What is clear epoxy varnish? This is an epoxy resin solution supplied in a two-component form. It is suitable for covering new parquet and wooden floors, door panels. Since the varnish is a two-component epoxy varnish, it must be prepared immediately before use. How to do it?
The hardener is added and mixed thoroughly for 5-10 minutes. After that, it can be used. Suitable for furniture and home decoration (wooden surfaces). This product is not suitable for application over previously varnished surfaces, unless all previous layers of the product have been removed.
Epoxy: product description
Epoxy varnish, being a two-component prepackaged liquid, is easy to use. Can be sprayed, smeared with a brush or roller. It gives a high gloss and smooth surface.
The varnish is colorless. Acts as a protective barrier on the treated surface. Good resistance to scratches and abrasion. When it is necessary to preserve the natural look of wood, epoxy wood varnish is used.

Made of high quality epoxy resin in 2-component form with polyamide hardener. Epoxy varnish preserves the natural beauty of the wood. Excellent chemical resistance and abrasion resistance. Can be used on various surfaces such as:
- tree;
- concrete;
- metal;
- stone;
- all kinds of household items;
- furniture;
- parquet wood floors;
- bathroom doors;
- stone artifacts;
- metal objects;
- ceramic tiles, etc.
It can be used on industrial floors as an epoxy treatment, as a finishing coat for gloss and hygiene.
Gives shine (also available with eggshell finish). It is possible to cover floors with such varnish. The product will adhere well due to its excellent abrasion resistance.

Surface preparation
Apply with brush or sprayer. Use a mask to spray. Surface preparation is of great importance. Surface must be dry, clean, free from grease, oil, rust and other contaminants.
Thinning and mixing
Supplied in two-component form. The two components must be thoroughly mixed and left for 15-20 minutes before application. To facilitate cleaning, and in particular for application to porous wood, it is necessary to mix the varnish with an epoxythinner.
Care must be taken to avoid mixing more material than required as it must be used during the working day. If less than 4 liters of material is required, the base and catalyst should be mixed strictly in accordance with the proportions indicated on the container.
Drying time
The surface dries within two hours. You can re-coat after a few hours. Reaches maximum hardness 7 days after application.

Before applying to wood products treated for the first time, it is necessary to prepare the surface. Apply three to four coats of a two part epoxy clearcoat. The former should be thinned up to 20% to ensure good penetration into the wood. Subsequent layers can be with less or with more concentration.
Mixed substances can be applied with a sprayer, brush or roller. At least two coats must be applied at intervals of 3-4 hours. The interval should not exceed 8 hours. Do not leave mixed substances overnight.
Previously lacquered items are handled a little differently. Remove all previous coatings with Crown Paint and nail polish remover. On such floors it is recommended to use mechanical sanding equipment. Apply three or four coats of epoxy varnish.

Now let's givesome helpful tips:
- Make sure the joinery is completely dry, as moisture can react with the varnish and cause a milky tint. Epoxy varnish should not be applied to floors where there is a risk of rising damp (especially in older buildings that have dampness). As this may cause the wood flooring to warp.
- When applying lacquer to new and sanded parquet wood floors, make sure the entire surface is clean and free of contamination before application. It is recommended to remove dust from the floor and between wood joints a few minutes before application with a brush and then with a cloth soaked in epoxy thinners.
- To obtain a smooth surface, each layer should be rubbed with fine sandpaper, preferably using fine, waterproof abrasive paper. Wipe clean before coating.
- To obtain a smooth, glossy surface, several thin coats are recommended. Do not apply too thickly.
Storage location and precautions
Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Do not apply to damp surfaces or fresh concrete. Work areas must be well ventilated, as solvent vapors must not be inhaled for a long time. Smoking is not allowed during work. It is necessary to apply the composition away from open flames, etc.

Fluoroplastic-epoxy composition
PTFE-epoxy varnish is a solution of resin, hardener and fluorine, polymer compounds.
Main Features:
- frost resistance;
- resistance to temperature extremes;
- elasticity;
- strength, even when exposed to ultraviolet light;
- anti-corrosion;
- high adhesion to wood, glass, plastic, metal, rubber.
Fluoroplastic-epoxy: features of using varnish
This type of varnish is resistant to oxidizing agents. Before applying it, it is necessary to pre-prepare the surface by cleaning, and it should also be degreased. Fluoroplastic-epoxy varnishes are used after the surface has been primed with butyral phosphate or epoxy compounds. The temperature regime for using such a varnish is in the range from -5 ˚С to +18 ˚С.

Cold and hot curing varnishes
Cold curing epoxy varnish is often used in everyday life, or in factories, or where there is no way to use heat treatment. For products that need to withstand heavy loads, high temperatures and chemicals, hot curing varnishes are used.

Now you know what epoxy varnish is, on what basis it is made, what advantages it has. We also considered the features of such a tool. In addition, the article described the nuancesapplication of cold and hot curing varnishes.