Plastic panels are an excellent finishing material. With their help, you can easily and quickly transform the appearance of the room. They are distinguished by excellent performance indicators, which largely determines their popularity. Their cost is low, and with your own repair, the installation of PVC panels is very simple. And this saves both time and finances.

Begin work with preparation. But you need to make a reservation that there are two methods for installing such a decorative coating. This is fastening and gluing. In the first case, you should make sure that the walls are suitable for this type of installation. Those. a nail or staple may be hammered into them, or a self-tapping screw may be screwed in. If this is not the case, then a crate should be made, which will be useful in the case of curved walls. If the installation of PVC panels will be carried out by gluing, then the surface should be cleaned of dust and dirt. If there is wallpaper on the walls, then they should be removed. It should also coverthe surface on which the panels will be mounted, with a primer layer. This will increase the adhesion of materials.
Special importance should be given to cutting material.

To perform such operations, you can use a hacksaw with a blade pitch of 1 mm, a hand saw with 15 teeth and 16 points, or a construction knife. But in any case, with such a processing of a decorative coating, it should be placed face up. The same condition must be observed when drilling holes. Also, do not remove the protective film, if present. It is better to do this after the installation work is completed.
Installation of PVC panels with fasteners is quite simple. If the crate is metal, then it is better to use self-tapping screws with a flat head. In the case when the panels need to be attached to a wooden wall or crate, you can use nails or a construction stapler with staples. The latter option is more preferable, since a hammer can easily damage the finishing material. Each panel has a protrusion, often referred to as a "lip". It is in this place that the decorative coating should be fastened to the wall or crate. For reliable fixation of the finishing material, it is enough to fix it at 3-4 points, evenly distributed along the entire length.

Installation of PVC wall panels using glue is also quite simple. The main thing is to choose a good glue. Much from himand depends on the quality of the future coverage. It is best to use a special glue called "liquid nails". Luckily, you can find it at any hardware store. But in no case should you use glue based on cleaners or solvents for such work. In the case of installation of the material in rooms with high humidity, it is recommended to fill all the cracks with silicone waterproof sealant.
Installation of PVC panels on the ceiling can be done in any of the previously discussed ways. The finishing material itself has a low mass, so its fastening with glue, screws or nails will be reliable.