Frame hangar: construction, construction stages

Frame hangar: construction, construction stages
Frame hangar: construction, construction stages

Today, the construction of prefabricated structures and buildings is in great demand. The LSTK technology is very popular, as it has a low cost, high quality, and most importantly, the minimum installation time. In the article we will consider the options for frame hangars, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of frame structures

arch frame hangar
arch frame hangar

Worth discussing the benefits of these buildings. You can highlight the following points:

  • Quite low cost.
  • Simplified design, minimum turnaround time.
  • There are practically no costs for the repair and maintenance of a frame structure.
  • Installation, as well as dismantling of structures, is very simple.
  • At any time you can redevelop the interior space.
  • Modern and relatively aesthetic appearance.
  • The structure is durable and reliable.

If you still doubt whether it is necessary to build such a structure, pay attention to the appearance of the structures,which are given in the article. It will be cheaper to make a pre-fabricated type hangar than to engage in capital construction.

Main types of construction

Four types of metal hangars can be distinguished:

  1. Arched structures made of LSTK.
  2. Hangar of tent type from LSTK.
  3. Polygonal hangars from LSTK.
  4. Straight wall frame constructions.

Arched structure

This type can be called "classic". It is very common. When building a frame, you can use any suitable materials. But the construction of the frame is not a mandatory step. Such hangars have an oblong view, the roof and walls are connected and made in the form of an arch. Hence, this is where the name of the structure comes from. It is allowed to erect buildings of any length, only there are requirements for the maximum width. It should be no more than 20 m.

frame hangars key
frame hangars key

The height of the arched hangar should be equal to half the width. This is a mandatory condition that must be observed. When building an arched hangar, it is necessary to use metal profile pipes. With their help, a framework is created. Sheathing must be carried out using a metal profile. It is attached outside the building, from the inside all sheets of metal profiles must be insulated.

With the help of the frame, you will reliably protect the building from gusts of wind, as well as from the effects of a large mass of snow in winter. And as for frameless arched hangars, they are created according to a special pattern. Metal profile sheets must be formed in the formarches. But such structures can be observed low resistance to external factors.

Polygonal constructions

Such designs of hangars are not much different from those discussed above. You can even say that this is a kind of subspecies of the arched structure. The shape of this design is similar to half an ellipse or a semicircle. Straight beams fit into it, which are the frame of the structure. That's just one feature this type of hangar has. Height has nothing to do with width. To build such a hangar, it is necessary to use several types of pipes at once, which must be highly reliable and durable.

construction of frame hangars
construction of frame hangars

To make a warm hangar, you need to use additional elements and sandwich panels. It is also allowed to use coverings from an awning. Please note that it is unrealistic to independently carry out the construction of frame structures, which were discussed above. Frames are formed and produced in factories, while the construction itself must be carried out under the supervision of experienced specialists.

Tent hangars

The next view is a tented one. It is also prefabricated, using LSTK technologies. As for the design, it is much simpler than in the first two cases. There are also no restrictions on width and height. In order to increase reliability and durability, the frame must be reinforced with struts or cross beams.

turnkey frame hangar
turnkey frame hangar

It is allowed to complete such hangarscorrugated board, awning, sandwich panels. These hangars cope very well with strong gusts of wind, snow does not accumulate on them. In addition, the main advantage of this design is that interfloor floors can be built on it. As a result, you will get a building with 2-3 floors.

Straight wall constructions

The last type that is actively used in construction. You need to know that this is the most cost-effective and simple design option. Such hangars can be performed in various forms. There are shed, asymmetrical, even with an arch-shaped roof. Such a frame is the simplest, it is also built using the LSTK technology.

Connections are made with high-strength bolts. Moreover, the construction of frame hangars of this type of any height, width and length is allowed. Straight-wall and frame structures are reliable and time-tested structures, their price is very affordable. Of course, the appearance is slightly worse than that of the pre-fabricated arched frame hangar.

production of frame hangars
production of frame hangars

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that the tent and straight-walled hangars have a simple design. Therefore, you can even build them yourself. The main thing in this case is to correctly calculate the possible snow and wind loads.

Beginning of construction

First you need to design the building. Work through all the elements of the process, do not miss any nuances. Remember that building a hangar is unrealistic without a high-quality completed project. Documentationit is necessary to lay down all calculations that relate to the maximum allowable loads on the structure. This is especially true for frame-tent hangars, which need maximum reinforcement.

frame tent hangars
frame tent hangars

It is recommended to trust the development of the project only to professionals. It is desirable that they have extensive experience in working with tasks using the LSTK technology. It is allowed to develop a project in the ArchiCAD program. All drawings must be made according to SNIPs and GOSTs.


For the construction of a frame hangar, you need to use the following regulatory framework:

  • GOST 23118-99.
  • SNiP III-18-75.
  • SNiP II-23-81.
  • SNiP 3.03.01-87.
  • SNiP 2.03.11-85.
  • SNiP 2.0.07-85.
  • SNiP 22-01-99.

When designing frame hangars, you need to take into account all the nuances that relate to the manufacture of the foundation, the supply of communications, the installation of the roof and the main frame.

It is necessary to work out all the details as much as possible at the very initial stage - when designing. Be sure to indicate in the project for what purposes the hangar is intended. In this case, the architect will be able to correctly determine the foundation option. In addition, based on these data, you can calculate all consumables and building materials. All this is selected strictly individually, depending on what will be the maximum load on the entire building.

If all the design documentation is done correctly, then you can significantly reduce the cost of building a hangar. If you orderIf you have a professional architects project, you will receive two packages with drawings. KMD - these are the main drawings, according to which the metal structures for the construction of the hangar will be manufactured at the plant. KM - for those enterprises that carry out the production of metal structures using the LSTC technology.

Building a hangar

prefabricated frame hangars
prefabricated frame hangars

First, you need to decide where the future building will be. On average, hangars are 5 m wide and about 20 m long. Be sure to take into account that the area must be dry and perfectly flat. At the initial stage, you need to establish the foundation. This is often a platform made of concrete. This is a good alternative to the foundation when building frame hangars.

In addition, such a base is very easy to remove and move to another place if necessary. After that, it is necessary to make holes in the site with which the hangar will be fixed.

Construction of steel structures

Before you start installing the hangar, you need to make sure that the detailed drawing is completely ready. The simplest type of construction is a hangar with vertical walls. But, as you understand, only the arched structure has attractiveness and convenience. But you can’t design and build it yourself. It is best to order a turnkey frame hangar. Of course, you can do something similar. To do this, the profile pipes need to be bent to form an arch.

But doing it yourself is very difficult, since bending five or even ten in the same waypipes are unlikely to succeed. As a result, the structure will turn out to be unsightly, crooked, the sheets will lie unevenly. As for the spans for the arch, it is necessary to install them one and a half meters from each other. In this case, you guarantee the normal strength of the structure. All elements of the arch must be connected using steel strips or profile pipes. Thick-walled pipes are used in the manufacture of the entrance, and also serve as the basis for the frame.

The structure is covered with a profiled sheet from above. If you install insulation from the inside, then you can operate the building at any time of the year. At the end, installation work is carried out to assemble the roof truss profiles. Try to perform all actions carefully, strictly adhere to the given project. In this case, it will turn out to create a high-quality and reliable structure that will serve you for many years. On this, the manufacture of the frame hangar can be considered completed.
