Siding first appeared in the US in the 50s of the last century. The quality and price of a modern branded product from North America and Canada is far superior to domestic counterparts. Depending on the raw material, the panels are vinyl, wood and metal.
Facade siding protects the exterior walls and gives the building an attractive appearance. Each type of raw material - plastic, wood and metal - has its own advantages and disadvantages. Vinyl siding is a practical and durable material, it does not rot or deform. Temperature fluctuations do not affect PVC panels. They can be easily distinguished thanks to the textured surface, which has pastel shades. During production, modifiers are added to the composition, which makes the skin durable and weather resistant.

In order for vinyl facade siding to be well preserved, it is necessary to hire experienced builders. Otherwise, incorrectly laid products may be damaged. It only at first glance seems that the installation of plates is simple. A significant part of the time is spent on the preparation of elements, markup,trimming and trimming panels.
Plastic facade siding does not require special care. It is washed as it gets dirty. The plates are dyed to the full depth, so scratches will not be visible. You should be aware that at low temperatures, PVC panels can burst from being hit by a heavy object.

Facade wood siding is obtained by pressing under high pressure. Various additives are added to the composition during pressing. The material has a wood texture. This is due to the fact that a protective coating is applied on top, so it imitates wood.
Facade panels, wood siding improve the appearance of the house. Such a lining is quite expensive. Today, there is wood paneling on the market that imitates a planed log and a flat board.
Advantages of wood panel:
- durability;
- strength;
- ability to withstand temperature extremes;
- security;
- weather resistance;
- easy to install.

Metal siding is made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating on top. Installation is carried out using self-tapping screws and nails; plates are laid horizontally. Sheathing is carried out from the bottom up.
The most popular panels are produced by Deke Extrusion. According to statistics, every second product the buyer purchases this particular brand. The texture of the product "Deke Extrusion" is very diverse. She looks like a cut stonefacing brick, wild sandstone. The company provides a guarantee for its products for 25 years. The panels of this brand are the cheapest on the market.
When choosing a classic facade siding, you can pre-search for photos of finished houses. Looking at photographs of buildings, it's easy to see how individual colors and different textures fit together. According to finished projects, you can decide on the choice of material.
Siding is made from different materials. Its types differ in technical characteristics, method of attachment and price. PVC paneled houses are a fairly common cladding option.