In order to lay out a path or a whole plot in the country, for example, from paving stones, it is not always necessary to buy material. To date, a high level of development of technology and science, as well as a fairly simple technology for the manufacture of paving slabs, allow you to create paving stones on your own. Moreover, the quality of home tiles rarely differs from factory ones, provided that all production rules have been observed.
Review of production methods
It is worth saying right away that there are two different technologies for manufacturing paving slabs. The first method is called vibrocasting, the second - vibrocompression. It is worth adding here that vibrocompression is available only in the factory, since this process is more complicated to perform. But with the help of vibrocasting, it is quite possible to engage in independent production of paving stones. Another important part of paving slab manufacturing technology is the use of the correct forms.

Types of molds for the production of material
If you purchase ready-made forms, they can be of the following varieties:
- Made of polyurethane. Such molds can withstand up to 100 casting processes. That is, 100 tiles can be made in one form.
- There are plastic molds. They withstand up to 250 casting processes.
- The most durable are plastic rubber molds. One form can be used more than 500 times.
Of course, the price will rise along with the number of cycles that the form withstands. Therefore, rubber and plastic are most often used in production; polyurethane molds are quite enough for self-production. In addition, if handled with care, you can make a little more than stated.
In addition, home craftsmen have developed a technology for making paving slabs from plastic bottles used as a mold. If we talk about purchased options, then approximately 5-6 polyurethane samples are enough to make more than 500 tiles.

Applying templates
In addition to making material in molds, a method called "in place" is also used. For this, templates are used. The manufacturing technology of paving slabs in this way is quite simple, but its quality suffers. Therefore, it is best to use the method if you need to equip an auxiliary path leading, for example, to a barn.
In order to produce raw materials suchThus, you need to prepare an even base. Templates are placed on it, into which the concrete mixture is poured. So it costs a couple of hours. Then the form is removed and the finished tile remains in place.
It is important to note here that if the quality of the tile practically does not play a role, then you can also make such template forms with your own hands. In this case, you will practically not have to spend money, only on the purchase of material for mixing the solution. Home-made production is also more profitable because you can give any shape to the future tile.

Making molds
The technology of manufacturing paving slabs, the recipe for which is almost the same, begins with the manufacture of molds. Of course, you can buy them, but in order not to spend money, it is better to do everything yourself.
The simplest and most versatile option for tiles is a 30 cm square. This is due to the fact that sufficient strength is provided if there is pressure to bend the tile, and it is also quite convenient to cut it.
In order to make a suitable shape, you need to take the right amount of wooden bars with a section of 60x30 mm. With their help, the shape of a square is laid out, the inner side of which is 30 cm, and the depth is 60 mm. It is best to fix the frame with self-tapping screws. They are easiest to unscrew when you need to remove the product.
Do-it-yourself technology for making paving slabs in home-made forms allows for the presence of any pattern. As a base, it is best to use an elastic piece, toFor example, an old rubber mat with a matching pattern. The mat is laid, and a form is placed on top of it. Thus, the output will be a tile with a relief. To speed up the process, it is recommended to have at least 10 molds in stock.

Tile casting methods
The production technology of paving slabs by vibrocasting is divided into two ways. It is possible to produce paving stones in a single-layer or two-layer method. The method itself involves pouring the solution into a mold, followed by compaction of the composition using a vibration process.
The single-layer manufacturing process is quite simple. The form is poured with a solution, placed on a vibrating table, undergoes a compaction procedure, after which the mixture is infused and hardens in the form for two days. After that, you can engage in stripping, that is, removing the finished tile from the mold. However, the aesthetics of such a tile is lower than that of a two-layer one, and therefore it is used in places where appearance does not play a big role.
The technology for making paving slabs at home using the two-layer method is a more complex process. The two-layer pouring process is as follows: a layer of solution mixed with a coloring pigment is poured. The layer thickness is 1-2 cm. At this time, the form should already be installed on a working vibrating table. Immediately after that, without waiting for the mixture to harden, the main layer is poured. Here, the addition of dye is no longer required.

After that, the formkept on a vibrating table for 15-30 seconds. After two days, you can take the tiles out of the molds and fold them for final drying in a dry and cool place. It is very important that if the tile has more than one layer, then it must be covered with a plastic film for the period of the solution solidification. This is done in order to avoid premature evaporation of moisture and cracking of the product.
Front layer
The technology of manufacturing paving slabs, at home or at the factory, involves the formation of the front layer. It has increased strength, as well as aesthetics. This shell has a color, depending on the selected dye, as well as a glossy surface.
Here it is recommended to use not gray cement of the M500 brand, but white of the same brand. This will cause the top layer to be more saturated and also not have a gray cast.
The following materials are used for this layer:
- white cement M500;
- crushed stone 5-10 mm;
- water;
- color;
- dispersant;
- sifted sand.
Recipe for the production of paving stones
The easiest way to explain the technology of manufacturing paving slabs is by giving a specific example. For larger cooking, it is best to use a concrete mixer.
The device is filled with 10 liters of water. If you need to make a colored tile, then the desired dye is added to it. Next, 750 ml of an aqueous dispersant solution is added. When everything is in place, you can turn on the concrete mixer.
In already working equipment fall asleep3 buckets of SCHPS and cement grade M500. In this composition, you need to leave the car to work for one minute. After that, you need to add three more dropout buckets to the composition.

After that, the concrete mixer is left for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the solution should acquire a homogeneous consistency. When the result is achieved, the mixture is poured from the device into a tub where the product is molded. It is important to note that this is how the front layer is produced for a large number of tiles.
Tile base
The most significant difference in the mix between base coat and face coat is that a plasticizer will be used instead of a dispersant. The basic proportion is one part cement and three parts sand. The amount of plasticizer added is equal to the amount of dispersant in the face coat.
It is best to consider a more specific example on large volumes. A concrete mixer is also used here.
To begin with, 12 liters of water are poured, then 750 ml of an aqueous solution of a plasticizer. Next, the concrete mixer is turned on and 5 buckets of ShPS and 3 buckets of cement are added. When these substances are added, it is worth adding another 3-4 buckets of screenings. It is very important to note here that the main layer does not need the addition of a dye. The mixture is also stirred for about 15 minutes, until a homogeneous mass is obtained and poured into a tub.
In order to lay 1 square meter of paving stones with the thickness of the material, you will need the following amount of raw materials:
- 90 kg gravel and sand mixture;
- 25 kg of M500 cement;
- 100 grams of dispersant and 120 grams of plasticizer;
- dye in the amount of 600-800 grams.
Performance upgrades
It often happens that you need to significantly increase the strength of the tile so that it can withstand the weight of, say, a vehicle.

Most often, to improve strength, such an operation as reinforcement is performed. As a reinforcing substance, it is best to use a "notch". This is understood as expanded steel. It is cut to the desired size, having a shape. For these purposes, steel having a thickness of 1-2 mm is suitable. You need to lay the reinforcing layer on top of the front one.
Further, it is covered with concrete so that the mortar layer is at the same level with the edges of the form. In addition to steel, criss-crossed wire or rebar is quite acceptable at home.
Removing a tile
If twisted wooden bars were used as a form, then one of the edges is unscrewed so that the frame can be moved apart. The finished paving stones are removed, and the form is assembled back. It is important to note here that the tile should be infused for 10 days in a cool place in order to gain the desired strength.
If a purchased form of polyurethane was used, then you need to prepare a bath with hot water in advance - +60 degrees Celsius. The form with tiles is placed in water, within a couple of minutes the polymer softens, and the paving stones can be removed. It will also need to be insisted for 10days.
For example, if there are 10 forms available, then the work is built in this way. Every day, 5 products are removed, and the next 5 blanks are made. The next day, do the same with the next 5 forms. It is worth adding that there is a separate technology for the manufacture of luminous paving slabs.