Garlic is planted in almost every garden plot. This he althy vegetable is needed to prepare savory dishes, as well as to protect family members from acute respiratory infections with the onset of winter cold. At the same time, most housewives prefer to grow winter garlic. It is characterized by larger teeth. This is very convenient if you want to cook dinner, but a significant disadvantage when selecting a future seed crop. There are only 7-12 cloves in the head, which means that a significant part of them will be planted in the ground again.

There is a way out
What to do? Plant separately spring garlic for seeds? He has smaller heads, and the number of teeth reaches 25. But this is completely inconvenient. Nature itself suggests the way out. Bulbs of garlic are formed at winter plantings. Mistresses are well aware of his tendency to "go into the arrow." Only breaking them off in time can achieve the formation of a good head. What happens if you leave the arrow? It will blossom into a flower.
Puffed garlic bulbs
Growing them is a pleasure. Each seed plant will produce at least a hundred inflorescences. They are protected by a cover that covers the seed material fromdamage. You need to leave only 3-4 arrows, and you are provided with a harvest. As you can see, the savings are pretty good. Bulbs of garlic help not only to preserve the resulting crop. It is also an excellent tool for improving and improving the seed fund.

Simplify the planting process
Someone will say that planting garlic is not difficult at all. This is true if you need a small garden bed. In order to plant a large area, the standard single-clove planting technique does not work well. But garlic bulbs can be sown like seeds of other plants. If you use cloves, then be prepared for bacteria to be transferred from the soil to the vegetable. Accordingly, next year the seed material will be already infected. Now the plant that comes out of it will be even more difficult to fight the disease. Year after year, the ability of the land to produce a good harvest is reduced. And planting garlic with bulbs is considered more environmentally friendly, since there is no contact with the ground.
Obvious cons
This method of reproduction is effective, but not ideal. It has negative sides, and first of all, a protracted result. That is, the normal size of the bulb can be obtained only in the second year. The bed that you have sown, the first year just takes up space. Because of this, some gardeners refuse to further experiment. Someone sowed incorrectly or at the wrong time, in others they froze or dried up, others say that the heads grew small. This means exactly one thing, such reproduction has its advantages andcons.

Soil preparation
The site must be chosen necessarily sunny. If you know that in the spring there are melt waters in this place, then it is better not to use it. The garlic will get wet and spoil. If there is no choice, then raise the bed higher. This plant is unpretentious, but loves fertile soil. Therefore, for digging, you need to add 40 g of superphosphate for each m2. Compost can be used, but more is needed.
Crop rotation should also be taken into account. Garlic cannot be grown in the same garden all the time. Pathogens tend to accumulate. Therefore, it is recommended to return any culture to its original place every 4-5 years. Cucumber or cauliflower are ideal as predecessors. Garlic grows poorly after potatoes and onions. But next to them, plant a fragrant vegetable safely. Legumes are bad neighbors.

Growing quality seeds
Propagating garlic with bulbs is not easy, but very interesting. First of all, you need quality seeds. To do this, leave the arrows on a few plants that were grown from the largest cloves. The rest must be broken out, otherwise you will get a flower garden in the complete absence of a crop. Left on the bushes, roll into a spiral. This helps you know when to pick garlic bulbs.
As soon as the arrows are straight, it's time to harvest. This concept extends to bulbs and heads. When cleaningplants are completely dug up with roots and hung to dry. During this process, nutrients flow to the seeds and cloves. And only after drying the stem can be removed.
Some secrets
- First of all, you need to pay attention to the collected material, select the largest bulbs. It is they who will be able to give excellent seedlings next year, strong and he althy.
- When planting, the grooves are laid at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Bulbs should be located no closer than 2 cm from each other. The sowing depth is average, 2-3 cm. If it is less, the seeds can be squeezed out by frost to the surface.
There are two ways to grow plants. The first involves planting bulbs in the garden for two years at once. That is, after the first summer they are not dug up, but left for the second winter. Maybe someone really succeeds, but most gardeners are in favor of the fact that the traditional way is much better.
The second method assumes that one-prongs need to be dug up in August, and only then used for winter planting. Bulb garlic seeds in this case will be additionally controlled. It should be noted that onions are different, from very large to very small. So you have the opportunity to calibrate the crop, and leave only the highest quality seeds for reproduction. The secret to a higher and better yield is that such planting material is larger.
It's up to you to decide how to grow he althy vegetables. But practice shows that in the middle laneThe second way works better for Russia. Therefore, it will be necessary to dig up the crop in August, dry it well, and then lower it into the cellar for spring planting. In this case, it will be spring. Or you can land it before winter.

Correct fit
Bulbs can be planted both in autumn and in spring. But in any case, you need to prepare the site even during harvesting after harvesting. To do this, the bed is loosened and mulched. In mid-April, landings should already be made. Not everyone wants to start gardening so early. But winter planting also has its disadvantages, as part of the crop may freeze.
Every gardener decides when to plant garlic bulbs. Before sowing, they are disassembled and kept in the refrigerator for two months. So the seeds will begin to feel the change of time. Subjected to stratification, they will calmly wait for spring in the soil, give friendly shoots and in early August they will delight with excellent heads - seedlings, from which garlic can be grown next year. They are usually called single-toothed. Under this name, they will be sold in any store for gardeners and gardeners.

Harvested just in time
This is the key to success. Dig it up when the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow. This usually happens in early or mid-August. Dry the garlic for three days with the help of sunlight. Do not leave outside to prevent morning dew from getting on the plants. Then you need to link it tobunches and put in the attic. Single-tooth grown during the season will be an excellent seed for next year. Each of these will grow a beautiful head, consisting of 10-12 large cloves.

Instead of a conclusion
Planting garlic seeds bulbs is in some cases justified. If you debug the cycle, then you will have a constant supply of fresh, planting single teeth. Of course, waiting for two years is not the best option, but to avoid such a break, you can sow bulbs in your garden, and buy seedlings on the market to grow the crop. Next year you will have your single cloves to plant and a good harvest of fresh garlic.
In fact, you can not use the technique of growing seeds from bulbs at all. This is done by specialized agro-technical farms. Therefore, feel free to choose the appropriate variety, and purchase ready-made single teeth. Even if the soil in the garden is not very good, they will give an excellent harvest the first year.