Drywall lifts: how to choose?

Drywall lifts: how to choose?
Drywall lifts: how to choose?

Facing work often involves the use of auxiliary devices to facilitate the planned operations. In addition to the standard set of painting and installation tools, special equipment may be required to service a particular material. Such devices include a drywall lift, the photo of which is presented below.

drywall lifters
drywall lifters

With the help of such equipment, heavy panels can be conveniently fixed. Massive building material of high density is the most difficult to install on the ceiling. In such cases, even a few workers may experience difficulties during the installation. However, the use of a hoist allows you to safely, accurately and quickly realize fasteners. It remains only to make the right choice of equipment.

hoist spacer for drywall
hoist spacer for drywall

Main selection criteria

The device of such lifts is quite simple, however, for maximum efficiency during operation, it is desirableinitially determine the design possibilities. The first thing that is taken into account is the mass with which the unit can work. On average, drywall lifts are capable of handling sheets weighing 30-50 kg. And here it is important to consider that the standard design is not intended for the transport of goods - only for lifting. Next, the height to which the fixture can deliver the panels is estimated.

Today, even inexpensive budget devices are able to lift drywall sheets to a level of about 4-5 m, which is enough to work in ordinary apartments and houses. In addition to operational parameters, attention should also be paid to indicators of structural reliability. This applies both to the quality of the materials and to the configuration of the base. As for the first factor, it is desirable to give preference to completely steel models without the inclusion of plastic elements. The basis of the structure should be represented by an H-shaped platform, which is considered the most stable.

drywall lift premos
drywall lift premos

Varieties of lifts

Better to orient in the characteristics of the device will help a clear definition of the functions that it will have to perform. The fact is that the handling of drywall sheets can provide for a horizontal and vertical direction of fixation. Therefore, manufacturers divide models into wall and ceiling. But the most effective option is the drywall strut lifter, which can do both. A distinctive feature of the design of such a device is the complicateda sheet feed guiding mechanism that can be adjusted to suit different needs. Such models are considered the most technologically advanced and functional, but they are not cheap either.

drywall lifts edma
drywall lifts edma

Optional equipment: what to consider?

In most cases, manufacturers of such structures strive to provide everything necessary for work already in the basic configuration. But not always the installation process involves the use of additional accessories. Therefore, in order not to overpay for unnecessary options, you should calculate the parameters of the workflow. In its original form, drywall lifts were telescopic devices on tripods, which, depending on the working conditions, required connection and special goats. Today, you can get rid of such additions if you order a special platform in the kit, on which the tripod will be securely fixed. Also, manufacturers, in order to improve ergonomics, equip the structures with rollers and special grips that allow you to conveniently move the lifts.

Manual or motorized?

The lifting mechanism can be controlled in two ways - by means of a handle or by means of an electric drive. The choice of lifting technique should be based on the amount of work and ergonomic considerations. Of course, the presence of an electric drive always facilitates the work of workers and increases the speed of installation. But if you plan to perform one-time work irregularly, then it makes sense to prefer manual type drywall lifts. They are incomparablein terms of convenience with electrical counterparts, but they are cheaper and have smaller sizes. In addition, there are observations that manual mechanical lifts are more reliable than electric versions.

knauf drywall lifters
knauf drywall lifters

Models from Knauf

The German company is famous for its quality construction and cleaning equipment and in this case confirms its image on the market with two devices designed to hold and fix drywall panels. The main one in this family is the “Mountage-Helfer” design, which allows lifting and fixing sheets horizontally. It is recommended to supplement the Knauf drywall lifts with the Plattenheber mounting device. Such a device is a lever with a locking mechanism, with which the master can conveniently and accurately fix the panels in a vertical position when installing a cladding or partition.

Premos Models

Models of Premos lifts can be classified as professional. Despite the modest delivery height of 4.1 m, such devices can handle sheets weighing about 100 kg. In addition, the presence of special holders expands the list of materials for installation. In the latest versions, the Premos drywall lift is able to efficiently install chipboard and even roll materials. The presence in the design of a special niche for the perforator allows the master to easily fix the sheets. As practice shows, the development of the company "Premos" will significantly help in businessinstallation of climatic equipment - for example, when equipping ventilation ducts, installing air conditioners, etc.

Models from Edma

The French manufacturer offers multifunctional designs that allow you not only to lift, hold and fix the panels, but also to move the material. This is a telescopic device, the basic working height of which is 3.5 m. However, with the help of an extension cord, this limit can be moved up to 4 m. From the point of view of operation, Edma drywall lifts are beneficial in that they allow you to conveniently position the material in tight conditions. This is facilitated by a developed movable platform with wheels and a brake system, as well as a rotating head on which drywall is placed.

drywall lift photo
drywall lift photo


Builders rarely use special equipment specifically to hold material. Usually, such functions are performed either by the worker himself with his partners, or the hold is transferred to the tool. Despite this, drywall lifts are a necessary fixture, which is quite difficult to do without. At the same time, you should not consider such units as specialized equipment only for holding drywall panels. The lifts are also suitable for wood cladding and other installation applications that require additional support.
