The sewerage system is provided in each dwelling. If we talk about Soviet-built apartments, very often such communications become unusable due to their great age. Replacing sewerage in a Khrushchev apartment is a pressing issue for many owners. You need to understand that old pipes can not only become clogged, but also exude unpleasant odors, as well as leak. Therefore, it is better not to wait for an emergency and start replacing the water supply and sewerage pipes in the apartment. In today's article, we will look at this operation in more detail.
At whose expense is the work being done?
Many wonder who should pay for these events. The situation depends on where the communications are located. If the sewer is being replaced in the apartment, the housing and communal services are not obliged to pay for this work. Replacement is carried out entirely at the expense of the ownersapartments. Another thing is the risers that run vertically through all the apartments. They are public property. If necessary, they are changed at the expense of the funds that the owners paid monthly to the housing and communal services under the item “Maintenance and repair of housing.”

What can sewerage be like?
Today, pipes made of the following materials can be used:
- Metal.
- Ceramics.
- Polymers.
What should we choose when replacing sewerage in an apartment? Let's look at each type in more detail.
Metal pipes
Steel or cast iron is used for their manufacture. Among the positive points, reviews note:
- High strength.
- A small cost.
- Resistant to temperature extremes.
But don't forget about the shortcomings. These pipes are very heavy, and what is most unpleasant, they are poorly protected from corrosion. And if earlier they were widely used in apartments, now they are practically not used.
If you really make a choice between steel and cast iron, then it is better to give the choice to the latter option. Such communications, although heavy, are not subject to corrosion. However, the capacity of these pipes decreases over time.
We note right away that ceramic pipes will be expensive. Therefore, when replacing sewer pipes in an apartment, they are practically not used. But the material has a number of advantages. Ceramic is resistant to aggressive environments and does not rust.
Plastic pipes are the most popular option when replacing sewerage in an apartment. Inside, such products have a smooth surface. Therefore, over time, deposits do not accumulate here, and the throughput remains at the same level. Polymer pipes are of two types:
- Polypropylene.
- Polyvinyl chloride.
The first option is the most optimal when replacing internal sewage. It is easy to repair such pipes. In addition, communications are resistant to different temperatures and have a long service life.

The second type is also marked PVC (PVC). Such products are UV resistant and quite durable. But when heated, PVC pipes will emit harmful substances. Also, the material is not resistant to aggressive environments. But the products are easy to install. You can replace such pipes yourself.
Connection Methods
When replacing sewerage in an apartment with your own hands, pipes can be connected:
- Rubber couplings. This method is relevant when installing cast iron products.
- By bell method. This method is chosen when installing plastic communications. In this case, the end of one pipe is placed in the socket of the other. And for a better seal, a special rubber ring is used.
If there is a need to shorten the pipe, you need to use a hacksaw. Next, a chamfer is removed from the edge of the product (to facilitate installation work). If this step is skipped, there is a risk in the futureseal damage.
Preparation for work
Before you replace the sewer in the apartment, you need to draw a diagram of the sewer system. Here we can not only count the number of pipes, but also additional elements. The diagram takes into account all plumbing fixtures that are planned to be installed further. When developing a scheme, it must be taken into account that the pipeline should not be rotated at a right angle of 90 degrees.
Now for the tools and materials. In addition to the pipes themselves with a socket, you need to prepare:
- Cross.
- Clutch.
- Compensation pipe.
- Adapters between plastic and cast iron pipes.
- Tee.
Dismantling the old cast-iron sewer
Replacing sewerage in an apartment begins with the dismantling of old pipes. At the same time, it is necessary to warn the tenants from above about the upcoming work. It is important that they do not use the sewer at this point. The best option is to replace the cast-iron sewer riser in apartments on all floors. But if the neighbors do not want to do such work, you will have to cut out part of the old riser only at home. It is important not to damage the pipes of the neighbors.
Before you start cutting, you need to disconnect the plumbing. To extract the riser, it is required to make two cuts with a grinder and a pipe cutter at an interval of 150 millimeters at a slight angle relative to each other. It is not necessary to cut the pipe completely, as the upper part of the riser can damage the disc on the grinder.

The next step is to remove the cut piece of the structure. After that, there will be two segments of the riser. One will be on the tee, and the second on the ceiling. The top part is removed first. The cut is made taking into account the size of the fitting that will be worn on the rest of the riser.
Next, the lower piece is removed. It can be gently swung and pulled to the top. If the segment is firmly stuck in place, you need to clear the seam between the riser and the tee and swing it again. When this did not bring results, the tee is sawn off. At the same time, they recede from the socket by 30 millimeters. Then, using a wedge, the remains of the tee are removed piece by piece. It is important that at this moment the fragments of old communications do not fall into the sewer. To do this, experts advise covering the hole with a rag.
Installation of a new riser
Before installing a sewerage system, a riser must be installed in the apartment. How it's done? First, the tee is connected to a piece of pipe that sticks out below. If the diameters of the holes differ, a cuff must be used. Next, the pipe of the desired length is cut off and all components of the riser are tried on. Then the product is put on the compensator. After that, the design is installed in the lower tee.

The top of the pipe is connected to the segment that was left on the ceiling. Try-in installation is performed without the use of gaskets. After that, the marking of fasteners is performed. Proceed to the installation of the upper and lower clamp. Next, the structure is disassembled and put onplace, but with all the gaskets. To make assembly easier, experts recommend using liquid soap. They can lubricate the ends of the pipes for a better entry.
Performing internal wiring
This operation should be performed in accordance with the drawn up scheme. Then they connect the plumbing to a new or to the same place. To prevent internal stress, you can use a floating or rigid mount. The latter option prevents the pipe from moving due to the clamp on the bolts with a seal. Sometimes plastic fasteners are used. With a floating mount, only longitudinal displacement is allowed. It is done in the same way, but without the seal.

What rules must be observed when performing work:
- Installation of the socket is carried out towards the movement of drains. This is necessary in order to avoid leakage of the sewer network in the event of an accident.
- The slope of communications is done towards the riser.
- It is unacceptable to change the shape and shorten the shaped products. It is also forbidden for the riser to pass at a right angle into the outlet pipe.
- The diameter of the pipe that goes to the toilet should be 110 millimeters. If these are other plumbing fixtures, the sewer pipe must have a diameter of 50 millimeters.
After the sewerage in the apartment has been replaced, you need to test the system for leaks. If all is well, you can begin to fully exploit communications.
Replacing the sewer tee in the apartment
Thisthe element is the most demanded shaped element. It can be cast iron or plastic. It is necessary to replace the sewer tee in the apartment if:
- Item is pretty much worn out already.
- Need to lower the placement level of the tee.
- Unable to clean drains due to severe deposits.
What we need:
- Roulette.
- Hacksaw.
- Pencil.
- Compensating clutch.
- New tee.
- Rubber gloves.
- A piece of pipe 20 centimeters long (up to three centimeters in diameter).

How the dismantling work is done:
- Perforator or chisel beat off the concrete seal, which is under the socket.
- Using a hammer and screwdriver, the cement seal is dismantled from the socket of the tee.
- Riser cut.
- Retrieved with a gas wrench or manually tee. At the same time, it needs to be rotated. The bell below needs to be cleaned.

How is a plastic tee replaced with a cast iron tee?
- The riser is cleaned of old paint and dirt above the cut.
- A plastic clamp is installed under the incision. It will serve to keep the compensator from moving.
- The compensating pipe is pulled onto the cleaned piece of pipe.
- Using a rubber cuff, a tee is inserted into the socket. Whereinthe compensator must fit into the upper socket of the tee.
- Fix with a clamp.
- Mount the toilet and connect the comb.
So, we found out how the sewer is being replaced in the apartment. As you can see, this operation does not require special knowledge and skills. It is quite possible to do the work with your own hands.