Poinsettia, the care of which is quite simple, is very popular in the countries of America and Europe, and, unfortunately, it has not yet earned due respect among flower growers of the CIS. This plant is often called the Christmas star and the most beautiful milkweed. This flower is unusually beautiful during the Christmas holidays, and therefore deserved such an unusual name. Poinsettia, the care of which differs little from the care of other species of plants of the spurge family, is found naturally in Central America. It was from there that it quickly spread to North America.

The most beautiful poinsettia grows as a simple or branching shrub, often reaching a height of 1.5 m. Most of the branches of this plant are bare. The poinsettia flower has oval pointed leaves. At the top, they take the form of a blade. This plant is distinguished by a variety of colors of bracts. They can be white, cream, crimson, red, or two-tone. This combination of dark green leaves and very bright bracts gives the plant a high decorative effect. Its bright petals were used by the Aztecs as a natural dye. The milky juice of the flower was used as a remedy for tropicalfever.
The world's most widely used bright red poinsettia. Caring for her in the summer comes down to providing bright but diffused lighting. At this time, it is better to take this flower out into the open air, after protecting it from sunlight and drafts. Poinsettia, which is cared for to produce he althy, brightly colored plants, prefers shading for several hours (at least 10). Many flower growers cover this flower with a dark bag for 2 months. Such measures are taken with the onset of autumn. After half a month, numerous flower buds form on the plant. Longer lighting is needed for leaf development.

The air temperature must be at least 14 °C. In summer, the plant needs abundant watering, and in winter - moderate. During the flowering period, the air should be humid, so the plant is sprayed daily with softened water in winter. Poinsettia is responsive to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. It should be carried out twice a month, from early spring to autumn. This flower is transplanted in the spring, while cutting off a third of the branches. The best soil for him is a mixture of clay, turf, leafy soil, sand, peat (3:3:2:1:1). Weak shoots are regularly removed, leaving only strong ones.

Propagate this plant using cuttings with 5 internodes. For rooting, they are placed in a container with water or planted in pots with peat and sand. Cuttings with well-developed roots are planted in a preparedsubstrate. Most often, cuttings are carried out in the spring, using shoots cut during transplantation, although if necessary, this plant can be propagated throughout the year.
The main pests of poinsettia are nematodes, mealybugs, spider mites and aphids. When pests appear, the plant is treated several times with a soapy solution. With a large damage to the flower by pests, it is treated with various insecticides.