a significant diameter, the external mounting method is most often used. Comparatively narrow pipes allow for laying in both ways.
For sex
Every year, resistive heating cable is increasingly used as an effective means for heating private houses and apartments. The elastic system is placed in a network directly under the floor covering by laying on a concrete screed. Atoperation, the surface actually turns into a continuous heating panel.
For roofing

Installation of the system in the form of resistive cables helps to avoid icing of the roof in winter. It is recommended to install the heater in places where the geometry favors the accumulation of ice and snow and the formation of icicles.
Due to the periodic heat supply of the roof, there is no need to perform the laborious and rather dangerous work of mechanical cleaning of the roof. Modern resistive cables can be mounted on any kind of covering.
For tanks
The need to maintain a stable temperature in containers arises both in the household and in industry. In particular, resistive heating systems are actively used to prevent freezing of storage tanks for oil products, chemically active substances, technical and drinking water.

What are the advantages of a resistive heating cable? Note the following:
- High performance and long service life when properly calculated and installed conscientiously.
- Versatility - resistive cable is successfully used for heating a wide variety of coatings.
- Environmentally friendly - the operation of the system does not harm the environment.
- Easy to operate, repair and maintain.
BFirst of all, the inconvenience is caused by the need to use sections of a certain length into which the resistive cable is divided. The price is also considered a fairly significant disadvantage, since most consumers simply cannot afford the installation of such heating systems.
Resistive cable is subject to severe localized overheating in debris and kink areas, which increases the risk of fire. At the same time, in the event of a malfunction, the entire system has to be replaced.
In conclusion
High level of manufacturability, simplicity of design, compactness, excellent thermal contact with surfaces - all this distinguishes the resistive cable from other heating systems. This solution is also supported by increased elasticity, which allows the material to take almost any shape. The elastic system is easily mounted in hard-to-reach places and can be performed in a multilayer design.
It is recommended to choose a resistive heating cable based on the recommendations of professionals, which makes it possible to avoid unpleasant surprises during operation. It is worth asking for help from trusted suppliers and representatives of reputable stores. Otherwise, there is a high probability of buying a low-performance fake.