Often, novice flower growers and just owners of personal plots ask themselves the following question: “What would it be to plant, so that it would be beautiful and not troublesome to take care of?”. In this case, it's time to remember such a familiar and unpretentious plant as rudbeckia (Rudbeckia). There are a lot of reasons to plant it: bright flowers, beautiful greenery, long-term preservation of decorativeness (even in the absence of flowering), frost and drought resistance, light-loving. There are one-, two- and perennial varieties, as well as low and tall rudbeckia. Growing from seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush - these are the main ways to plant this flower. At present, low-growing varieties (10-15 cm) have been bred, but mostly it is a rather tall plant (some grow up to 2.5 m, for example, split-leaved rudbeckia).

Growing from the seeds of this plant is possible, but they must be sown in seedling pots or a greenhouse, the best time for this is the beginning of April. Some varieties of rudbeckia reproduce well by self-sowing, however, in this case they can sprout anywhere, and then they will have to be transplanted to the right place. Breeders have done enough work onimprovement of this plant. The color of flowers can be single-color or multi-color, and the flowers themselves can be simple or double. Sometimes you can’t even believe that this is the same rudbeckia flower. Growing from seeds gives good results with a few simple planting rules.
1. Sowing should be done in early April.
2. The temperature should not be below 16 ° C, it is better to shed the soil with boiling water before planting the seeds. This will warm the ground and will be an additional disinfection of the soil.
3. Shoots will appear on the 9th day or a little earlier.
4. Plants can be transplanted to a permanent place (the distance between the bushes should be 30-50 cm), after a constant temperature is established and there is no frost.
a) If the variety is tall, it is better to make the distance between plants up to 1 m.
b) When sowing directly into a greenhouse, seedlings can simply be thinned out.
c) Before planting, pots with seedlings must be taken outside in warm and calm weather or open a greenhouse. Increase hardening time gradually.
Caring for adult plants is not difficult: loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing. It is better to choose a sunny place for planting, but the shade is also suitable, only the flowering will not be so plentiful in this case, the height of the bush is small. Tall varieties are often used to decorate fences and outbuildings, medium-sized bushes look great in flower beds and pots, and undersized ones are suitable for edging paths.

Among the variety of rudbeckia species, the most popular are hairy rudbeckia (Rudbeckia hirta) and purple rudbeckia (Rudbeckia purpurea). Although the second would be more correct to call Echinacea (Echinacea).
Rudbeckia hairy is an annual plant that blooms in the year of planting. The color of the petals varies from lemon yellow to orange-brown, the core is dark or greenish. The height of the bush is up to 90 cm, the inflorescences are quite large (may be more than 8 cm). In winter, the plant freezes, but its seeds overwinter and germinate in spring.

Rudbeckia purpurea, or echinacea, is a perennial tall plant (up to 1 m). The inflorescences are large, purple in color, can be simple baskets or terry. Mature plants are not afraid of frost, and young plants are better to cover for the winter.
This is how the solution to the problem with what to plant can be an overseas guest rudbeckia. Growing from seeds or propagating in another way - you choose.