Barberry. Landing and care in the garden

Barberry. Landing and care in the garden
Barberry. Landing and care in the garden

Barberry is the largest genus of shrubs with a height of 30 cm to 3 m. The color of the leaves of this plant is diverse (like the genus Bérberis itself) - green, brown, red, variegated, yellow. Modern breeders have managed to develop decorative varieties that have leaves with a border around the edges and even polka dots. The tart-sour fruits of barberry are not very large - as a rule, 7-10 mm, but there are varieties in which their size reaches 15 mm. Also they are painted in different colors - pink, red, purple, blue-black with a wax coating.

barberry fruits
barberry fruits

The barberry is especially beautiful in spring, when the sun's rays are reflected in the hanging tassels of flowers.

Barberry. Landing and care. Seat selection

Shaded places for planting this sun-loving plant are absolutely not suitable. The color of the bush proportionally depends on the sun's rays caressing its leaves. And such a plant will not bear fruit.

The barberry is unpretentious to the soil, it grows well both on black soil and on sub-clay soils. It tolerates ground water very well. Quite winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

Due to the spiny-toothed stipules, the plant is widely usedas a decorative hedge.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in spring and autumn. When planting a single barberry bush, choose a place free from other plants and barriers with a diameter of 1.5–2 meters. Crowding and shade will not allow the plant to form a proportional crown. To create a hedge, 4 seedlings are placed per linear meter.

Barberry planting and care
Barberry planting and care

The pit under the barberry bush is dug quite large: depth - 40-50 cm, diameter - 50-60 cm. Be sure to add humus or compost, mineral fertilizers for berry crops to the ground. After planting, the plant needs abundant watering.

Barberry. Landing and care. Fertilizer

The main process of plant care is 2-3 times feeding during the summer period. The first of them is carried out before flowering with an aqueous solution of Agricola fertilizer for berry and flowering crops: for 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. spoon. The second - nitrophoska during the formation of berries: 2 tbsp. spoons for 10 liters of water. Dry (third) dressing must be applied after harvesting: 50 g of potassium sulfate and 100 g of superphosphate after loosening the soil. Barberry needs only moisture-charging watering (in autumn and early spring).

Barberry. Landing and care. Crown formation

As a multi-stemmed shrub, barberry is very good for creating decorative forms. Pruning, as a rule, is carried out in early spring, until the leaves have blossomed. Barberry is also cleaned for rejuvenation by removing dry, broken, old and very thick branches.

barberry leaves
barberry leaves

Barberry. Landing and care. Protection against insects and diseases

The plant is harmed by barberry aphid and sawfly. If these insects are found on the leaves, the bush must be treated with a solution of tobacco and laundry soap. After harvesting the fruits, it is recommended to spray with a solution of the drug "Iskra DE": for 10 liters of water 10 g.

Fungal diseases do much more harm to barberry than pests. A disease such as rust, which affects the entire bush at the same time, is considered the most dangerous. If you find round orange spots covered on the inside with pads, immediately treat the plant with Bordeaux liquid (1% solution), and after 7 days with Topaz.

In case of a disease called "powdery mildew" (powdery plaque on the leaves and shoots), the affected branches and leaves of the barberry must be removed and burned.
