Iron pipes for water supply and heating, which were assembled by welding, are gradually becoming a thing of the past. In their place come more convenient and no less reliable polypropylene structures. In the process of installation work, additional equipment and tools are used.

The most convenient and elementary device is a soldering iron for welding plastic pipes. Today, this device is used by craftsmen involved in the installation of the heating system and plumbing. The market is full of offers from various manufacturers. Before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics, functionality and understand what exactly is required in the process of work. With a little knowledge, making a purchase is very easy.
Types of connections
Soldering plastic pipes with a soldering iron is carried out in several ways:
- Coupling method. Considered one ofreliable methods, but has its drawbacks. One of the essential ones is the inability to perform all the necessary work on welding the heating or water system.
- Socket welding. Allows you to connect any component parts with a diameter within five centimeters.
- Butt technique. The simplest method that can work with larger diameter pipes.
How does it work?
The process itself is elementary. Using a mobile soldering iron, polypropylene pipes or a coupling are heated to the desired temperature. The length of these pipes can be very different - from five centimeters to several meters. Then they are connected, and the molten edges are captured. To make the clutch as reliable as possible, use the mechanical drives of the apparatus.
How does the machine work?
The question often arises of how a soldering iron for plastic pipes works. Most often, such an apparatus has the main components - a heating element and a thermostat, through which the heating level is regulated. In addition, the kit comes with various attachments. They are needed in the process of work, so before starting, everyone selects the necessary components. Work begins by applying power supply through a conventional network of 220 volts.

There are several types of these instruments. When buying, you need to decide which type is best suited:
- Coupling soldering iron. Performs the process of joining two components when using spiral fittings. Today itimproved - there are models with electronic filling on the market.
- Apparatus for bells. The kit includes a variety of additional nozzles to work with pipes of any diameter. There is a hydraulic and mechanical drive.

How to use?
Each system is based on a heating element. But the question of how to use a soldering iron for plastic pipes is always relevant. The first thing you need to do is to put on the nozzle of the required size. It installs easily into the device. After switching on, the hob heats up. When the plastic pipe touches the stove, it melts. Next, the two sides are connected. But you need to try to do it right. It's good when the work is done by two.
Pay attention
There is one important point: the seam made is no longer subject to dismantling. And you can’t redo it - just cut it off. Knowing how to solder plastic pipes with a soldering iron, you can go shopping.
How to choose a soldering iron?
It is believed that all soldering irons are identical to each other. But with a detailed approach, it becomes clear that there is a difference. All of them have a case with a handle. The latter must fit exactly into the hand, stand on a horizontal surface and be made of reliable material. The metal sting is distinguished by its shape. Often there are additional nozzles in the kit for non-standard soldering work.

How do you choose when there is such a wide range on the market? Here are the criteria that should be the basis:
- The very first thing is inherent characteristics, namely power. This is an indicator of the pipe melting time and the maximum thickness of the product. Often sales consultants recommend purchasing the most powerful one, but this is not always a rational decision. In order not to overpay, you need to calculate the required indicator for specific pipes. There is a formula: the size of the pipeline section must be multiplied by ten. The result will be power, which will be enough with a margin.
- Possibility of application of nozzles. According to many, the more, the better. This will allow you to work with pipes of various diameters.
- Number of nozzles. How many should be in a set? Before buying, you need to make sure that the package contains at least three nozzles, without which the soldering iron cannot work. If there are not enough of them, then it is better to choose another model. Although, if possible, you can purchase separately nozzles for plastic pipe soldering irons. All components are best taken with a Teflon coating. Otherwise, polypropylene will stick to them and this will reduce the service life.
- Producer. Many countries are engaged in the creation of such soldering irons for plastic pipes, but everyone has their own quality. This includes Germany - the price for such a unit will be high, but the quality is the best. Czech Republic - they are taken for professional use, the quality is good, but the price is also high. Russia and Turkey are on the same level, because many quality indicatorsand functionality are similar. In industry, such devices will not work for a long time, but for personal use this is quite a normal option. China is an affordable tool. If handled with care, it can last a long time. There is one feature - some factories are located in China. Therefore, having found a mark of this country, you should not think about a fake.
- Temperature regulator. There are soldering irons on sale without this element. In its absence, it is difficult to understand when it is already possible to connect pipes. This will affect the quality of the seam. The regulator should not be abandoned. Savings are not justified - so the reviews say.
- Additional components. They also need to pay attention, but in the last place. When the choice arises between several identical models of a soldering iron for plastic pipes, then you can focus on what is available from the additional tool. The assembly may contain useful building components. This is a tape measure, gloves (you can’t work without them), scissors for cutting plastic, a screwdriver for nozzles and a good suitcase for all tools.

Knowledge of this level will be required for every buyer. Therefore, before you go to the store, you need to decide for what purpose you need a soldering iron. After all, the seller is not always an objective clue.
What do the stores offer?
Now the range of soldering machines is over the top. Here are some options:
- Wester DWM1000b model. Country-manufacturer - Russia. Power levelis 800 watts. There is no thermostat, the weight is slightly more than 3 kg. The composition has good additions - a varied number of nozzles with different diameters, plastic scissors, a screwdriver and a tape measure, gloves for work and a place to store everything. Cost - 2000 rubles.
- Model Candan CM-06. This tool came from Turkey, it has a high power of 1500 watts. Works from the socket, there is a thermostat with a level of adjustment. By weight - up to 5 kilograms. The set of nozzles is slightly less than in the first model, and the additional components are almost the same. And you need to pay more than 3,000 rubles for such a device.
- Wester DWM1500. Created in Russia, power - 1500 watts. It is worth noting the presence of a thermostat and a degree of protection. Weight more than 5 kilograms, additional components are the same as in Wester DWM1000b. You can buy this model for 3500 rubles.
- Model Candan CM-05, appeared on the market from Turkey. Power - 2400 W, works from a simple socket. There is a thermostat and a degree of protection. The device weighs more than 3 kilograms. But for the price, this option will cost 6,500 rubles.
- SPK ER-03. Producer - Czech Republic. The highest power (2000 W), powered by a simple mains. A good thermostat and a sufficient degree of protection. The set includes: nozzles, spirit level, plastic scissors, screwdriver, tape measure and gloves, hexagon. For such a model, you will have to pay more than 7,000 rubles. But it will last a long time, because it can withstand serious loads - so the reviews say.

I seethat the range is diverse, so first you need to decide for what purpose the tool is purchased.
Soldering iron reviews
There are different soldering irons for plastic pipes, and reviews about them are different. Each user has his own opinion, and it depends on the work process. After all, soldering a heating or plumbing system requires care and a competent approach. For this reason, requests are getting high for every model of electric tool. And some want to save money and end up with gaps and errors.
The manufacturer has a task to increase the functionality and equipment. All this leads to new improved models entering the market. From the reviews you can learn about the quality of welding, the speed of work and other features of any manufacturer and its model of soldering iron.

Reviews say that cheap soldering irons for plastic pipes "Bau-Master" and "Proton" have errors in operation, and the absence of a thermostat negatively affects the quality of the connecting seam. Also, reviews note a small number of nozzles in the kit. This results in inefficient or even impossible soldering for a given pipe diameter. But the professional models "Intertool" and SPK have practically no complaints. Reviews say that these devices work for a long time, and without fail.
A soldering iron is a very necessary piece of equipment for the home. With it, any owner will be able to weld the heating system or plumbing. It remains only to choose the rightmodel based on the needs of the job. You need to pay attention to everything. This is the manufacturer, power, nozzles, etc. Only in this way you can not make a mistake in the process of buying the right device.