How to water violets at home?

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How to water violets at home?
How to water violets at home?

Video: How to water violets at home?

Video: How to water violets at home?
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Violet is a flower that is very popular due to its grace and beauty. It is believed that he is unpretentious in care, he only needs the right temperature and suitable lighting. However, compliance with these conditions is not yet a guarantee that the plant will not begin to fade. How to water violets so that this does not happen? The answer to this question is contained in the article.

How to water violets: methods

All living organisms need water, and plants are no exception. It is a supplier of nutrients and a building material for tissues. Also, it is water that helps maintain the microclimate around the flower. Moisture absorbed by the root system from the soil gradually evaporates, creating a cool zone around the plant that can protect it from high temperatures.

how to water violets in winter and summer
how to water violets in winter and summer

How to water violets? It is strongly not recommended to do this from above. Water should not fall on young leaves, growing point andflowers. The most popular irrigation methods are discussed below. Each of the described methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.


How to water violets with a drip method? You will need a special watering can with a thin spout, with which it is easy to reach the soil in the pot without harming the rosette of leaves. In the absence of such a device, you can use a plastic bottle with a straw in the lid. A large douche is also suitable.

how to water violets with a drip method
how to water violets with a drip method

The main disadvantage of this method is that the correct amount of water is not easily determined without proper experience. Also, we must not forget that water can accumulate near the surface and not fall to the desired level due to the characteristics of the soil.


How to water violets using the wick method? One end of the wick must be passed into the drainage hole, while the other must be lowered into a container of water on which the plant pot is placed. Due to the capillary effect, moisture moves through the wick into the pot. A strip of fabric can act as a wick. It is best to give preference to synthetics, as natural fibers quickly rot. The thickness of the wick also plays an important role. It should be thin enough.

wick watering violets
wick watering violets

This method has many advantages. The root system of the flower itself determines the required amount of water, the same level of soil moisture is maintained.

You need to remember that the wick method is not suitable for all varieties of violets. It is also important that the pot in which the plant is located is no more than 7-8 cm in diameter. Otherwise, you cannot count on uniform soil moisture. In addition, the violet will begin to grow without abundant flowering. Finally, water can become very cold during the cold season, which will lead to irreversible death of the roots.

Through pallet

How to water violets through a pan? To do this, you need a bowl or similar container. A pot with a plant is placed in a pan, which is filled with water to a quarter of its height. After some time, the soil will absorb the liquid, darken. This indicates that the required moisture level has been reached. In no case should the violet be overexposed, as this will lead to waterlogging of the earth.

how to water violets using the pallet method
how to water violets using the pallet method

It is important to remember that several flower pots cannot be placed in one pallet. If at least one violet is affected by a disease, it will infect other plants. It is also important that the leaves of the plant do not touch the surface of the water.

Sump irrigation has a significant drawback. This method does not ensure the washing out of harmful s alts from the soil, as happens when using the drip method. They enter the upper layer of the soil, remain in an earthen coma. It is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of the water used for irrigation.

Water requirements

The above describes how to water violets at home. However, the he alth and longevity of a plant depends not only on whether the correct method is chosen. It is important to know what should bewater.

what water to water violets
what water to water violets

Relatively recently, rain and melt water was used to irrigate indoor plants. Unfavorable ecology put an end to this. Now such water will bring violet not good, but harm. It is also dangerous to water the plant with plain chlorinated water from the city water supply. As a result, a white coating is formed, which does not allow useful trace elements to penetrate the root system.

What to do? Water from the water supply must be defended for several days. If this is not possible, it should stand for at least 10-12 hours. Then it must be boiled, cooled to room temperature. After that, citric or acetic acid dissolves in the liquid. In the first case, up to five crystals per liter of liquid should be used, in the second, a teaspoon of the product is dissolved in a liter of water.

If the concentration of chlorine in tap water is very high, it will not be possible to do without filtration. The liquid must be passed through filters that do not contain silver. The same rule applies to river and well water.

Water temperature

How to water violets to prevent their premature death? The root system can be damaged by both too hot and too cold water. Room temperature is the best solution.

About the frequency of watering

What else do you need to know? The correct answer to the question of how often to water violets is also important. First of all, it depends on where the flowers are. For example, if the pots are located next to heatingappliances, this will cause the soil to dry faster. The material from which the container is made also plays a role. Plastic pot walls retain moisture, while clay pots let it through quickly.

how to water violets
how to water violets

How many times to water the violet? Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. It is necessary to take into account the age and size of the flower, temperature and humidity, lighting. The composition of the substrate also plays a role. Dense soil dries more slowly than loose soil. The level of development of the root system should also be taken into account, since the more roots, the faster the soil drains.

Even and moderate - this is how watering should be. The soil in which young violets are located must be constantly kept moist. Mature plants need watering when the top layer of the earth dries out a little. Also, we must not forget that the violet needs more moisture during the flowering period.


What time of day to water violets? We must not forget that the process of photosynthesis occurs in daylight. In summer and spring, flowers are best watered in the morning. On hot days, the soil should be moistened approximately twice as often.

How to water violets in winter and autumn? During this period, the intensity of natural light is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is best to give preference to daytime watering. Wet soil and coolness combined can lead to root rot, leaf yellowing and wilting. Do not water the soil, which is already quite wet. In autumn and winter, violets need less water. If the plant is located near heating appliances, it is worth hanging wet towels next to it or using a humidifier.

If the flowers are provided with artificial lighting, you can supply them with moisture at any time of the day.

After transplant

Transplantation is a crucial moment in the life of any plant. It is enough to make one mistake in order for the flower to die forever. The violet needs not only to be transplanted correctly, proper care for it after the completion of this procedure is also necessary. An important part of it is competent watering.

If a newly transplanted violet is watered too often, this will lead to its death or illness. You need to wait until the soil in the container is one-third dry. Only after that you can water the plant. The choice of method does not play a significant role.


Violet seedlings also need proper watering. Experienced gardeners do not recommend simply supplying water from above. This will flood the growing point and leaflets. It is necessary to carefully wet the lump around the edges of the pot, this will save the seedling sockets from damage. The frequency of watering depends on the degree of drying of the surface layer.

Feeding with mineral preparations

How to water indoor violets to keep them he althy and beautiful? Unfortunately, clean water is not enough for this. From time to time, the plant needs to be fed with mineral preparations.

how to water violets
how to water violets

The easiest solution is to purchase a special composition thatdesigned to promote growth and flowering at home. "Garden of Miracles", "Master Tsvet", "Uniflor-bud", "Mr. Tsvet" - you can list popular brands that produce liquid fertilizers for a long time.

Watering with potassium permanganate

Watering with potassium permanganate is a method that is no longer popular today. However, it has its own advantages. Potassium permanganate will provide the plant with additional nutrition, help it cope with infections and take on the role of a prophylactic.

It is important not to forget that an overly concentrated solution will be the death of flowers. It is enough to dissolve a few drops of the product in a liter of water.

When growth slows down

How to water violets that won't grow? This problem usually occurs when there is a lack of nitrogen. Understanding that a plant is starving is easy enough. Young leaves are pale in color, old foliage quickly turns yellow. Fertilizers with a high concentration of nitrogen can help the violet.

Watering indoor plants should be combined with spraying with growth stimulants. "Zircon", "Epin" - proven drugs that have a beneficial effect on young seedlings. "Zircon" will have a life-giving effect on a flower that has been watered incorrectly. "Epin" is used to treat diseased and damaged plants, helps them to endure heat more easily.
