PVC laminated panels have gained popularity among home craftsmen due to their qualities: durability, aesthetics, and ease of installation. When installing such material, the master will not have any difficulties, since the panels do not imply the need for special skills. The panels are quite easy to maintain, and during installation they can be perfectly processed. They can be cut as well as drilled. After the completion of the work, the room takes on a unique look. The walls become resistant to the negative effects of moisture and temperatures.
Material features

PVC panels laminated have the form of plates, the main component of which is polyvinyl chloride. If you cut the canvas, you can see a structure that resembles a honeycomb. The front surface is protected by a decorative film. Installation will be fairly easy.dock the panels, since each of them is equipped with a tongue-and-groove lock. This allows you to successfully hide the docking seams. The finished surface is even and perfectly smooth. The material looks great, and in building materials stores you can choose from a wide range. PVC laminated panels can be combined with other materials, which allows you to get unusual design solutions.
Durability and moisture resistance

You can use such material for a long time. It is not prone to rotting and corrosion processes. Installing canvases is quite simple also because they are lightweight. This quality simplifies the process of transportation and unloading. The panels perfectly withstand moisture, so they are often used in rooms that are characterized by a high level of humidity. The material is practical, it is easy to wash, and if necessary, damaged elements can be replaced. If you are interested in the issue of environmental friendliness, then it is worth noting that the described panels meet these requirements.
Mounting Features

If you decide to choose laminated PVC panels for wall decoration, then you will initially need to prepare some tools, namely: a drill, nails, self-tapping screws, wooden bars, and a hammer. The bars must be fixed on the wall surface in such a way that a frame is formed. It will subsequently bepanels are installed. If necessary, the canvas can be cut using a construction knife. Such a task during the installation process will certainly face the master, because you will have to join the panels in the corners or in difficult areas of the room. In order to correct the size of the canvas, you must first make a markup using a ruler and a pencil. Using these tools, it is necessary to draw a straight line on the front side of the panel, along which the cut will be made. It is not worth going deep into the surface when carrying out these works, since the canvas is notched only from above. Next, you need to put it on the corner of the table, and then break it.
Installation recommendations

Laminated PVC panels, photos of which can be found in the article, can also be used to finish the ceiling. In this case, it will be possible not to be afraid of flooding from above. To carry out such work, it is necessary to purchase panels that will ensure the minimum number of ceiling joints. This will ensure maximum tightness of the surface. With the help of such a finish, it will be possible to hide defects and communications in the formed space. This method of finishing the ceiling allows you to save money, because you do not have to work on eliminating the irregularities of the ceiling. If a good ventilation system is installed in the bathroom, then laminated PVC "Vek" panels can be glued directly to the wall surface. This will save free space in the room, which is a featurerelevant for bathrooms in apartment buildings. To carry out such work, silicone or acrylic glue should be prepared. However, this approach is only useful if the walls are perfectly level.
Filling seams

After the installation is completed, you should prepare a solution for filling the joints. This should be done with a rubber spatula or grater. Excess composition will need to be collected and re-applied to the seams. After the solution dries a little, its excess will need to be cleaned from the surface of the panel with a sponge. The latter will need to be pre-moistened in clean water. If you have chosen laminated PVC panels for a balcony, then you need to install it using the same method. In this case, the material suggests the possibility of using an insulating layer. After the installation is completed, and the adhesive and grout are dry, it is necessary to wipe the trim with a flannel cloth.
Installation of laminated panels

If laminated PVC wall panels are used as wall decoration, then every nuance of installation must be taken into account. Canvases can be placed horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Each of these methods has its pros and cons. Diagonal technology will leave the most waste after completion of work. This will increase the cost of the work. If the panels will be reinforced with adhesive, they must be installedvertically. In this case, the composition should be applied in horizontal stripes, the width of which is 6 millimeters. The distance between them should be equal to 20 centimeters. After the panel is pressed to the surface, it must be held in this state for several seconds. If you have chosen laminated PVC panels for a balcony, you can see a photo of such a finish in the article. Regardless of where the described lining is installed, a frame can also be used. The evenness of the final wall will depend on the correctness of its position. You can analyze the location of the frame elements using the building level. The distance between the bars or profiles must be equivalent to the width of the panel. Thus, the interpanel seam should be located in the middle of the bar.
Master's recommendations

When choosing a finish, different colors of PVC laminated boards will allow you to create unique design solutions. However, it is important to ensure the strength of the attachment, which will also ultimately affect the aesthetics. Depending on what material will underlie the frame, you can use a stapler, self-tapping screws or nails to install the panels. It is necessary to screw or drive them into the rails that make up the frame elements, it is necessary to move them away from each other by a distance of 25 cm. This will ensure that the fasteners are located invisibly. If the walls have significant unevenness, then you can get rid of this problem by placing bars under the elementsframe.
At the last stage, it will be necessary to install the appropriate fittings such as moldings, corners and skirting boards. These elements provide additional fastening of the finishing material. With the help of them you can give the walls or ceiling a complete look. Fittings will help decorate all joints, external and internal corners, as well as edges. By following all the rules of work, you will be able to achieve the desired effect, which involves the creation of perfectly smooth, aesthetically attractive walls. In addition, you can enjoy unsurpassed quality, which is guaranteed by the manufacturer for several decades.