How you want to have a piece of paradise on your site, where you could enjoy the fragrant aroma of different flowers, listen to the buzz of bees, watch the fuss of butterflies and feel a light exciting breeze! If you work hard in early spring, then your dream will become a reality.

A cozy place will help you create flower beds from annuals. Why exactly them? Firstly, you can make completely new flower beds every year. By practicing different combinations of colors and how to place them in the ground, one day you will find the absolutely perfect option for you. Secondly, annual flowers for flower beds are much easier to grow, and then combine and make various flower patterns. After all, you will be planting seedlings, which means that all plants will be planted in the ground almost at once. By making flower beds from annuals, you can achieve the simultaneous development and flowering of plants. In addition, they will not have to be weeded once again in the spring if the soil is covered with foil or mulched for the winter. In this case, perennials would cause a lot of trouble, because they are verygrow and can clog the flower bed, giving it a unkempt appearance. Accordingly, every year they need to be cut, cleaned and removed extra shoots, and, you see, it is much more difficult than planting flower beds from annuals once in the spring. It is worth noting that all landscapers use them to design city flower beds. If you don't want to mess around with seedlings every year, you can buy them in early spring or just before planting, although it's easier to grow them in a seed bed.

Currently, a lot of different varieties have been bred for every taste. The unpretentious ones include salvia, godetia, ageratum, nasturtium, marigolds, coleus, viola, petunia, escholcia, forget-me-not, calendula and many others - all these are annual flowers. Some of the photos are in this article. They will grow quickly and, having gained strength, will continue to bloom, delighting you with another large bud, and then a bright flower.

If you dreamed of setting up a regular flower bed on your garden plot, then annual flowers are exactly what you need. Together they will bloom with a motley carpet. Recall that flower beds of the correct form are called regular, on which drawings of flowers are made. Of course, they need to be selected in such a way that the height of the plants is approximately the same, and the combination of colors must be done, otherwise the flower bed will look sloppy.
And you can give different accents, for example, plant a plant with a higher height or install a frame for a climbing flower,which will be conspicuous from afar. If the flower bed consists of several tiers, then a small fountain covered with creeping plants, or several undersized ones with large flowers, will be well located on the top. On the lower tier, plant decorative foliage around the perimeter, and in the center - plants that bloom almost the entire season, such as petunias, begonias or marigolds. Flowerbeds from annuals will decorate any site, will delight you with rich colors and aroma.