Beware of pine pests

Beware of pine pests
Beware of pine pests

Pine trees, although they are evergreen trees, are just as susceptible to disease as their leafless counterparts.

pine pests
pine pests

Therefore, do not hope that the pine planted on the site will grow "by itself". The prickly beauty needs careful and caring care, because pine pests can destroy her very quickly. There are many threats, but we will look at the most common ones.

Diseases and pests of pine

The most dangerous pest for these trees are… pets. We usually don't pay close attention to exactly where our cat or dog urinates. But in vain. The urine of animals causes a very severe burn to the pine tree, from which the tree can die. When planning to plant an evergreen tree on the site, make sure that pets, and in this case, pine pests, do not approach it.


Scotch pine pests
Scotch pine pests

Another pest of pine trees is mushrooms that develop on the bark or needles of trees. A mushroom picker that accidentally fell on a tree very quickly leads to its death. To fungi, some scientists include resin cancer, blister rust, scleroderria cancer,tinder fungi. They are easy to recognize. The infected tree turns rusty red, its needles fall off, the bark dies, and deep ulcers appear on the wood. The affected tree needs to be treated immediately, otherwise the mushrooms, the variety of which can only be accurately determined by a specialist, will infect other trees.


These are also mushrooms. These pests of pine trees turn green needles into reddish-brown or dirty gray when it comes to snow shute. A characteristic feature: the needles at the beginning of the disease are as if constricted with black threads. It will save you from shyutte, however, as well as from other mushrooms, preliminary spraying, which must be done in spring and autumn.


Aphids are pine pests that are ubiquitous. A fertilized female that has overwintered on a tree, with the help of its saliva, forms galls on the tree - growths that look like cones. They develop offspring, which, having been born, will move to another tree and will feed on coniferous sap. Usually these insects are clearly visible, so a diseased tree can be recognized immediately. Destroy green monsters with red r

pine diseases and pests
pine diseases and pests

lasami is possible only with complex spraying with insecticides.


These cute creatures are dangerous pests of pine trees. The pine shoot, penetrating into the buds, folds them, which leads to drying of the buds or curvature of the shoots. Sometimes the miner moth settles on pines, although it usually prefers juniper and larch. Almost invisible larvae gnaw through the leaves andneedles, which leads to "baldness" of the tree. Regular spraying will help the pine survive in the fight against butterflies. Of course, these are far from all pests of Scots pine. There are many more insects, fungi and bacteria that lead the tree to death. However, constant care, systematic care and spraying usually help rid the tree of pests.
